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The 21st century Latin American developmental welfare state model is based on a new public-private alliance, where state-led developmental social policy relies for its implementation mainly on proactive, emerging regional entrepreneurs and a growing middle class. This volume illustrates where innovative development strategy may be in the making.
A fully-revised and updated new edition of a concise and insightful socio-historical analysis of the Cuban revolution, and the course it took over five and a half decades. Now available in a fully-revised second edition, including new material to add to the book’s coverage of Cuba over the past decade under Raul Castro All of the existing chapters have been updated to reflect recent scholarship Balances social and historical insight into the revolution with economic and political analysis extending into the twenty-first century Juxtaposes U.S. and Cuban perspectives on the historical impact of the revolution, engaging and debunking the myths and preconceptions surrounding one of the most formative political events of the twentieth century Incorporates more student-friendly features such as a timeline and glossary
It is manifest in developing countries around the world that the “shock” therapy administered to their economies by the neoliberal model of structural adjustment has failed, leaving much social and economic destruction in its wake. In Latin America this failure has led to a resurgence of interest in alternative models, some of them deploying various versions of socialism, as in Bolivia, Chile, and Venezuela, which has given rise to talk about the new “pink tide” enveloping the region. In this comparative study of four economies that have been making a transition to the market from their orthodox socialist pasts, Laura Enríquez focuses our attention on the plight of the small farmer in particular and on the importance of this sector for the overall socioeconomic success of the transition. Through this comparison, we see the similarities between Nicaragua and Russia in their rapid retreat from socialism and their adoption of reforms that have placed small agriculture, especially that focused on food crops, at a distinct disadvantage relative to export-oriented production. By contrast, Cuba has been more like China in adopting aspects of market reform while emphasizing small-scale cooperative and private farming in an effort to achieve food self-sufficiency. Drawing insights from Karl Polanyi’s study of the social and economic effects of the expansion of market relations in the nineteenth century, Enríquez highlights the role of the state in each of these countries in driving change in a certain direction: toward de-emphasis of small-scale farming and the eventual assumed demise of the peasantry in Nicaragua and Russia, which has led to countermovements of peasants struggling to survive, and toward the reconfirmation of the value of small farming in contributing to balanced economic development in Cuba and China.
En las ultimas tres decadas, muchos pafses en America Latina y el Caribe han reconocido el tema de la salud como un derecho humano. Desde inicios de la decada del 2000, 46 millones de personas adicionales, de los pafses estudiados, gozan de la protecci6n de programas de salud con explfcitos derechos a recibir atenci6n. Las reformas han venido acompafiadas por un incremento en el gasto publico del sector salud, financiado en gran pa rte por los ingresos fiscales generales que priorizan o estan dirigidos explfcitamente hacia las poblaciones sin capacidad de pago. Los compromisos polfticos se han traducido en general en presupuestos mas elevados yen leyes aprobadas que circunscriben los fondos destinados al sector salud. En la mayorfa de los pafses se ha priorizado la atenci6n primaria en salud por su costo efectividad y han adoptado metodos de adquisici6n que incentivan la eficiencia y la transparencia en los resultados y que les dan a los administradores del sector salud un mayor apalancamiento para dirigir a los proveedores hacia la . consecuci6n de las prioridades de salud publica. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances. aun subsisten las disparidades en el financiamiento y calidad de los servicios de los subsistemas de salud. Cumplir con el compromiso de la cobertura universal de salud exigira esfuerzos concertados para mejorar la generaci6n de los ingresos fiscales de manera sostenible y de elevar la productividad y efectividad del gasto. En el re po rte Hacia la cobertura universal en salud v la equidad en America Latina v el Caribe: Evidencia de poises seleccionados. los autores sefialan que la evidencia tomada de un analisis de 54 encuestas de hogares corrobora que las inversiones en la ampliaci6n de la cobertura estan generando resultados. A pesar que los pobres aun presentan los peores fndices de salud en comparaci6n con los ricos, las disparidades se han reducido en gran medida, especialmente durante las primeras etapas de vida. Los pafses han alcanzado elevados niveles de cobertura y equidad en la utilizaci6n de los servicios de salud maternoinfantil. El panorama se torna mas lleno de matices y no tan positivo cuando se trata de la salud en adultos y de la prevalencia de condiciones y enfermedades cr6nicas. La cobertura de las intervenciones de enfermedades no transmisibles no es muy alta y la utilizaci6n de los servicios se inclina hacia aquellos que gozan de una mejor posici6n. La prevalencia de las enfermedades no transmisibles no ha mostrado el comportamiento esperado en vista de la cafda en las tasas de mortalidad: un mayor acceso a los servicios de diagn6stico por pa rte de los segmentos mas ricos podrfa encubrir cambios en la prevalencia real. Los gastos de salud provocados por situaciones catastr6ficas han ido en descenso en la mayorfa de los pafses. El panorama en torno a la equidad, sin embargo es mixto, apuntando hacia limitaciones en la medida. Si bien la tasa de empobrecimiento a causa de gastos de salud es baja, con tendencia decreciente en terminos generales, entre dos y cuatro millones de personas en los pafses estudiados aun caen por debajo de la lfnea de la pobreza despues de haber incurrido en gastos de salud. Los esfuerzos para darle un seguimiento sistematico a la calidad de la atenci6n en la region, apenas dan sus primeros pasos. Sin embargo, un repaso a la literatura revela graves deficiencias en la calidad de la atenci6n de salud, asi como sustanciales diferencias entre los diversos subsistemas. Elevar la calidad de la atenci6n y asegurar la sostenibilidad de las inversiones en salud siguen siendo una agenda inconclusa.
Around the world, we see a 'participatory turn' in the pursuit of gender equality, exemplified by the adoption of gender quotas in national legislatures to promote women's role as decision-makers. We also see a 'pluralism turn', with increasing legal recognition given to the customary law or religious law of minority groups and indigenous peoples. To date, the former trend has primarily benefitted majority women, and the latter has primarily benefitted minority men. Neither has effectively ensured the participation of minority women. In response, multicultural feminists have proposed institutional innovations to strengthen the voice of minority women, both at the state level and in decisions about the interpretation and evolution of cultural and religious practices. This volume explores the connection between gender parity and multicultural feminism, both at the level of theory and in practice. The authors explore a range of cases from Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa, in relation to state law, customary law, religious law, and indigenous law. While many obstacles remain, and many women continue to suffer from the paradox of multicultural vulnerability, these innovations in theory and practice offer new prospects for reconciling gender equality and pluralism.
This handbook highlights a range of ground breaking, radical and liberatory clinical and critical community psychology projects from around the world. The disciplines of critical community psychology and clinical psychology are currently experiencing radical innovations that in this book are characterised as moving from the individualising practice realm toward an altogether more contextualising orientation. Both fields are responding to an array of political, social and economic injustices and a global political context. Community and clinical psychologists have found themselves reorienting their practice to confront, resist and subvert the structures that are so damaging to the lives of the vulnerable people they work with. This text posits that these approaches refute and resist the psychologising that has strengthened oppressive structures. Such practices are starting to engage in the political character of power-knowledge relationships that demand a more ‘action-oriented’ and less ‘clinical’ psychology praxis and there is a growing interest in, and commitment to, social justice in the field of mental wellbeing. Using examples of scholar, activist and practitioner work from around the world, this collection explores and documents those practices where the traditional remits of community and clinical psychology have been subverted, altered, stretched, changed and reworked in order to reframe practice around human rights, creativity, political activism, social change, space and place, systemic violence, community transformation, resource allocation and radical practices of disruption and direct action.