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Drawn from the Foreword: (...) On the other hand, since much of the material in this volume seems suitable for inclusion in elementary courses, it may not be superfluous to point out that it is almost entirely self-contained. Even the basic facts about trigonometric functions are treated ab initio in Ch. II, according to Eisenstein's method. It would have been both logical and convenient to treat the gamma -function similarly in Ch. VII; for the sake of brevity, this has not been done, and a knowledge of some elementary properties of T(s) has been assumed. One further prerequisite in Part II is Dirichlet's theorem on Fourier series, together with the method of Poisson summation which is only a special case of that theorem; in the case under consideration (essentially no more than the transformation formula for the theta-function) this presupposes the calculation of some classical integrals. (...) As to the final chapter, it concerns applications to number theory (...).
This book is devoted to the geometry and arithmetic of elliptic curves and to elliptic functions with applications to algebra and number theory. It includes modern interpretations of some famous classical algebraic theorems such as Abel's theorem on the lemniscate and Hermite's solution of the fifth degree equation by means of theta functions. Suitable as a text, the book is self-contained and assumes as prerequisites only the standard one-year courses of algebra and analysis.
This unique book provides an innovative and efficient approach to elliptic functions, based on the ideas of the great Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. The original 1988 monograph of K Venkatachaliengar has been completely revised. Many details, omitted from the original version, have been included, and the book has been made comprehensive by notes at the end of each chapter. The book is for graduate students and researchers in Number Theory and Classical Analysis, as well for scholars and aficionados of Ramanujan''s work. It can be read by anyone with some undergraduate knowledge of real and complex analysis.
This book includes review articles in the field of elliptic integrals, elliptic functions and modular forms intending to foster the discussion between theoretical physicists working on higher loop calculations and mathematicians working in the field of modular forms and functions and analytic solutions of higher order differential and difference equations.
This book has grown out of a course of lectures on elliptic functions, given in German, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, during the summer semester of 1982. Its aim is to give some idea of the theory of elliptic functions, and of its close connexion with theta-functions and modular functions, and to show how it provides an analytic approach to the solution of some classical problems in the theory of numbers. It comprises eleven chapters. The first seven are function-theoretic, and the next four concern arithmetical applications. There are Notes at the end of every chapter, which contain references to the literature, comments on the text, and on the ramifications, old and new, of the problems dealt with, some of them extending into cognate fields. The treatment is self-contained, and makes no special demand on the reader's knowledge beyond the elements of complex analysis in one variable, and of group theory.
In its first six chapters this 2006 text seeks to present the basic ideas and properties of the Jacobi elliptic functions as an historical essay, an attempt to answer the fascinating question: 'what would the treatment of elliptic functions have been like if Abel had developed the ideas, rather than Jacobi?' Accordingly, it is based on the idea of inverting integrals which arise in the theory of differential equations and, in particular, the differential equation that describes the motion of a simple pendulum. The later chapters present a more conventional approach to the Weierstrass functions and to elliptic integrals, and then the reader is introduced to the richly varied applications of the elliptic and related functions. Applications spanning arithmetic (solution of the general quintic, the functional equation of the Riemann zeta function), dynamics (orbits, Euler's equations, Green's functions), and also probability and statistics, are discussed.
The theory of elliptic functions represents a high point of classical analysis. Interest in the use of these mathematical tools was recently heightened by John Wile's partial proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. Now this comprehensive guide bridges the gap between elementary texts and the very high level specialist research monographs by demonstrating how the principal results can be derived using relatively modest analytical machinery. In addition to their intrinsic elegance and range, from Circular Functions to Gamma and Related, Basic Elliptic, Theta, Jacobian, Elliptic Integrals, and Modular Functions, they find uses in fields as diverse as number theory and fluid mechanics.
In the introduction to the first volume of The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves (Springer-Verlag, 1986), I observed that "the theory of elliptic curves is rich, varied, and amazingly vast," and as a consequence, "many important topics had to be omitted." I included a brief introduction to ten additional topics as an appendix to the first volume, with the tacit understanding that eventually there might be a second volume containing the details. You are now holding that second volume. it turned out that even those ten topics would not fit Unfortunately, into a single book, so I was forced to make some choices. The following material is covered in this book: I. Elliptic and modular functions for the full modular group. II. Elliptic curves with complex multiplication. III. Elliptic surfaces and specialization theorems. IV. Neron models, Kodaira-Neron classification of special fibers, Tate's algorithm, and Ogg's conductor-discriminant formula. V. Tate's theory of q-curves over p-adic fields. VI. Neron's theory of canonical local height functions.