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Este libro pretende cubrir, a partir del uso del software libre R y la interfaz gráfica R-Commander, las necesidades prácticas de un curso de Introducción a la Estadística. Contiene capítulos sobre Análisis Exploratorio en una y dos Dimensiones, Distribuciones de Probabilidad, Inferencia Paramétrica y no Paramétrica y Análisis de la Varianza de un Factor.
Los autores de este manuscrito son profesores universitarios vinculados al mundo de la estadística, la salud pública y la epidemiología, donde han desarrollado sus líneas de investigación. David Moriña, Mireia Utzet, Miguel Martín y Albert Navarro son o han sido profesores de la Unitat de Bioestadística de la Facultat de Me­dicina de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Miguel Martín ha sido además becario Prometeo (SENSCYT) en Ecuador y en la actualidad colabora en ese país con la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, UIDE. En la actualidad David Moriña se vincula al Departament d’Economia i Història Econòmica y al Institut Català d’Oncologia, mientras que Mireia Utzet lo hace al Departamento de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Fúlvio Nedel es un profesor brasileño adscrito al Departamento de Saúde Pública de la Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina y ha colaborado en diversos proyectos con los otros autores de este libro.
El programa estadístico R Commander, gratuito y de libre acceso, se utiliza actualmente en muchas universidades y en la mayoría de centros de investigación, constituyendo una valiosa herramienta de estudio en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales, económicas y empresariales, entre otras. En esta guía se explican las posibilidades del programa, tanto su funcionamiento como los diferentes modelos estadísticos, y se ofrece un conjunto de bases de datos que permiten la realización y la comprobación de los diferentes ejemplos expuestos. El libro, en definitiva, pone al alcance de cualquier lector, y especialmente de los estudiantes de universitarios de estadística, una descripción práctica de un programa cuyo uso, cada vez más extendido, está ayudando a mejorar el análisis de la información sobre la realidad que nos rodea.
Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic Trees introduces and demonstrates data integration, manipulation and visualization of phylogenetic trees using a suite of R packages, tidytree, treeio, ggtree and ggtreeExtra. Using the most comprehensive packages for phylogenetic data integration and visualization, contains numerous examples that can be used for teaching and learning. Ideal for undergraduate readers and researchers with a working knowledge of R and ggplot2. Key Features: Manipulating phylogenetic tree with associated data using tidy verbs Integrating phylogenetic data from diverse sources Visualizing phylogenetic data using grammar of graphics
This book introduces the concept of a hypothetical type of knowledge construction -- referred to as structural knowledge -- that goes beyond traditional forms of information recall to provide the bases for knowledge application. Assuming that the validity of the concept is accepted, the volume functions as a handbook for supporting the assessment and use of structural knowledge in learning and instructional settings. It's descriptions are direct and short, and its structure is consistent. Almost all of the chapters describe a technique for representing and assessing structural knowledge acquisition, conveying knowledge structures through direct instruction, or providing learners with strategies that they may use to acquire structural knowledge. These chapters include the following sections in the same sequence: * description of the technique and its theoretical or conceptual rationale * examples and applications * procedures for development and use * effectiveness -- learner interactions and differences, and advantages and disadvantages * references to the literature. The chapters are structured to facilitate access to information as well as to illuminate comparisons and contrasts among the techniques.
Environmental Health Engineering in the Tropics An Introductory Text Sandy Cairncross UNICEF/WHO Interagency Team for Guinea Worm Eradication, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Richard Feachem Dean, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK Many major infectious diseases in tropical and developing countries are amenable to control by environmental measures. This book describes these infections and the measures that may be used effectively against them. The infections described include the diarrhoeal diseases, the common gut worms, guinea worm, schistosomiasis, malaria, bancroftian filariasis and other mosquito-borne infections. The environmental interventions that receive most attention are domestic water supplies and improved excreta disposal. Appropriate technology for these interventions, and also their impact on infectious diseases, are documented in detail. The book is intended both for those from an engineering background and those whose training is in medicine or public health. The second edition has been extensively revised to incorporate the lessons learned from the International Drinking Water and Sanitation Decade (1981–1990). These have included technical advances, particularly regarding composting, the safe re-use of wastes, and low-cost sewerage, but the chief lessons relate to policy and the strategies for implementing water and sanitation programmes. A new chapter on surface water drainage has been added. The references have been brought up to date to cover the extensive recent literature in this field.