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Esta obra plantea una temática novedosa para la formación del Educador Social,acorde con los cambios sociales producidos y la problemática actual. Su contenido se estructura en torno a la calidad de vida desde la perspectiva holística de la educación para la salud, donde la salud y enfermedad no son consecuencia de una serie de fenómenos aislados e independientes sino el resultado de formas de vida saludables y de la interacción del hombre con el medio ambiente.Estudia aspectos teóricos, de carácter humanista, cuyo conocimiento y dominioresultan necesarios para la comprensión del hombre y la educación. De igual forma, ofrece orientaciones precisas para el desempeño de las competencias profesionales.INDICE RESUMIDO: Bases conceptuales de la educación para la salud y la calidadde vida. La salud y su perspectiva holística. Orientaciones educativas para la salud alimentaria. La actividad física: factor clave para un estilo de vidasaludable. Educación emocional y salud. Espacios educativos para un desarrollosaludable. Nuevos retos de la educación para la salud en las personas mayores. La promoción de la salud en el desarrollo comunitario. Mediación y resolución de problemas. Fundamentos y etapas de método etnográfico.Rogelia Perea Quesada: Profesora Titular de Universidad y directora de la línea de investigación Educación para la Salud, en el Departamento de Teoría de laEducación y Pedagogía Social de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
The Covid-19 pandemic caused major disruptions to education around the world. Since the World Health Organization declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020, most students on the planet were affected by the interruption of in-person schooling. To mitigate the educational loss such interruption would cause, education authorities the world over created a variety of alternative mechanisms of education delivery. They did so quickly and with insufficient knowledge about what would work well, for which children, and for what aspects of the schooling experience.Having to create such alternative arrangements in short order was the ultimate adaptive leadership challenge, one for which no playbook existed, one for which solutions would have to be invented, rather than drawn from existing technical knowledge. The nature of the challenge differed across the world and regions, and it differed also within countries as a function of the differential public health and economic impact of the pandemic on communities, and of variations in institutional and financial resources available to redress such impact, including availability of digital infrastructure and previous knowledge and experience of teachers and students with digi-pedagogies and other resources to create alternative education delivery systems.Sustaining educational opportunities amidst these challenges created by the pandemic was an example of adaptive education response not to a unique unexpected challenge but to one in a larger class of problems, just one of the many adaptive conundrums facing communities and societies. Beyond the challenges resulting from the pandemic, other complications of that sort predating the pandemic included those resulting from poverty, inequality, social inclusion, governance, climate change, among others. In some ways, the pandemic served as an accelerant for some of those, augmenting their impact or underscoring the urgency of addressing them. Adaptive puzzles of this sort, including pandemics, are likely to continue to impact education systems in the foreseeable future. This makes it necessary to strengthen the capacity of education systems to respond to them.Reimagining education systems so they are resilient in the face of adaptive challenges is an opportunity to mobilize new talent and institutional resources. Partnerships between school systems and universities can contribute to those reimagined and more resilient systems, they can enhance the institutional capacity of education systems to devise solutions and to implement them. Such partnerships are also an opportunity for universities to be more deliberate in integrating their three core functions of research, teaching and outreach in service of addressing significant social challenges in a context in rapid flux.In this book we present the results of one approach to produce the integration between research, teaching and outreach just described, resulting from engaging graduate students in collaborations with school systems for the purpose of helping identify ways to sustain educational opportunity during the disruption caused by the pandemic. This activity engaged our students in research and analysis, contributing to their education, and it engaged them in service to society. The book examines what happened to educational opportunity during the Covid-19 pandemic in Bangladesh, Belize, the municipality of Santa Ana in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Kenya, in the States of Sinaloa and Quintana Roo in Mexico, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and in the United States in Richardson Independent School District in Texas. It offers an systematic analysis of policy options to sustain educational opportunity during the pandemic.
This country review report offers an independent analysis of major issues facing the use of school resources in Colombia from an international perspective. It provides a description of national policies, an analysis of strengths and challenges, and a proposal of possible future approaches.