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"The European Green Cars Initiative (EGCI) is a Public- Private Partnership (PPP) part of the European Economic Recovery Plan launched in November 2008. The objective of the EGCI is to support Research and Development (R&D) on technologies and systems that are able to bring breakthroughs in the goal of Europe to achieve a greener road transport system, safe and reliable and using renewable energy sources. The PPP EGCI makes available during the period 2010-13 a total of EUR 1 billion through R&D projects set up jointly by the European Commission, industry and research partners and the EU Member States. The strategic multi-annual roadmap that is presented in this document defines the R&D objectives to be achieved by the EGCI. It has been prepared by the Adhoc Industrial Advisory Group, which gathers experts from the industries involved and represents four European Technology Platforms: ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council), EPoSS (European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration), SmartGrids (European Technology Platform for the Electricity Networks of the Future) and EIRAC (European Intermodal Research Advisory Council). Since accelerated innovation will be based on agreements of the sectors involved and the public authorities on short, medium and long-term goals, this multi-annual roadmap provides the EGCI PPP with prioritised R&D needs, jointly with recommendations on production, market uptake and regulatory framework conditions. It is structured in three pillars: electrification of road transport, long-distance transport and logistics and co-modality."--Editor.
This edited volume presents research results of the PPP European Green Vehicle Initiative (EGVI), focusing on Electric Vehicle Systems Architecture and Standardization Needs. The objectives of energy efficiency and zero emissions in road transportation imply a paradigm shift in the concept of the automobile regarding design, materials, and propulsion technology. A redesign of the electric and electronic architecture provides in many aspects additional potential for reaching these goals. At the same time, standardization within a broad range of features, components and systems is a key enabling factor for a successful market entry of the electric vehicle (EV). It would lower production cost, increase interoperability and compatibilities, and sustain market penetration. Hence, novel architectures and testing concepts and standardization approaches for the EV have been the topic of an expert workshop of the European Green Vehicles Initiative PPP. This book contains the contributions of current European research projects on EV architecture and an expert view on the status of EV standardization. The target audience primarily comprises researchers and experts in the field.
Recoge: 1. The context - 2. The European Green Cars Initiative - 3. Road and urban transport electrification - 4. Other areas of the Green Cars Initative - 5. Conclusions.
The Multiannual Roadmap for the EGVI contractual Public Private Partnership (2014-2020) is the document of reference for the establishment of the European Green Vehicles Initiative. The text is based on the outcome of a consultation process launched in 2012, involving the stakeholders from ERTRAC, EPoSS and SmartGrids, and takes into account the relevant roadmaps prepared by these three European Technology Platforms. The document presents the elements of context calling for the creation of the EGVI PPP, in continuity of the Green Cars Initiative, and explains the long-term vision developed by the industrial sectors involved. The Roadmap also defines the scope of the Initiative, which aims at accelerating research, development and demonstration of technologies allowing the efficient use of clean energies in road transport, and outlines the research and innovation strategy implemented with a view to increasing the energy efficiency of vehicles and alternative powertrains. It describes the governance model of the contractual public private partnership and includes - in annex - the full list of members involved in the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association.
"This report details the results of an interim assessment of the three research PPPs - Factories of the Future, Energy-efficient Buildings and Green Cars, that were launched under the European Economic Recovery Plan (November 2008). The research PPPs have facilitated a closer working relationship between the European Commission and industry in the setting of goals and longer-term research programme objectives, which have been defined in the Multi-annual Roadmaps prepared by the Ad-Hoc Industrial Advisory Groups. Besides research organisations, a higher proportion of top industrial companies and SMEs have engaged in the PPP topics than in usual FP7 projects, suggesting that these PPPs are seen as highly relevant to the needs of industrial companies while also focusing on pertinent research issues. The assessment found that the research PPPs have been an effective response to the crisis."--Editor.
This edited volume presents research results of the PPP European Green Vehicle Initiative (EGVI), focusing on electric vehicle batteries. Electrification is one road towards sustainable road transportation, and battery technology is one of the key enabling technologies. However, at the same time, battery technology is one of the main obstacles for a broad commercial launch of electric vehicles. This book includes research contributions which try to bridge the gap between research and innovation in the field of battery technology for electric vehicles. The target audience primarily comprises researchers and experts in the field.