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El populismo y su impacto en la democracia "El populismo y su impacto en la democracia" es una exploración perspicaz del surgimiento del populismo y sus profundos efectos en los sistemas democráticos de todo el mundo. Este completo libro examina el contexto histórico, los orígenes y las características del populismo, arrojando luz sobre los factores que contribuyen a su surgimiento y las estrategias y tácticas empleadas por los líderes populistas. El libro profundiza en las consecuencias del populismo en las instituciones democráticas, incluida la erosión de los controles y equilibrios, las amenazas al estado de derecho y los desafíos a los derechos de las minorías. Explora las implicaciones económicas del populismo, su impacto en los negocios, el comercio y la globalización, así como su papel en el fomento de las divisiones sociales y la explotación de las ansiedades económicas. A través de estudios de casos globales, el libro proporciona una comprensión matizada de la influencia del populismo en Europa, América, Asia y África. Analiza cómo los movimientos populistas interactúan con los medios, manipulan la opinión pública y apelan al nacionalismo para movilizar apoyo. Sin embargo, "El populismo y su impacto en la democracia" también ofrece esperanza y enfoques constructivos para contrarrestar los desafíos que plantea el populismo. Destaca la importancia de la resiliencia democrática, la reforma institucional y la participación de los partidarios populistas en un diálogo constructivo. Este libro es una lectura obligada para académicos, legisladores y cualquier persona que busque comprender la compleja dinámica del populismo y su impacto en el futuro de la gobernabilidad democrática. Brinda información valiosa sobre la salvaguardia de los valores democráticos y la promoción de democracias inclusivas y resilientes en medio del auge de los movimientos populistas en todo el mundo.
Following the USA, in many Western countries over the last decade, prison rates have increased while crime rates have declined. This key book examines the role played by penal populism on this and other trends in contemporary penal policy.
What is fascism and what is populism? What are their connections in history and theory, and how should we address their significant differences? What does it mean when pundits call Donald Trump a fascist, or label as populist politicians who span left and right such as Hugo Chávez, Juan Perón, Rodrigo Duterte, and Marine Le Pen? Federico Finchelstein, one of the leading scholars of fascist and populist ideologies, synthesizes their history in order to answer these questions and offer a thoughtful perspective on how we might apply the concepts today. While they belong to the same history and are often conflated, fascism and populism actually represent distinct political trajectories. Drawing on an expansive record of transnational fascism and postwar populist movements, Finchelstein gives us insightful new ways to think about the state of democracy and political culture on a global scale. This new edition includes an updated preface that brings the book up to date, midway through the Trump presidency and the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil.
La serie de reformas políticas crearon y fortalecieron las instituciones electorales mexicanas que lejos de consolidad la democracia con la aceptación de los resultados electorales han llevado a conflicto postelectorales mayores. El quiebre de los vínculos democráticos entre candidatos derrotados e instituciones y la grieta entre medios de comunicación, partidos y ciudadanos ha sido alimentada no solo por el incumplimiento al apego a las normas democráticas sino por las denuncias - infundadas la mayor parte de ellas - de inequidad y manipulación. En este entorno Enrique Peña Nieto va a tomar posesión del nuevo gobierno el primero de diciembre. Emeterio Guevara en un esplendido libro reflexiona acerca del más importante momento político de México, el triunfo de Enrique Peña Nieto, la democracia, los medios de comunicación y los alcances de la polarización social. Este libro representa la culminación de los esfuerzos de la brillante carrera del autor para entender el proceso de transición y la consolidación democrática de México. Ciertamente será leído por todos aquellos que quieren entender los entramados del poder y su vinculación con los medios de comunicación.
This timely book offers an in-depth analysis of the intersection between populism and corruption, addressing phenomena that have been, so far, largely treated separately. Bringing together two dynamic and well-established fields of study, it proposes a theoretical framework for the study of populism and corruption in order to update our understanding of specific forms of each in a variety of socio-political settings.
Cult-of-personality or true democracy? The rise of populism worldwide, combined with the overwhelming success of leaders in Latin America, has positioned the region at the forefront of political debate. Conventional wisdom presents this trend as a handful of charismatic individuals leading an ideological challenge to liberal democracy. But can it really be that simple? Based on exclusive interviews with over three hundred politicians – former presidents, vice presidents, current party officials and hundreds more – Latin America's Leaders exposes what the Pink Tide really thinks of its presidents. Arguing that the political styles of leaders such as Hugo Chávez, Rafael Correa, Álvaro Uribe and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner are far better explained in the context of their respective countries' party systems, the authors examine political stability through the paradoxical relationship between democracy and the concentration of power in charismatic individuals. This is the definitive guide to the world's most left-wing continent.
The biggest contemporary challenge to democratic legitimacy gravitates around the crisis of democratic representation. To tackle this problem, a growing number of established and new democracies included direct democratic instruments in their constitutions, enabling citizens to have direct influence on democratic decision-making. However, there are many different empirical manifestations of direct democracy, and their diverse consequences for representative democracy remain an understudied topic. Let the People Rule? aims to fill this gap, analysing the multifaceted consequences of direct democracy on constitutional reforms and issues of independence, democratic accountability mechanisms, and political outcomes. Chapters apply different methodological approaches to study the consequences of direct democracy on democratic legitimacy. These range from single in-depth case studies, like the Scottish independence referendum in 2014, to cross-national comparative studies, such as the direct democratic experience within the European Union.
Since the re-democratization of much of Latin America in the 1980s and a regional wave of anti-austerity protests in the 1990s, social movement studies has become an important part of sociological, political, and anthropological scholarship on the region. The subdiscipline has framed debates about formal and informal politics, spatial and relational processes, as well as economic changes in Latin America. While there is an abundant literature on particular movements in different countries across the region, there is limited coverage of the approaches, debates, and theoretical understandings of social movement studies applied to Latin America. In The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements, Federico M. Rossi presents a survey of the broad range of theoretical perspectives on social movements in Latin America. Bringing together a wide variety of viewpoints, the Handbook includes five sections: theoretical approaches to social movements, as applied to Latin America; processes and dynamics of social movements; major social movements in the region; ideational and strategic dimensions of social movements; and the relationship between political institutions and social movements. Covering key social movements and social dynamics in Latin America from the late nineteenth century to the twenty-first century, The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements is an indispensable reference for any scholar interested in social movements, protest, contentious politics, and Latin American studies.