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The present publication is a continuation of the series being issued by the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East on the subject of public electricity supply in the countries of the region. The secretariat has, since 1951, been publishing statistical data on the public electricity supply in mimeographed form on an annual basis under the title, "Electric Power Bulletin". The data contained in these annual bulletins were collected together every five years and quinquennial issues under the titles, Electric Power in Asia and the Far East, 1951.1955 and "1956-1960" were published under the present series. The present publication contains similar data for the years 1961 and 1962. It is proposed to continue this series on an annual basis in future. This issue, like the earlier ones, relates mainly to public electricity supply in countries of the region. Although the information regarding electric generating plants owned and operated by industries for their own use was not available with respect to all countries, attempts have been made to %ndude such information wherever possible. For the first time in this series of publications, data have been included concerning Australia, New Zealand and Western Samoa. It will be recalled that Western Samoa was admitted as a new member and that Australia and New Zealand were included in the geographical scope of the ECAFE region by the United Nations Econoinic and Social Council at its thirty.sixth session in Geneva in June 1963. As a result of the inclusion of data for these countries, certain figures, such as total installed capacity and total generation, for the region appearing in some of the tables may not tally with the corresponding figures shown in the earlier publications of this series. Also, in some cases the figures appearing in earlier issues have been slightly modified in the light of revised or corrected data received from the countries.