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Para el padre James Martin, SJ los Santos ¡son mucho más que estatuas de yeso, son amigos personales! En Mi vida con los Santos James Martin nos presenta una conmovedora experiencia respect a su relación con los Santos –desde María, la madre de Jesús, hasta San Francisco o la Madre Teresa− y la manera personal en la que ha side dirigido por los heroes de la Iglesia a lo largo de toda su vida. El padre James nos presenta vívidos y encantadores relatos de los Santos más populares, permitiéndonos ver no solo su santidad, sino su humanidad. A partir de esta experiencia descubrimos la llamada y posibilidad de vivir la santidad en nuestra propia humanidad. James Martin has led an entirely modern life: from a lukewarm Catholic childhood, to an education at the Wharton School of Business, to the executive fast track at General Electric, to ministry as a Jesuit priest, to a busy media career in Manhattan. But at every step he has been accompanied by some surprising friends—the saints of the Catholic Church. For many, these holy men and women remain just historical figures. For Martin, they are intimate companions. “They pray for me, offer me comfort, give me examples of discipleship, and help me along the way,” he writes. The author is both engaging and specific about the help and companionship he has received. When his pride proves trouble­some, he seeks help from Thomas Merton, the monk and writer who struggled with egotism. In sickness he turns to Thérèse of Lisieux, who knew about the boredom and self-pity that come with illness. Joan of Arc shores up his flagging courage. Aloysius Gonzaga deepens his compassion. Pope John XXIII helps him to laugh and not take life too seriously. Martin’s inspiring, witty, and always fascinating memoir encompasses saints from the whole of Christian history— from St. Peter to Dorothy Day. His saintly friends include Francis of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola, Mother Teresa, and other beloved figures. They accompany the author on a lifelong pilgrimage that includes stops in a sunlit square of a French town, a quiet retreat house on a New England beach, the gritty housing projects of inner-city Chicago, the sprawling slums of Nairobi, and a gorgeous Baroque church in Rome. This rich, vibrant, stirring narrative shows how the saints can help all of us find our way in the world.
Follow the REAL rubric for success in starting new ministries If congregations were to look outside their doors, they may find that the people who need the good news don’t look like them and that the way to engage them is by having ministries that are REAL. REAL ministry is respectful relationships, excellence, authenticity, and love. This easy-to-understand perspective on relationships can be implemented in any setting with any group. To continue the mandate, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,” we have to have relationships with those whom God has put in our neighborhoods. Each chapter contains a study guide with Bible verses and reflection questions. The author also offers real anecdotes and examples of what to do—and what not to do—so that when using the REAL rubric with any group of people, you can emulate Jesus and bring the good news to them. Church leaders wanting to be more inclusive or trying to grow in their changing neighborhood will find this book a welcome resource.
Based on her experiences and studies, Moore reveals the common denominator of those who are in danger of being seduced by Satan, and presents a guide to authentic repentance and restoration.
This first volume covers talks given in Italy, Norway and India. Krishnamurti begins with the statement "Friends, I should like you to make a living discovery, not a discovery induced by the description of others ... I am not going to try to describe what to me is truth, for that would be an impossible attempt. One cannot describe or give to another the fullness of an experience. Each one must live it for himself."
Este libro es un viaje penetrante, emocionante y decisivo en busca de la verdad divina en cuanto al Creador, la religión, la iglesia y su organización, y el plan de salvación. Acompañe al presentador mientras responde preguntas espiritualmente vitales.
¿Eres una novia… o un alma gemela? ¿Eres la mujer de ahora… o la mujer para siempre? En tu búsqueda del amor, no te pierdas en el camino. Al navegar en el mundo de las citas, cada mujer comienza a preguntarse: ¿Cómo sé que un hombre realmente me ama? ¿Estoy siendo muy exigente? ¿Y acaso merezco el amor? ¿Vale la pena seguir con esta relación? ¿Vale la pena el riesgo para encontrar el amor? ¿Quedan hombres decentes? A menudo, las mujeres solteras se sienten perdidas cuando tratan de encontrar respuestas a sus inquietudes más profundas sobre el amor y la intimidad. Algunas salen para pasar el rato o se involucran en relaciones casuales esperando el amor. Otras, incluso sienten miedo de tener esperanzas. En determinado momento, cada mujer necesita la confirmación de que ella–y sus estándares–no son el problema. En Cómo encontrar a tu alma gemela sin perder tu alma, descubrirás veintiuna estrategias que te ayudarán a levantar la barra, en vez de sentarte en ella a esperar que el Sr. Maravilloso aparezca. ¿no Es tiempo ya de que descubras un amor que te ayude a ser tú misma?
La historia testifica que mientras más personas intenten destruir el cristianismo, más crecerá. En este conmovedor y apasionante libro, Matt nos muestra que necesitamos valentía cristiana como nunca antes, y cómo vivir con compasión y convicción, capaces de mirar a nuestro alrededor positivamente y tender la mano con confianza. Una lectura obligada para cualquier cristiano que quiera entender cómo mantenerse firme y caminar hacia adelante en una cultura cada vez más secular. History testifies that the more people try to destroy Christianity, the more it grows. In this stirring, passionate book, Matt Chandler shows us we need Christian courage like never before, and how to live with compassion and conviction, able to look around positively and reach out confidently. A must-read for any Christian who wants to understand how to stand firm and walk forwards in an increasingly secular culture.