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In our age of theological relativism, Jesus' question to His own disciples continues to ring true: "Who do the people say that the Son of Man is?" Through Jesus' seven miracles and His seven "I Am" sayings, the apostle John provides a clear answer to that all-important question. Furthermore, what do Jesus' miracles represent? Are they designed to point to something or someone? In our "supernatural-crazed" culture that affects even evangelical Christianity, it is refreshing to be reminded that biblical miracles were never arbitrary but were always purposeful, authenticating God's message and His messenger(s). In the Gospel of John, the miracles of Jesus are both Christological, that is, they highlight Jesus' Person, and eschatological, that is, they foreshadow the work the Messiah will do in His future Advent. The miracles remind us that God's desire for every believer is first and foremost a spiritual relationship with Him through His Son. Furthermore, Jesus' miracles also remind us that God's work in and for every believer will be fully and ultimately realized in the everlasting life.
Dr. Norman L. Geisler has been called the "father of evangelical Christian philosophy." He has written more than one hundred books and taught at universities and top seminaries for some fifty-six years. He was the first president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society and the founder and first president of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. He has spoken or debated in more than two dozen countries and held pastoral/pulpit ministries in four states. Many view him as a cross between Thomas Aquinas and Billy Graham. No one has done more to communicate the modern challenges of the Faith to the "average" Christian, to the church, and to the academy. This volume offers creative and constructive essays from twenty-three contributors, all notable in their own right, who preserve and propagate Dr. Geisler's ideas and express appreciation for his influence. Those who know him best say he is "true, faithful, and blessed by God!"
Perspectives on the Extent of the Atonement presents a point-counterpoint exchange concerning God’s intention in sending Christ to die on the cross. All three contributors recognize a substitutionary element in the atoning work of Christ, but disagree over the nature and objects of that substitution. Carl Trueman (Westminster Theological Seminary) argues that Christ’s atoning work secured the redemption of his elect alone. While infinite in value, Christ’s death was intended for and applied strictly to those whom the Father had elected unconditionally in eternity past. John Hammett (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) argues that Christ’s atoning work had multiple intentions. Of these intentions two rise to the fore: (1) the intention to accomplish atonement for God’s elect and (2) the intention to provide atonement for all mankind. Grant Osborne (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) argues that Christ’s atoning work provided atonement generally for all mankind. The application of that atoning work is conditioned, however, on each person’s willingness to receive it.
This book explores the variety of ways John contextually uses the Old Testament in the Apocalypse. The introduction surveys and evaluates recent studies, which have been divided over the issue of whether or not John uses the Old Testament with sensitivity to its original literary context (Beale, Fekkes and Bauckham argue in the affirmative, while Ruiz and Moyise contend that this was not John's focus and see implications for 'reader-response criticism'). The remainder of the book looks at various ways in which John uses the Old Testament and argues that there is a reciprocal interpretative relationship between the Old Testament and the Apocalypse. Studies of special interest concern the bearing of the Old Testament on Revelation's eschatology, on the issue of the millennium, and on the thorny problem of the grammatical solecisms.
The Beatitudes are among the most influential teachings in human history. For two millennia, they have appeared in poetry and politics, and in the thought of mystics and activists, as Christians and others have reflected on their meaning and shaped their lives according to the Beatitudes’ wisdom. But what does it mean to be hungry, or meek, or pure in heart? Is poverty a material condition or a spiritual one? And what does being blessed entail? In this book, Rebekah Eklund explores how the Beatitudes have affected readers across differing eras and contexts. From Matthew and Luke in the first century, to Martin Luther King Jr. and Billy Graham in the twentieth, Eklund considers how men and women have understood and applied the Beatitudes to their own lives through the ages. Reading in the company of past readers helps us see how rich and multifaceted the Beatitudes truly are, illuminating what they might mean for us today.
The relationship between Israel and the church is a crucial reference point in theology, especially in distinguishing between dispensational and nondispensational ways of thinking. The thesis of this book is that Israel and the church are distinct theological institutions that have arisen in the historical progress of divine revelation. But they are also related as successive phases of a redemptive program that is historically progressive and eschatologically converging. The approach to these issues here is neither polemical nor apologetic; rather, it anticipates a convergence among evangelical scholars in the recognition of both continuity and discontinuity in the Israel-church relationship. This book has three purposes: - To offer a contemporary dispensational treatment of that relationship through an exegetical examination of key texts with a focus on theological concerns - To foster genuine dialogue with nondispensational thinkers regarding major biblical themes tied to the plan of God - To identify the changes in dispensational thought that have developed since the publication of Charles Ryrie's book Dispensationalism Today in 1965
Discovering Romans: Spiritual Revival for the Soul is a popular level guide by outstanding Bible teacher S. Lewis Johnson that opens up the motivating truths found in the apostle Paul’s powerful letter to the Romans. Anyone hungry to grow in practical understanding of Scripture will profit from Johnson’s rich teaching that stimulates both mind and emotions. This beloved pastor and professor works through the text engagingly, providing both clarifying insights and life applications along the way. Each chapter ends with reflection questions, making this volume useful not only for individual reading (or preparation for teaching) but also in small group Bible studies. John MacArthur once said, “Through the years I have listened to the preaching of S. Lewis Johnson far more than any other preacher.” Reading through this volume will be a soul-reviving experience.
Throughout the church's history, Christians have sought to understand the doctrine of election. On this journey through the Bible and church history, theologian Mark Lindsay turns to the various articulations of the early church fathers, John Calvin's view, the subsequent debate between Calvinists and Arminians, and Karl Barth's modern reconception of the doctrine.
Christians generally believe that in prayer they are free in their act to petition God. Christians also believe that they pray to a God that is sovereign and omniscient. Kyle DiRoberts maintains that explanation as to how one affirms these two truths is dependent upon one’s account of divine providence, which determines how motivated the person is to offer petitionary prayer in the divine-human relationship. The theories of providence and their understanding of petitionary prayer discussed in this book include: compatibilism, hard determinism, open theism, and middle knowledge. Each of the theories of divine providence discussed in this book share a desire to construct a view concerning petitionary prayer that would propel the Christian toward God in relationship and then lead the body of Christ to pray without ceasing. DiRoberts argues that middle knowledge is the preferred theory of providence as it relates to petitionary prayer, because for middle knowledge, God’s sovereignty includes both his omniscience and libertarian human freedom.