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This volume offers a full review of the work of the Tikal Project of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Topics include initial motivations and theoretical concerns, procedures and standards used in excavation, a complete inventory of all excavations undertaken, a list of anticipated publications, and a Project bibliography.
This volume reports on excavations carried out by Peter D. Harrison in the early 1960s in the West Plaza of the Maya center of Tikal, Guatemala. Primarily descriptive in nature, this work is an important compliment to Tikal Report No. 14: Excavations in the Great Plaza, North Terrace, and North Acropolis of Tikal, by William R. Coe. The West Plaza was originally the western portion of the Great Plaza until construction of Great Temple II separated it. Subsequently, the West Plaza took on its own identity. This report presents data from these investigations no longer retrievable in the field and, therefore, of importance to anyone interested in the development of Tikal's epicenter. University Museum Monograph, 151
This report is integral and pivotal to the entire Tikal publications series. Produced in six separate casebound volumes (3 of text, 2 of illustrations, a map box for oversize plans and sections), this monumental study looks at the very hub of Tikal. Tikal Report 14 is a tribute to its author, William R. Coe, who not only was able to salvage Tikal from the jungle but meticulously recorded all the resulting data in detailed plans, sections, drawings, and photographs, as well as the written word. This is an integrated site report of unprecedented size and scope. Tikal Report 14 will be of vital interest to field archaeologists and historians studying aspects of Mesoamerican culture.
A comprehensive series of reconstructed views rendered in colors approximating the original finishes of polished plaster and paint, with 42 different stages of development in three-dimensional form, show what the Acropolis looked like at various times from ca. 330 BCE to CE 600. On an accompanying CD-ROM 112 color plates include constructions of individual structures and some photos of Acropolis fabric at the time of excavation and consolidation. The text accompanying the color plates provides a rationale for the sequences illustrated and an interpretation of ancient Maya intentions in developing the architectural forms that were found, including ideas of rulership and monumental architecture. Content of this book's CD-ROM may be found online at this location: University Museum Monograph, 128
This book includes description of the excavations in the East Plaza and the large acropolis-like mound to the east. all of the structures of the East Plaza are supported by a single flat surface, Platform 5D-2. Excavation revealed that the area maintained a constancy of form over time. The East Plaza served as an area for the gathering of large crowds of people. The author has identified the eastern portion of the Plaza as the principal marketplace of Tikal. University Museum Monograph, 92
Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal—Nonelite Groups Without Shrines is a two-volume presentation of the excavations carried out in and near small residential structures at Tikal, Guatemala, beginning in 1961. These reports show that Tikal was more than a ceremonial center; in addition to its numerous temples, the great Maya city was home to a large population of people. These volumes look at the residential structures themselves as well as domestic artifacts such as burials, ceramic test pits, chultuns. Tikal Report 20A is a descriptive presentation of the excavation data and includes nearly two hundred illustrations. Together with Tikal Report 20B, which reviews and interprets this data, this report augments the data presented in Tikal Reports 19 and 21.
Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal—Nonelite Groups Without Shrines is a two-volume presentation of the excavations carried out in and near small residential structures at Tikal, Guatemala, beginning in 1961. These reports show that Tikal was more than a ceremonial center; in addition to its numerous temples, the great Maya city was home to a large population of people. These volumes look at the residential structures themselves as well as domestic artifacts such as burials, ceramic test pits, chultuns. Tikal Report 20B is primarily analytical in nature, reviewing and interpreting the data from Report 20A to draw new conclusions about settlement, demography, and society at Tikal. Together, Tikal Reports 20A and 20B augment the data presented in Tikal Reports 19 and 21.
The pre-Columbian city we call Tikal was abandoned by its Maya residents during the tenth century A.D. and succumbed to the Guatemalan rain forest. It was not until 1848 that it was brought to the attention of the outside world. For the next century Tikal, remote and isolated, received a surprisingly large number of visitors. Public officials, explorers, academics, military personnel, settlers, petroleum engineers, chicle gatherers, and archaeologists came and went, sometimes leaving behind material traces of their visits. A short-lived hamlet was established among the ancient ruins in the late 1870s. In 1956 the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology initiated its fourteen-year-long Tikal Project. This report chronicles documented visits to Tikal during the century following its modern discovery, and presents the post-Conquest material culture recovered by the Tikal Project in the course of its investigation of the pre-Columbian city. Further research on the nineteenth-century settlement was carried out in 1998 in its southern part by the Lacandon Archaeological Project (LAP) under the direction of Joel W. Palka of the University of Illinois at Chicago. The material culture recovered by the LAP supplements the Tikal Project collection and is referenced here. Historical Archaeology at Tikal, Guatemala is intended as a contribution to nineteenth and early twentieth century Lowland Mesoamerican research. It is rounded out with several appendices that will be of interest to historians and historical archaeologists. The printed volume includes many black and white photographs and drawings. A gallery of color photographs, several from Palka's 1998 excavations, is included on the accompanying CD.
Intensive excavations in settlement areas within greater Tikal generated far more than an understanding of the complex gradations of social classes at this lowland Maya site. Identification of a specific architectural pattern associated with relatively small shrines on the eastern side of certain residential groups, and of a distinctive mortuary program, provides a means by which a "plaza plan" can be predicted using good site maps alone. This discovery enabled archaeologists to predict locations for high-status burials in residential as well as in ceremonial areas. Application of these findings at sites beyond Tikal has been demonstrated to be successful throughout the region and even beyond the Maya heartland. Identification of this "plaza plan" also has led us to recognize nine other architectural group plans at Tikal, providing a model for planning excavation strategies and developing theories of cultural change at Tikal and other Maya sites. University Museum Monograph, 104