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This book is the sequel to ""Elohim: Ancient Science Fiction or Biblical God?"" It explores what may have been and offers a glimpse at those who could soon be returning to Earth in our very near future. At the core of the facts presented within these chapters, lies a conundrum. There once existed an author who claimed to be the creator of the human race, and he wrote down his memoirs over 5,000 years ago. His tale evolved into many ancient religions. The question is, was he actually an alien being who came to Earth from another planet and wrote a truthful autobiography, or was his book a science fiction novel written by a mere mortal? Either scenario reveals a compelling reality: an ancient, pre-historic society once thrived on our planet that either rivaled or exceeded our modern achievements in science and space technology.
This book is the sequel to ""Elohim: Ancient Science Fiction or Biblical God?"" It explores what may have been and offers a glimpse at those who could soon be returning to Earth in our very near future. Are you ready? There are many unanswered questions common to mankind: ""Who or what is God?"" and ""Where did He come from?"" The biblical book of Genesis states that God (written as ""Elohim"" in the original Hebrew) created the universe and all living things on our planet in six days. However, scientists now calculate that the universe has existed for around 13.8 billion years and that modern man evolved into Homo sapiens around 200,000 years ago. How can these conflicting ideas be reconciled? An author who once claimed to be the creator of the human race wrote down his memoirs over 5,000 years ago. His tale evolved into many ancient religions. Was he actually an alien being who came to Earth from another planet, or a mere mortal? You decide.
""Elohim III: The Return"" is the third and final book in this author's controversial ""Elohim"" series, which began with ""Elohim: Ancient Science Fiction or Biblical God?"" and was recently followed by ""Elohim II: Ascension of the King."" World War III has begun! According to a current list of reported UFO sightings, few documented reports exist from the time of Classical antiquity until the 1940's. However, after the siege and destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., the historian Josephus wrote the following: .".".Thus there was a star resembling a sword, which stood over the city... at the ninth hour of the night, so great a light shone round the altar and the holy house, that it appeared to be bright day time; which lasted for half an hour... before sunsetting, chariots and troops of soldiers in their armor were seen running about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities.""
You may have wondered who first penned the biblical Genesis account and where its familiar stories originated. Many believe it was written by Moses. Others consider it merely a collection of older fables that were restructured and compiled after the Jews returned from exile in Babylon. Recently, scholars have uncovered another explanation that defies belief! The first intelligent life on Earth may have arrived here from another world, according to a number of recently discovered 5,000 year-old cuneiform texts. This fantastic tale may have actually been documented by an individual who claimed to be one of many ancient explorers who traveled to Earth from another planet. In the oldest Mesopotamian myths, he is credited with having made the first humans and guiding the development of Earth's first civilization. Written in his own words, the author of this book's ancient autobiographical account may have been the creator of mankind. His influence can be found in every major religion on our planet.
This book attempts to answer the question: ""Does God exist?"" And if so, ""Who or what is He?"" Pick almost any random handful of people and pose this question for debate. In all likelihood, there will be those who choose to debate that He does and others who will insist He does not. Such debates have been going on probably as long as mankind has existed. The essence of any debate on this matter is in defining who or what God is. If the same group of people are asked whether or not there is a force or set of forces in the universe which have acted upon it to create life, in all its forms and complexities, there would be no debate. To say that such a force does not exist would be absurd. The question that follows then becomes who or what created life itself? Whether or not we continue to exist as a species is simply a matter of faith. A single cosmic catastrophic event could destroy all life on Earth in an instant. Only a God who can control time and space can save us. There is only one who can do so.
When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, they became like God and the angels, knowing good and evil. For that reason, they were cast out of the garden in Eden and barred from having access to the Tree of Life, which would have provided them immortality. What would have happened to them if they had obeyed God and initially eaten from the Tree of Life? Obviously, they would no longer have been subject to death. Therefore, they would have been free from the curse surrounding the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In fact, rather than being a deadly curse, it would have then resulted in a blessing. Jesus of Nazareth reopened the way to the Tree of Life for all mankind, but what happened to the evil tree in God's garden? ""Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; a blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day: and a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the LORD your God..."" --Deuteronomy 11:26-28
If time suddenly stopped, and you began to retrace every step in your own life, there would no doubt be some things you would want to avoid or change. Of course, that is impossible... or is it? We live in an expanding universe where time flows from the past into the future. However, time flows at different rates even within our galaxy, depending upon one's location within it. What if our universe is not the only one that exists? There may be other universes where time flows from the future to the past. What would a world like ours look like in such a universe? Life would begin at the end of our lives, rather than at the beginning. On such a world, our planet's history would be speculative at best, but our prophetic foresight would be 20/20. The dead would rise out of their graves daily. Drowned sailors would come out of the seas, and the cremated would emerge like the legendary phoenix out of scattered ashes. The resurrection of the dead would be commonplace in such a world. What will heaven truly be like?
Scientists predict that Earth will inevitably be struck with future extinction events like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. The potential for such catastrophes is not a matter of if they will happen, but when. There is one event looming ahead of us in time that cannot be minimized or avoided. The core of our sun will one day collapse and expand into a red giant that will destroy all life on Earth. Whether or not humanity becomes extinct as a result depends on whether or not we have colonized other worlds. Any remaining life on Earth will only be salvaged through our efforts, or those of another intelligent species capable of intervening to save Earth's plants and animals. In the process of any such relocation, the possibility of our encroachment on another world where other, alien species already exist is very high--given that a planet is ultimately located that can harbor life. This book explores that future possibility.
Noah's "Hill of Salvation" has now been found!! You can examine it for yourself using modern satellite imagery! "The True Story of Noah explores the origins of this well known biblical story from a unique angle. Using related literature and information provided, Barger probes further to understand the likeliest resting spot of the ark. In the process, he provides a deluge of enriching historical information that revolves around Noah and the origins of man. Barger's discourse is intriguing and would particularly spark engaging conversation in a college humanities lecture... references to many familiar figures from creation myths and stories, such as The Epic of Gilgamesh, will keep the reader involved. This book is just as much about the story of how Noah came to be as it is about the final resting spot of the ark. For serious readers of the humanities who have a passion for ancient, biblical history and how it came to be, Barger's story is a worthwhile read." --Mihir Shah, The U.S. Review of Books
Over 75 years ago on March 18, 1937 around 3:17 pm, one of the most modern school buildings in America exploded in a rural Texas community decimating the student population and destroying innocent lives. Considered the worst public school disaster in American history, controversial theories surrounding this tragedy are still debated to this day. The event sparked changes that soon reverberated around the world and continue to affect each of us in our homes, schools, businesses and places of worship. This story relays more than simple facts. It is a personal account of unprepared loss and shattered dreams, followed by unfathomable grief. It describes the feelings of those who died in their innocence and of those who witnessed horror and lived through the aftermath. This is also a story of hope. Countless lives have been saved by bold actions that were taken in the wake of this unanticipated sacrifice of so many children who were literally consumed by fire in this American holocaust.