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La 4e de couverture indique : "Économie sociale, économie solidaire, entreprise sociale : autant de concepts et d'approches qui permettent d'appréhender une partie de plus en plus importante et pourtant méconnue, de nos économies. Représentant jusqu'à 15% de l'emploi salarié et des millions de volontaires, ce "troisième secteur" se distingue tant du secteur privé de type capitaliste que du secteur public et apparaît comme une réponse, partielle mais pertinente, à de nombreux défis d'aujourd'hui. Par ses dynamiques entrepreneuriales, l'ESS défriche de nouvelles activités ancrées dans les territoires. Par ses valeurs, elle inspire confiance et prouve combien nos sociétés ont besoin d'une économie plurielle. Confiés aux meilleurs spécialistes du monde francophone, les chapitres de cet ouvrage se présentent tous comme des synthèses des connaissances actuelles. Combinant des éclairages théoriques multiples, ils forment un véritable traité qui s'adresse en premier lieu aux enseignants, aux étudiants et aux chercheurs, mais aussi aux professionnels qui ont besoin de se ressourcer ou d'affiner leurs grilles d'analyse."
Depuis la fin du 20e siècle, les associations et les coopératives sont perçues par une frange croissante de la population comme des acteurs susceptibles de faire face aux problèmes sociétaux et de répondre aux aspirations des habitants. La société civile, les collectivités publiques, les universités, les médias voient en elles un fondement incontournable de la nécessaire rénovation de la vie économique. Cette promotion a placé l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) de façon singulière face à trois défis essentiels : le défi politique, qui l’a invitée à passer de la résolution des problèmes sociaux à la conception d’une politique de développement ; le défi technologique, qui l’a amenée à gérer le nouveau rapport au travail et les nouvelles sociabilités induits par l’essor des nouvelles technologies ; le défi environnemental enfin, qui l’incite à devenir une économie non seulement sociale mais aussi écologique, capable de se développer sans accroître son impact sur l’environnement. Si l’ESS, en tant que mouvement, n’a pas encore répondu à ces questions, l’observation de terrain permet d’ores et déjà de dire que ses acteurs trouvent les voies qui renouvellent les champs d’activités, les organisations du travail et les modes d’exercices du pouvoir. Le propos de cet ouvrage collectif est précisément de témoigner de l’inventivité de l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) contemporaine face à ces attentes sociétales.
Replete with case studies, Waking the Asian Pacific Cooperative Potential applies a novel theoretical framework to aid in understanding meaningful change in cooperative firms, mutual firms, collectives, and communes, focusing in particular on the underexamined Asia Pacific region. It explores the common, albeit competing, objectives of transformational cooperatives that deliver a range of social benefits and corporative coops where the cooperative exhibits the characteristics of a competitive investor firm. The book provides examples of successful cooperatives in eleven countries across the Asia Pacific and reviews the theoretical framework of cooperatives, including issues pertaining to socio-economic, politico-legal, and domestic and international factors. Waking the Asian Pacific Co-operative Potential provides early-career researchers and graduate students with a systematic resource of cooperatives in the Asia Pacific, highlighting core lessons from case studies regarding the ideal role of cooperatives in a modern economy and on the enabling factors of the role of the state, the market potential for scale-up, the mitigation of poverty, and civil society. Provides numerous case studies drawn from successful co-operative organizations across the Asia Pacific region Advances a theoretical framework to help readers access and understand the reasons for co-operative success in the Asia Pacific region Develops tools for practitioners to establish effective co-operatives and restructure them to optimal goals
In this monumental book, sociologist Robert Castel reconstructs the history of what he calls "the social question," or the ways in which both labor and social welfare have been organized from the Middle Ages onward to contemporary industrial society. Throughout, the author identifies two constants bearing directly on the question of who is entitled to relief and who can be excluded: the degree of embeddedness in any given community and the ability to work. Along this dual axis the author locates virtually the entire history of social welfare in early-modern and contemporary Europe.This work is a systematic defense of the meaningfulness of the category of "the social," written in the tradition of Foucault, Durkheim, and Marx. Castel imaginatively builds on Durkheim's insight into the essentially social basis of work and welfare. Castel populates his sociological framework with vivid characterizations of the transient lives of the "disaffiliated": those colorful itinerants whose very existence proved such a threat to the social fabric of early-modern Europe. Not surprisingly, he discovers that the cruel and punitive measures often directed against these marginal figures are deeply implicated in the techniques and institutions of power and social control.The author also treats the flipside of the problem of social assistance: namely, matters of work and wage-labor. Castel brilliantly reveals how the seemingly objective line of demarcation between able-bodied beggars those who are capable of work but who chose not to do so and those who are truly disabled becomes stretched in modernity to make room for the category of the "working poor." It is the novel crisis posed by those masses of population who are unable to maintain themselves by their labor alone that most deeply challenges modern societies and forges recognizably modern policies of social assistance.The author's gloss on the social question also offers us valuable perspectives on contempo
A century after the publication of Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the "Spirit" of Capitalism , a major new work examines network-based organization, employee autonomy and post-Fordist horizontal work structures.
The report analyzes key challenges for improving gender equality in the MENA region and provides policy priorities that Governments could consider to address these challenges. By and large the critical areas are in improving economic and political participation of females.
This Child-Friendly Schools (CFS) Manual was developed during three-and-a-half years of continuous work, involving the United Nations Children's Fund education staff and specialists from partner agencies working on quality education. It benefits from fieldwork in 155 countries and territories, evaluations carried out by the Regional Offices and desk reviews conducted by headquarters in New York. The manual is a part of a total resource package that includes an e-learning package for capacity-building in the use of CFS models and a collection of field case studies to illustrate the state of the art in child-friendly schools in a variety of settings.
The linguistic integration of migrants affects every aspect of settling in a new country (employment, health, etc.). The aim of this collection of texts is to propose a number of specific measures member states can take to help adult migrants become acquainted with the language of the host country. The main focus is on organising language courses that meet migrants’ real communication needs. It is not enough for authorities simply to consider the technical aspects of such courses, they should also design and conduct them in accordance with the fundamental values of the Council of Europe. A number of issues concerning the linguistic integration of adult migrants are presented here, beginning with the notion of linguistic integration itself. Family reunion, the nature of citizenship and the function of language tests, among others, are dealt with from the point of view of language and language use. Readers are invited to reflect on the type of language competences that need to be acquired as well as an appropriate use of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The collection also sets out approaches and instruments designed to assist in implementing effective policies.