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Aiden Greensboro and David De Young are best friends and brothers. One day Aiden discovers that he is an Elementaro: a soldier of the ancient goddess Gaia. Elementaros are environmental defenders with only one goal: to kill the monstrous Cronotians who are trying to enslave the human race with their superior technology. David De Young is a technological savant, seemingly capable of building anything. Ready to go to M.I.T. and escape his abusive father, he discovers he is a Cronotian: soldiers of the ancient god Cronos with only one purpose: to kill the Elementaros: environmental terrorists determined to set humanity back to the stone age. Each of them is convinced their side is righteous and just, and their enemy is a set of evil terrorists, until they are thrust back together...
Reprint of the original, first published in 1869.
This book provides researchers at the forefront of nonlinear optical technologies with robust procedures and software for the systematic investigation of the fundamental phenomena in nonlinear optical waveguide structures. A full vectorial electromagnetic formulation is adopted and the conditions under which simplification to a scalar formulation is possible are clearly indicated. The need to model the dielectric saturation properly is identified, and improved algorithms are presented for obtaining the complete power dispersion curve of structures exhibiting bistability. As the stability analysis of nonlinear modes is crucial to the development of nonlinear model methods, an effective procedure to investigate the propagation of the scalar nonlinear waves in 3D is another important feature of the book. All of the procedures described, as well as an automatic mesh generator for the finite element method, are incorporated into a software package which is included with this book.
The book provides an encyclopaedic overview of the language contact between Slavic languages and Romani in Eastern, South-Eastern and East-Central Europe. It is based on Yaron Matras’ pragmatic-functional approach to language contact and follows a new direction in Romani linguistics that conceives Romani as a subgroup of closely related languages rather than a single language. The central topics discussed in the book are: Slavic impact on Romani phonetics and phonology, morphology and syntax; forms and functions of Slavic verbal prefixes in Romani; Slavic impact on the Romani lexicon; Romani elements in the nonstandard lexicon of the Slavic languages; writing Romani with ‘Slavic’ alphabets.
NUMEROUS volumes have been written as commentaries upon the secret systems of philosophy existing in the ancient world, but the ageless truths of life, like many of the earth's greatest thinkers, have usually been clothed in shabby garments. The present work is an attempt to supply a tome worthy of those seers and sages whose thoughts are the substance of its pages. To bring about this coalescence of Beauty and Truth has proved most costly, but I believe that the result will produce an effect upon the mind of the reader which will more than justify the expenditure. Work upon the text of this volume was begun the first day of January, 1926, and has continued almost uninterruptedly for over two years. The greater part of the research work, however, was carried on prior to the writing of the manuscript. The collection of reference material was begun in 1921, and three years later the plans for the book took definite form. For the sake of clarity, all footnotes were eliminated, the various quotations and references to other authors being embodied in the text in their logical order. The bibliography is appended primarily to assist those interested in selecting for future study the most authoritative and important items dealing with philosophy and symbolism. To make readily accessible the abstruse information contained in the book, an elaborate topical cross index is included. I make no claim for either the infallibility or the originality of any statement herein contained. I have studied the fragmentary writings of the ancients sufficiently to realize that dogmatic utterances concerning their tenets are worse than foolhardy. Traditionalism is the curse of modern philosophy, particularly that of the European schools. While many of the statements contained in this treatise may appear at first wildly fantastic, I have sincerely endeavored to refrain from haphazard metaphysical speculation, presenting the material as far as possible in the spirit rather than the letter of the original authors. By assuming responsibility only for the mistakes which may' appear herein, I hope to escape the accusation of plagiarism which has been directed against nearly every writer on the subject of mystical philosophy. Having no particular ism of my own to promulgate, I have not attempted to twist the original writings to substantiate preconceived notions, nor have I distorted doctrines in any effort to reconcile the irreconcilable differences present in the various systems of religio-philosophic thought. The entire theory of the book is diametrically opposed to the modern method of thinking, for it is concerned with subjects openly ridiculed by the sophists of the twentieth century. Its true purpose is to introduce the mind of the reader to a hypothesis of living wholly beyond the pale of materialistic theology, philosophy, or science. The mass of abstruse material between its covers is not susceptible to perfect organization, but so far as possible related topics have been grouped together.
This book discusses the current educational climate and the impact of these policy measures for Roma people in eight Central and Eastern European countries. There is a severe lack of information about the Roma people in the public domain. This book seeks to raise awareness of this forgotten minority.