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Presentado en un congreso de historiadores en 1906, este libro trata la compleja relación entre la herencia religiosa del siglo XVI y la modernidad. Sin triunfalismo ni dogmatismo, el autor expone la influencia del protestantismo en la formación de la nueva forma de ser y pensar que se impuso desde finales del siglo XVIII, y señala cuidadosamente las características propias del luteranismo y el calvinismo, especialmente en sus posturas ante la autoridad política. Su análisis del protestantismo como un tipo cultural reconocible pondera los elementos positivos y negativos sin dejarse llevar por estereotipos. El FCE publico este estudio en 1951 y lo integra ahora, convertido en un clásico, a su colección Conmemorativa.
In Like Leaven in the Dough: Protestant Social Thought in Latin America, 1920-1950, Carlos Mondrag n offers an introduction to the ideas of notable Protestant writers in Latin America during the first half of the twentieth century. Despite their national and denominational differences, Mondrag n argues that Protestant intellectuals developed a coherent set of ideas about freedom of religion and thought, economic justice, militarism, and national identity. This was a period when Protestants comprised a very small proportion of Latin America's total population; their very marginality compelled them to think creatively about their identity and place in Latin American society. Accused of embracing a foreign faith, these Protestants struggled to define national identities that had room for religious diversity and liberty of conscience. Marginalized and persecuted themselves, Latin America's Protestants articulated a liberating message decades before the appearance of Catholic Liberation Theology.
This volume traces the socioeconomic and environmental changes taking place in the Gran Chaco, a vast and richly biodiverse ecoregion at the intersection of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Representing a wide range of contemporary anthropological scholarship that has not been available in English until now, Reimagining the Gran Chaco illuminates how the region’s many Indigenous groups are negotiating these transformations in their own terms.  The essays in this volume explore how the region has become a complex arena of political, cultural, and economic contestation between actors that include the state, environmental groups and NGOs, and private businesses and how local actors are reconfiguring their subjectivities and political agency in response. With its multinational perspective, and its examination of major themes including missionization, millenarian movements, the Chaco war, industrial enclaves, extractivism, political mobilization, and the struggle for rights, this volume brings greater visibility to an underrepresented, complex region.  Contributors: Nancy Postero | César Ceriani Cernadas | Hannes Kalisch | Rodrigo Villagra | Federico Bossert | Paola Canova | Joel Correia | Bret Gustafson | Mercedes Biocca | Silvia Hirsch | Denise Bebbington | Gastón Gordillo | Guido Cortez
Translated into Spanish, The Book of Discipline details the plan by which United Methodists govern themselves, and describes their understanding of what is expected of laity and clergy as we seek to be effective witnesses in the world and make disciples of Jesus Christ. As the product of more than 200 years of General Conferences of the denominations that form The United Methodist Church, the Discipline honors the past and addresses the future. The Book of Discipline includes: Church Law & Polity Our Constitution Our history Our doctrinal standards Our theological task Wesley’s inspiring words And more...
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
To explain a text, according to Rodriguez, is to locate it precisley at a real historical conjuncture, to situate it ideologically. This insistence on the historicity of literature saved Rodriguez from the fate that, from the late 1970s onward, overtook many Althusserians. The latter, unable to historicise and therefore transcend the key category of the subject, refused to rank 'real art' among the ideologies, as a result of which their concept of literary 'production' remained locked in a Kantian- and therefore eminently bourgeois- problematic. For Rodriguez, in contrast, ideology could not be the discourse of the subject, for the simple reason that the subject was itself an historical category, whose origins were to be found in animism, the ideology of the bourgeoisie during its early, mercantilist phase. As an emergent ideology, animism stood in contradiction to substantialism, its dominant counterpart under feudalism, that manifestly had no place for a 'free subject'. The analysis of these conflictual ideologies, during the protracted transition in Spain from feudalism to capitalism, constitutes the kernel of Theory and History of Ideological Production. University of Granada.