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The security environment America faces today is extremely complex. While relationships may have improved between historic enemy nation states, the threat of symmetric force on force warfare still exists. The constant spread of violent extremists set on changing the world's geopolitical environment with destructive technology and weapons of mass destruction has evolved into major challenges America must be ready to defeat. These wide ranging threats against sovereign nations and the domains of land, maritime, air, space, and cyberspace, require different approaches towards attaining peace and security. Recognizing the engineering aspect of military operations cannot be overemphasized. The success of any military operation hinges on competent engineers guided by actions proven to be successful during previous operations. Although current and future threats may bring about changes in how military engineers from all Services are employed in joint environments, the primary mission of establishing and maintaining bases of support for the projection of airpower will remain the top priority for Air Force civil engineers. As we face uncertainty and persistent conflict, and increasingly focus on joint, interagency, and multinational operations, the demand for civil engineers and the need for engineer doctrine become increasingly important. Doctrine ensures Air Force civil engineers provide effective support to the commander of Air Force forces (COMAFFOR) and remain capable of rapidly responding to crises and other contingencies. This Air Force doctrine document (AFDD), “Engineer Operations (AFDD 3-34),” directly supports AFDD 1, Air Force Basic Doctrine, Organization, and Command, and AFDD 4-0, Agile Combat Support. It sets forth guiding principles on employing Air Force civil engineers at any level of warfare, strategic, operational, or tactical, under the command and control of the COMAFFOR, within any operational area including the homeland. It incorporates Air Force civil engineer doctrinal precepts, focusing on engineer fundamentals, organization and command, planning and execution, and capabilities. This document also supports all other Air Force doctrine and describes how the COMAFFOR employs engineer capabilities throughout all phases of military operations. This document is designed to assist the COMAFFOR, commanders, and planners to effectively integrate Air Force engineer capabilities into all types of military operations. It establishes doctrine and procedures for Air Force civil engineers as part of the Air Force's agile combat support, as well as engineers supporting civil, joint, or combined missions across the range of military operations. It is authoritative but requires judgment in application. It describes guiding principles to be used to organize and employ engineer capabilities to achieve strategic, operational, and tactical objectives. While the document speaks primarily to Air Force civil engineer support to Air Force missions, it is also organized in a manner that addresses Air Force civil engineer roles in joint, interagency, and multinational operations.
Air Force Doctrine ANNEX 3-34 Engineer Operations 30 December 2014Introduction to Engineer OperationsEngineering: The Airman's PerspectiveEngineer SupportEngineer FunctionsInstallations SupportLogistics ServicesCommand & O r g a ni z a t i o nPrime BEEFRED HORSERoles and ResponsibilitiesPresentation of ForcesPlanningExecutionAssessmentConsiderations Across the Range of Military OperationsAppendix A: Prime BEEF/RED HORSE Capability DescriptionsAppendix B: Prime BEEF/RED HORSE Capabilities
AFDD 3-34, Engineer operations, is a new AFDD focusing on engineer fundamentals, organization, command and control, and capabilities. It describes how the Commander of Air Force Forces (COMAFFOR) employs engineer capabilites throughout all phases of military operations."-- Doctrine update.
This Air Force Doctrine Document (AFDD) implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 10-13, Air and Space Doctrine. AFDD 3-1 Air Warfare establishes operational doctrine for air warfare. It provides initial guidance for conducting air operations as part of aerospace warfare. Specifically, this document contains beliefs and principles that guide the organization, command and control, employment, and support of air forces conducting wartime operations. It examines relationships among objectives, forces, environments, and actions that enhance the ability of air operations to contribute to achieving assigned objectives. It focuses on the sequencing of events and the application of forces and resources to ensure aerospace power makes useful contributions to military and national objectives. It examines the importance of command relationships, intelligence, space, logistics, and other factors to the planning and conduct of air warfare.
The US Air Force provides unique warfighting capabilities that are essential to joint operations. Foremost among these capabilities is the ability to rapidly focus American combat power and life-saving resources anywhere on the planet. Frequently, and especially in the opening stages of a conflict, air and space power may be the main manifestation of combat power we bring to bear against an adversary. Of these capabilities, the Air Force provides a very singular form of power: the ability to rapidly position and sustain forces at places and times of our choosing. This pivotal capability—air mobility—is the essential ingredient for modern US expeditionary operations and supports joint force commander-desired effects to deter, dissuade, or destroy the enemy. Force projection provides for presence, mass and maneuver, surprise, security and economy. It is the sum of an impressive fleet of transport and aerial refueling aircraft, underpinned by a flexible support system, and operated by a specialized cadre of active duty Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, and Air Force civilian personnel. While other forms of American military power have some degree of inherent mobility, the scale of flexibility and responsiveness of the Air Force's air mobility forces is singular in the history of world conflict. This Air Force Doctrine Document (AFDD) 3-17, Air Mobility Operations, has been prepared under the direction of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. This document establishes doctrinal guidance for the application of the air mobility forces and is consistent with, and complementary to, capstone doctrine contained in AFDD 1, Air Force Basic Doctrine, and AFDD 2, Operations and Organization. AFDD 3-17 serves as the keystone doctrine document for employing airlift, air refueling, and air mobility support elements as an integrated system of operations.
Covering war strategy, tactics, effects-based operations (EBO), AETF, and air expeditionary wing (AEW), this publication, AFDD 2, Operations and Organization, is the companion to AFDD 1 and provides the next level of granularity. It describes how the US Air Force organizes and employs air and space power at the operational level across the range of military operations. The concepts discussed in this publication-the role and responsibilities of the senior warfighting Airman; the basics behind our expeditionary organizational model; the fundamentals of joint and Service command arrangements; how we plan operations; and the means by which we place the collective capabilities of air and space power into the hands of a single Airman-are the foundations for all our operations. We are in the middle of a long, shadowy war that will be punctuated by episodes of full-up, conventional operations. Many different types of operations will occur simultaneously; tempo and objectives may shift rapidly. We will be challenged to adapt well-practiced tactics and to think in new ways to solve unforeseen challenges. As the war evolves, so must we. Some aspects of warfighting, however, will remain constant. Our doctrine captures these enduring aspects. Our success in meeting the challenges of this rapidly changing world depends on our understanding and applying our doctrine. Doctrine describes not only how we would command and employ air and space forces today, but is also the point of departure to guide us in meeting the challenges of tomorrow. Air and space power is a critical element in protecting our Nation and deterring aggression. It will only remain so if we, as professional Airmen, study, evaluate, and debate our capabilities and the environment of the future. Just as technology, world threats, and opportunities change, so must our doctrine. Each of you must be articulate, knowledgeable, and unapologetic advocates of our doctrine. We must understand what it means to be an Airman and be able to articulate what air and space power can bring to the joint fight. I encourage you to read our doctrine, discuss it, and practice it. Contents: Chapter One - An Introduction To Air And Space Operations * Chapter Two - Operations * Chapter Three - Commanding Us Air Force Forces * Chapter Four - Organizing Us Air Force Forces * Chapter Five - The Air And Space Component Within The Joint Force * Chapter Six - Planning For Operations * Chapter Seven - Air And Space Operations Centers * Chapter Eight - The Affor Staff
Much has changed in the overall operational environment in the past few years. The character of contemporary conflict has driven a significant shift in the US approach to warfighting. The large-scale, complex, force-on-force scenarios that drove much of Cold War planning, and were executed in Operation DESERT STORM and the opening stage of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM are now viewed almost as the exception, replaced by the careful, precise, and relatively measured pace of irregular warfare against nontraditional enemies. Adversary capabilities may range from long-range, precision-guided attacks to explosive vests worn by suicide bombers. The threat of mass destruction from chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons will likely expand from stable nation-states to less stable states and even non-state networks. These changes have significant, long-term implications for the planning and conduct of US operations: The need for current, precise, and detailed analysis requires a continuing expansion in the scale of information collection and processing; networks are as important as a single bullet or bomb. Sensors, shooters, and fusion centers are routinely interconnected worldwide to achieve a unified battle rhythm, and Threats against the US homeland will increase. The United States can expect future opponents to launch both terrorist and unconventional attacks on the territory of the United States. Civil, military, and industrial cyber networks have already seen an upswing in probes, intrusions, exploitations, and attacks. The proliferation of commercially available technology will allow adversaries to develop niche capabilities that will threaten, in varying degrees, the successful conduct of operations in areas where US forces were previously unchallenged. Space and cyber networks are increasingly vulnerable to a wide array of new threats. Adversary anti-access capabilities will continue to improve, challenging US ability to project power and influence. Countering these capabilities is vital to assure freedom of action in, through, and from air, space, and cyberspace. Air Force Doctrine Document 3-12, Cyberspace Operations, is the Air Force's foundational doctrine publication for Air Force operations in, through, and from the cyberspace domain. This document means to provide insight for Airmen to follow. This document speaks to Air Force support of maintaining Cyberspace Superiority, a common military function. Chapter 1, Cyberspace Fundamentals, establishes the fundamental nature and context of Air Force cyberspace operations in this newly defined operational environment. This chapter defines fundamental terms and concepts for cyberspace operations. Discussions in this chapter include the strategic environment, general strategic policy, missions, military challenges, the Airman's perspective, relationship to other doctrine, principles of war, tenets of airpower, and cross-domain integration. Chapter 2, Command and Organization, describes the command, control, and organization of cyberspace forces. It depicts operational-level policy, command relationships, and commander roles and responsibilities. It discusses how global and theater cyberspace operations will be conducted through integrated command, control, and organization of military capabilities to achieve JFC objectives. Chapter 3, Design, Planning, Execution, and Assessment, describes how Air Force cyberspace operations are designed, planned, executed, and assessed. Also described are legal concerns, logistics, and operational considerations across the range of military operations. Appendix A, Ten Things Every Airman Must Know, is a list of ten things that every Airman ought to know, with respect to cyberspace operations. Appendix B, Policy and Doctrine Related to Cyberspace Operations, matrix includes recent and relevant National, Department of Defense-level, joint, and Air Force documents, publications, and doctrine which are related to cyberspace operations.
The mission of the United States Air Force is to fly, fight, and win in air, space, and cyberspace. A crucial part of achieving that mission involves obtaining and maintaining superiority in the air domain. That domain, defined for the first time in this publication, is the area, beginning at the Earth's surface, where the atmosphere has a major effect on the movement, maneuver, and employment of joint forces. Within that domain, forces exercise degrees of control or levels of influence, characterized as parity, superiority, or supremacy. The US has enjoyed at least air superiority in all conflicts since the Korean War. The US will probably retain that superiority in today's ongoing conflicts, but the prospect of near-peer competitors in the not-too-distant future raise the possibility of air parity - a condition in the air battle in which one force does not have air superiority over others - or even conceding superiority to the adversary if Air Force forces are not properly employed. Our possession of air superiority helps enable joint forces to dominate adversary operations in all domains and to achieve a wide range of cross-domain effects. Unless we can freely maneuver in the air while denying the enemy the ability to do the same, we do not have superiority. Therefore, this publication addresses how the commander of Air Force forces can best employ his assets within a joint force to achieve control in the air domain to enable the overall joint force effort. Counterair is more than just force protection or air and missile defense. It also includes offensive actions against an enemy's capabilities, allowing us to seize the initiative and force the adversary into a defensive posture. Furthermore, counterair is executed by more than just air assets. Counterair is a joint, multinational, and interagency team effort, comprising a combination of command and control systems, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems, aircraft and missile systems in air-to-air and air-to-ground roles, and surface-to-air defense weapons. The effect of air superiority is not normally an end unto itself. Air superiority provides enormous military advantages, allowing the joint force greater freedom of action to carry out its assigned missions (freedom to attack) while minimizing its vulnerability to enemy detection and attack (freedom from attack). The success of any major air, land, or maritime operation may depend on the degree of air superiority achieved. This Air Force doctrine document provides guidance for designing, planning, integrating, coordinating, executing, and assessing counterair operations. It provides operational doctrine to gain and maintain control of the air. As such, it focuses on how air forces can be organized and employed to successfully conduct counterair operations.
FM 3-34 is the Army doctrine publication that presents the overarching doctrinal guidance and direction for conducting engineer activities and shows how it contributes to decisive action. It provides a common framework and language for engineer support to operations and constitutes the doctrinal foundation for developing other fundamentals and tactics, techniques, and procedures detailed in subordinate doctrine manuals. This manual is a key integrating publication that links the doctrine for the Engineer Regiment with Army capstone doctrine and joint doctrine. It focuses on synchronizing and coordinating the diverse range of capabilities in the Engineer Regiment to support the Army and its mission successfully. FM 3-34 provides operational guidance for engineer commanders and trainers at all echelons and forms the foundation for United States (U.S.) Army Engineer School curricula.
The threat or use of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons by hostile regimes and terrorists represents one of the most difficult challenges facing our nation and our Air Force. This challenge is further complicated by the advance of technologies used to develop and deliver these weapons, making it possible for our enemies to attack us at a time and place of their choosing, with little or no warning. Success in defending our nation, our military forces, and partners and allies depends on how effectively we apply air, space, and cyberspace power to counter this threat. Many of our adversaries are actively seeking or already possess weapons of mass destruction and have stated their willingness to employ them. The key to successful protection against this threat is our people and their dedication to this vital mission. This doctrine document, “Counter-Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations” describes the Air Force's role in countering the threat or use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons at the operational level of war. Air Force commanders and personnel must be able to prevent an attack of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons and be able to counter the resulting effects if such weapons are used. Air Force procedures and training must be developed with joint operations in mind. Airmen must understand how to organize Air Force forces and how to present them to the joint force commander to ensure safety and survivability for all personnel while ensuring mission accomplishment. This Air Force doctrine document details principles for conducting counter-chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear operations. Our Air Force has tremendous capability available to address this challenge. We now use five pillars to describe how to counter these weapons: proliferation prevention, counterforce, active defense, passive defense, and consequence management. This doctrine document provides guidance for understanding, planning, and executing counter-chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear operations to enable US forces to survive and operate effectively in this deadly environment.