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This dissertation serves as a summary of my Ph.D. work numerically studying equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of strongly-interacting one-dimensional (1D) boson systems. This work is motivated by the fact that 1D systems are realizable and highly controllable with ultracold atoms in optical lattice and atom chip experiments. We apply a recent worm algorithmic Monte Carlo approach developed for 1D continuous systems to study their equilibrium properties, both with and without an underlying lattice. We also apply an exact lattice approach based on the Bose-Fermi mapping to check our Monte Carlo results in the Tonks-Girardeau limit, and more importantly, to study far-from-equilibrium expansion dynamics of the systems.We first study the scaling of one-particle correlations of the harmonically trapped Lieb-Liniger gas with changing temperature and interaction strength. Based on the universal behaviors of the density and momentum profiles, we are able to determine the effective parameters needed to fully characterize the system. We also find that the Tonks-Girardeau limit at low temperatures is the ideal regime for the experimental observation of the $1/k^4$ momentum tail. An extra periodic lattice can drive the transition from superfluid to Mott insulator states. Exact and complete phase diagrams for such transitions are available only in the weak interacting and deep lattice limit, in which the system can be described using one-band Bose-Hubbard model. Beyond this limit, we use the worm algorithm in continuous space to map out the phase diagrams at various interaction strengths. We compare our phase diagrams with one-band Bose-Hubbard predictions and identify the regime where the one-band description breaks down. We introduce an inverse confined scattering solution to obtain effective Hubbard parameters, with which the Bose-Hubbard model provides correct results for strong interactions and deep lattices at unit filling.In addition to the equilibrium properties, we also study the expansion dynamics of ultracold atoms in the hard-core limit. Experimentally, this is usually achieved by turning off confining potentials and letting atoms expand in optical lattices. Theoretical studies from initial ground states predicted the occurrence of fermionization of the momentum distribution after long expansion times. In addition, quasicondensation at finite momenta emerges when expanding from Mott insulating domains. Here, we develop a finite-temperature extension of the lattice approach for dynamics. We find the dynamical ferminoization of the momentum distributions at all temperatures. For expansion from initial Mott domains, we observe enhanced correlations reminiscent of dynamical quasicondensation. Surprisingly, we find the systems appear to cool down during the melting of the Mott domains. We use an emergent local Hamiltonian to understand these emergent phenomena.
This book discusses non-equilibrium quantum many-body dynamics, recently explored in an analog quantum simulator of strongly correlated ultracold atoms. The first part presents a field-theoretical analysis of the experimental observability of the Higgs amplitude mode that emerges as a relativistic collective excitation near a quantum phase transition of superfluid Bose gases in an optical lattice potential. The author presents the dynamical susceptibilities to external driving of the microscopic parameters, taking into account a leading-order perturbative correction from quantum and thermal fluctuations and shows clear signatures of the Higgs mode in these observables. This is the first result that strongly supports the stability of the Higgs mode in three-dimensional optical lattices even in the presence of a spatially inhomogeneous confinement potential and paves the way for desktop observations of the Higgs mode. In the second part, the author applies the semi-classical truncated-Wigner approximation (TWA) to far-from-equilibrium quantum dynamics. Specifically, he considers the recent experiments on quantum-quench dynamics in a Bose-Hubbard quantum simulator. A direct comparison shows remarkable agreement between the numerical results from TWA and the experimental data. This result clearly indicates the potential of such a semi-classical approach in reliably simulating many-body systems using classical computers. The book also includes several chapters providing comprehensive reviews of the recent studies on cold-atomic quantum simulation and various theoretical methods, including the Schwinger-boson approach in strongly correlated systems and the phase-space semi-classical method for far-from-equilibrium quantum dynamics. These chapters are highly recommended to students and young researchers who are interested in semi-classical approaches in non-equilibrium quantum dynamics.
This volume provides a broad overview of the principal theoretical techniques applied to non-equilibrium and finite temperature quantum gases. Covering Bose-Einstein condensates, degenerate Fermi gases, and the more recently realised exciton-polariton condensates, it fills a gap by linking between different methods with origins in condensed matter physics, quantum field theory, quantum optics, atomic physics, and statistical mechanics.
Over the last decade new experimental tools and theoretical concepts are providing new insights into collective nonequilibrium behavior of quantum systems. The exquisite control provided by laser trapping and cooling techniques allows us to observe the behavior of condensed bose and degenerate Fermi gases under nonequilibrium drive or after `quenches' in which a Hamiltonian parameter is suddenly or slowly changed. On the solid state front, high intensity short-time pulses and fast (femtosecond) probes allow solids to be put into highly excited states and probed before relaxation and dissipation occur. Experimental developments are matched by progress in theoretical techniques ranging from exact solutions of strongly interacting nonequilibrium models to new approaches to nonequilibrium numerics. The summer school `Strongly interacting quantum systems out of equilibrium' held at the Les Houches School of Physics as its XCIX session was designed to summarize this progress, lay out the open questions and define directions for future work. This books collects the lecture notes of the main courses given in this summer school.
In this thesis, we study both equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of hard-core bosons trapped in one-dimensional lattices. To perform many-body analyses of large systems, we utilize exact numerical approaches including an approach based on the Bose-Fermi mapping and the Lanczos method. We study noise correlations of hard-core bosons in homogeneous lattices, period-two superlattices, and disordered lattices, and focus on the scaling of such correlations with system size in the superfluid and insulating phases. We find that superfluid phases exhibit a leading linear scaling, while the leading terms in the scaling of the Mott-insulting and Bose-glass phases are constants. We also characterize the disorder-induced phase transition between a superfluid and a Bose-glass phase in an incommensurate lattice system by determining the critical exponents in the scaling of the momentum distribution and the noise correlations. We show that the phase transition is signaled by peaks in the first derivatives of the noise correlations with respect to the strength of quasiperiodic disorder, and the height of the peaks diverges with increasing system size. Furthermore, related to the nonequilibrium properties of isolated systems, we investigate the initial-state dependence of the outcome of relaxation dynamics following quantum quenches. Starting from a thermal state associated with a finite initial temperature, the entropy of the generalized Gibbs ensemble, introduced to describe integrable systems after relaxation, is found to be generally different from the entropy in thermal equilibrium. The disagreement is explained to stem from the distinction between the conserved quantities in the initial state and those in the thermal ensembles. On the other hand, if the initial state is selected to be an eigenstate of a nonintegrable (chaotic) model, a thermal-like "ergodic" sampling of the eigenstates of the integrable Hamiltonian is unveiled by computing the weighted energy density. We show that the distribution of the conserved quantities in the chaotic initial state coincides with the thermal ones in thermodynamic limit. Our results indicate that quenches starting from nonintegrable initial states will lead to thermalization even if the final system is integrable.
This book is a wide-ranging survey of the physics of out-of-equilibrium systems of correlated electrons, ranging from the theoretical, to the numerical, computational and experimental aspects. It starts from basic approaches to non-equilibrium physics, such as the mean-field approach, then proceeds to more advanced methods, such as dynamical mean-field theory and master equation approaches. Lastly, it offers a comprehensive overview of the latest advances in experimental investigations of complex quantum materials by means of ultrafast spectroscopy.
These proceedings cover the most recent developments in the fields of high temperature superconductivity, magnetic materials and cold atoms in traps. Special emphasis is given to recently developed numerical and analytical methods, such as effective model Hamiltonians, density matrix renormalization group as well as quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Several of the contributions are written by the pioneers of these methods.
The 1995 observation of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute atomic vapours spawned the field of ultracold, degenerate quantum gases. Unprecedented developments in experimental design and precision control have led to quantum gases becoming the preferred playground for designer quantum many-body systems.This self-contained volume provides a broad overview of the principal theoretical techniques applied to non-equilibrium and finite temperature quantum gases. Covering Bose-Einstein condensates, degenerate Fermi gases, and the more recently realised exciton-polariton condensates, it fills a gap by linking between different methods with origins in condensed matter physics, quantum field theory, quantum optics, atomic physics, and statistical mechanics. Thematically organised chapters on different methodologies, contributed by key researchers using a unified notation, provide the first integrated view of the relative merits of individual approaches, aided by pertinent introductory chapters and the guidance of editorial notes.Both graduate students and established researchers wishing to understand the state of the art will greatly benefit from this comprehensive and up-to-date review of non-equilibrium and finite temperature techniques in the exciting and expanding field of quantum gases and liquids./a
The volume presents, for the very first time, an exhaustive collection of those modern theoretical methods specifically tailored for the analysis of Strongly Correlated Systems. Many novel materials, with functional properties emerging from macroscopic quantum behaviors at the frontier of modern research in physics, chemistry and materials science, belong to this class of systems. Any technique is presented in great detail by its own inventor or by one of the world-wide recognized main contributors. The exposition has a clear pedagogical cut and fully reports on the most relevant case study where the specific technique showed to be very successful in describing and enlightening the puzzling physics of a particular strongly correlated system. The book is intended for advanced graduate students and post-docs in the field as textbook and/or main reference, but also for other researchers in the field who appreciates consulting a single, but comprehensive, source or wishes to get acquainted, in a as painless as possible way, with the working details of a specific technique.