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This thesis addresses interactions between monetary and fiscal policies in a theoretical dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model of a small open economy and in an empirical model under a structural vector error correction model (SVECM). The thesis consists of three essays. The contribution is both theoretical and empirical that enables a better understanding of the complexity of interactions between monetary and fiscal policies in small open economies. The first essay examines the equilibrium determinacy under monetary and fiscal rules. The goal is to investigate how monetary and fiscal policy interactions ensure a unique and non-explosive (determinate) equilibrium for a small open economy. The study focuses when policy makers implement a set of policy mixes to address domestic output price inflation control for monetary policy, debt stabilization for fiscal policy, and joint output stabilization tasks. The result indicates that two policy schemes facilitate a determinate equilibrium. First, monetary policy actively controls inflation when fiscal policy sets a sufficient feedback on debt. Second, monetary policy becomes passive against inflation when fiscal policy is insolvent. Adding output stabilization to each rule simply causes variants of this fundamental. An interest rate rule with output stabilization can be more passive against inflation while providing a stronger response to the output gap. Fiscal policy is required to set higher feedback on debt along with its stronger counter-cyclical policy. The second essay links between the equilibrium determinacy and policy optimization. This essay provides insights into the design of policy mixes and compares determinacy outcomes between two theoretical models of a small open economy: with and without an explicit exchange rate role. This study shows that policy interactions in a small open economy with an endogenous exchange rate is quite sophisticated, especially when a monetary rule is added with an output stabilization task and/or targeted to Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation. Additional concern for monetary policy in an open economy causes a partial offset to its reaction on domestic output price inflation that weakens its effect on the real debt burden. To minimize economic fluctuations, policy makers should mute the role of output stabilization for monetary policy, and set minimum feedback on debt that is compatible with the degree of counter-cyclical fiscal policy. Substantially active response to inflation is satisfactory for monetary policy with CPI inflation targeting. The third essay empirically presents monetary and fiscal policy interactions in Thailand's SVECM suggested by a theoretical DSGE model developed from the previous essays. This essay shows that the DSGE-SVECM model can be supported by Thai data. A shock to monetary policy is effective with a lag. Government spending policy is also effective with a lag and some crowding-out effects on output. An adverse shock in tax policy unexpectedly stimulates the economy, indicating room for enhancing economic growth by relaxing revenue constraint. Monetary policy is mainly implemented to correct a consequence of a fiscal shock on inflation (and also the domestic and foreign shocks), while fiscal policy appears to counter a consequence of the monetary policy shock on output.
Investigating various fiscal policy issues in the context of an open economy, this dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay addresses the question of the volatility of foreign aid and its impact on resource-constrained developing economies. A small open-economy business cycle model is developed that accounts for the effect of external shocks specific to developing economies. The model produces business cycle patterns consistent with the data and key stylized facts. The model is calibrated to reflect the structural empirical regularities of an aid-dependent developing country. The parameters of the exogenous stochastic shocks are estimated using Bayesian methods and 50 years of data for Cote d'Ivoire. The results suggest that foreign aid's unpredictability helps explain business cycles' volatility in developing countries. In the second essay, a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model (DSGE) is used to analyze the effects of fiscal stimuli, such as investment tax credits (ITC) and wage subsidies, in a small open economy. Various cost-equivalent fiscal schemes are considered in response to an economic downturn. The baseline open-economy model's results are also contrasted with a closed economy case to highlight the role the current account plays during recession and recovery episodes. The results suggest that wage subsidies have faster but shorter effects on production and employment while ITCs have slower but longer lasting impacts. The persistence of fiscal shocks appears to play a significant role in the initial response of investment. The third essay provides empirical evidence to address a question heavily debated among lawmakers yet hardly ever investigated in the empirical literature: Does increasing taxes on the rich hurt or help employment growth? Proponents of tax hikes on the rich reject the idea that such taxes, which some refer to as "millionaire" taxes, have any negative impact on jobs. Critics, on the other hand, believe taxing the rich, whom they consider "job creators," hurts the economy by hampering job creation. Using newly constructed time series based on the IRS Statistics of Income, this study finds strong and statistically significant positive effects in the short run and some evidence of negative effects in the long run.
In the final essay, I utilize the model developed in the previous one, in order to further investigate the effect of lending and borrowing constraints on the government's implemented fiscal policy. It is demonstrated that the transition from a balanced-budget policy regime to one in which the government is allowed to borrow and lend in order to smooth taxes across time generates significant welfare gains. However, these gains diminish as the persistence of the stochastic process for government expenditures increases. Under a particular assumption regarding the determination of asset prices in the model, it is shown that compared to the two previous policy regimes, overall welfare can be improved upon further if the government is allowed to issue state-contingent debt. This thesis consists of three essays on the conduct of optimal fiscal policy in the context of a stochastic small open economy. In all cases, the model employed to conduct the analysis is characterized by an asymmetry between the government and the representative household with respect to their accessibility to financial markets. In particular, the government is allowed to borrow and lend at a risk-free interest rate, while the household is assumed to have access to complete financial markets. The first essay discusses the restrictions that need to be placed in the presence of shocks to technology on the specification of the production and utility functions, in order for the optimal tax rate on capital income to be zero in all periods (except the initial one). The second essay considers an environment similar to that in Aiyagari et al. (2002) for a closed economy, with no capital and stochastic government expenditures. Using the same parameterization as these authors, it is shown that assuming away market completeness with respect to the public sector of the economy only, is sufficient to yield equilibrium outcomes that are consistent with Barro's (1979) "tax smoothing" result.
In the first chapter, I quantify the welfare effect of eliminating the U.S. capital income tax under international financial integration. I employ a two-country, heterogeneous-agent incomplete markets model calibrated to represent the U.S. and the rest of the world. Short-run and long-run factor price dynamics are key: after the tax reform, post-tax interest rate increases less under financial openness relative to autarky. Therefore the wealth-rich households gain less. Post-tax wages also fall less, so the wealth-poor are hurt less. Hence, the fraction in favor of the reform increases, although the majority still prefers the status quo. Aggregate welfare effect to the U.S. is a permanent 0.2 % consumption equivalent loss under financial openness which is 85.5 % smaller than the welfare loss under autarky. The second chapter aims to answer two questions: What helps forecast U.S. inflation? What causes the observed changes in the predictive ability of variables commonly used in forecasting US inflation? In macroeconomic analysis and inflation forecasting, the traditional Phillips curve has been widely used to exploit the empirical relationship between inflation and domestic economic activity. Atkeson and Ohanian (2001), among others, cast doubt on the performance of Phillips curve-based forecasts of U.S. inflation relative to naive forecasts. This indicates a difficulty for policy-making and private sectorâs long term nominal commitments which depend on inflation expectations. The literature suggests globalization may be one reason for this phenomenon. To test this, we evaluate the forecasting ability of global slack measures under an open economy Phillips curve. The results are very sensitive to measures of inflation, forecast horizons and estimation samples. We find however, terms of trade gap, measured as HP-filtered terms of trade, is a good and robust variable to forecast U.S. inflation. Moreover, our forecasts based on the simulated data from a workhorse new open economy macro (NOEM) model indicate that better monetary policy and good luck (i.e. a remarkably benign sample of economic shocks) can account for the empirical observations on forecasting accuracy, while globalization plays a secondary role.
This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on the effectiveness of fiscal policy. The focus is on the size of fiscal multipliers, and on the possibility that multipliers can turn negative (i.e., that fiscal contractions can be expansionary). The paper concludes that fiscal multipliers are overwhelmingly positive but small. However, there is some evidence of negative fiscal multipliers.