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This compilation of 22 firm-specific case studies is an important contribution to the discussion of 'servicification' trends in manufacturing. 'Services have increased in importance and value in many manufacturing value chains, making companies that produce physical products look more like service enterprises. What services do global value chains use in their operations, how important are they and how do economic policies shape firms' configurations, operations, and location of global value chains? This book addresses these questions and more.The interviewed firms, based in 12 APEC economies, come from different sectors ranging from multinational automotive, construction equipment, and electrical appliance manufacturers to small and medium manufacturers of watches or chemical for water treatment. The book analyses what specific services are important in different stages of the value chain, and whether they are typically provided in-house or outsourced.
The objective of this handbook is to be used as a reference in preparation of analysis of already available merchandise trade statistical information for assessment of various issues, discussion on negotiating positions and ultimately for conducting consultations. Indicators are grouped in the following categories: trade and economy, trade performance, direction of trade, sectoral structure of trade and protection.
This publication reviews the region's inequality trends, challenges and achievements and identifies policy gaps across the three dimensions of inequality--inequality of outcome, inequality of opportunity and inequality of impact. It also discusses the potential impact of rapid and disruptive technological advances, such as machine learning, and puts forward a broad set of policy recommendations for reducing all forms of inequality for the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its core tenant of ""leaving no one behind"".
The Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2017 presents the latest macroeconomic trends, identifies emerging risks and challenges, and takes stock of fiscal, monetary and structural policy developments in the region, providing recommendations for policymakers and other relevant stakeholders. The report shows that, while the recent expansion of Asia-Pacific countries has been steady, it is modest compared to recent historical trends amid prolonged weak external demand, rising trade protectionism and heightened global uncertainty. Decades of rapid economic growth came at the expense of rising inequalities and environmental degradation. Addressing such economic, social and environmental challenges in a coherent and decisive manner will be critical to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In view of these challenges, the Survey 2017 highlights the importance, and transmission mechanisms, of better governance to achieve effective fiscal management and deliver impactful domestic structural reforms.