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¿Ha pensado alguna vez por qué sentimos emociones? La belleza o el aburrimiento ¿son acaso sensaciones subjetivas o hay algo más? ¿En qué consisten los sueños?¿ Entrañan algún significado simbólico o son un mero torrente de información procesada por el cerebro? Y la meditación desarrollada por las filosofías orientales ¿tiene alguna repercusión a nivel neurológico?. Todos nos hemos sentido atraídos alguna vez por el cerebro, esa masa de poco más de un kilo y mediode peso encargada de controlar las funciones de nuestro cuerpo y mantener el contacto con el mundo exterior.
Substance use disorder is a legitimate medical disorder with its locus in the pleasure centers of the brain. People who have addictions frequently also have medical and psychiatric comorbidities that complicate their addictions. With perseverance, all of these challenging disorders can be prevented and treated. Prevention can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary. The sine qua non of treatment and prevention is the biopsychosocial model. Classification is crucial in science. As an example, the DSM-5 publication has been an important scientific achievement. In it, Substance- Related and Addictive Disorders can be diagnosed using the four Cs: craving, control (loss of), compulsion, and use despite negative consequences. Thanks to pharmacogenetics and epigenetics in the future, the high risk for different addictions can be clarified. Tragic cases of celebrities can be changed, and their triumphs celebrated instead of their deaths mourned from substance use disorders. Examples of tragic cases in the past are Ernest Hemingway, whose family also suffered five suicides (including Hemingway himself), and Eugene ONeill with three suicides in his family. On the other hand, Bob and Bill W., Betty Ford, and Robert Downey Jr. and Drew Barrymore all succeeded in their fights against addiction. As far as I know, Hemingway and ONeil were never told they had an alcohol use disorder and were never referred to AA. Although it is speculation, if both authors and their families were treated with lithium (used for mania first in Australia in 1949 and approved for the treatment of mood disorders in the United States in 1972) or, in the future, ketamine, their suicides could have been prevented. Bob Smith and Bill Watson, who experienced a spiritual transformation experience, were able to abstain from alcohol for the rest of their lives. Evidence-based studies can be used along with FDA-approved addiction medication as part of the biopsychosocial model. For alcohol use disorders, three medications are recommended: disulfiram, acamprosate, and naltrexone. The key is determining which medication is indicated for a specific patient. For cocaine and stimulant use disorders, FDA-approved medications for the treatment of ADHD are an alternative for patients trying to self-medicate with cocaine. For opiate use disorders, three other medications are also FDA-approved: naltrexone, methadone and buprenorphine. I favor buprenorphine due to the fact that is a partial mu blocker (the mu receptor is the most important analgesic opiate receptor)the risk of respiratory depression in cases of overdosing is low, and the success rate is high. Buprenorphine can be paired with naloxone, which is an opiate blocker, to prevent the illegal distribution. Kits with naloxone, Evzio (brand name of naloxone 0.4-milligram auto-injector), are being distributed to patients and family members, making it a life-saving medication similar to EpiPen for the treatment of anaphylactic shock. In order to diminish the risk of diversion, many deterrent techniques are being developed by manufactures of opiates. All these precautions will be almost superfluous if an implantable version of buprenorphine becomes available. Effective and updated medical education is the best antidote against stigma. Above all, all patients with substance use disorders should be treated with respect and humane care.
¿Por qué si nuestra vida es más fácil, el trabajo más suave que antaño, la alimentación superior y la esperanza de vida roza los ochenta años, nos medicamos mucho más que antes. Seguramente la respuesta está en la falta de motivación, es decir, en la costumbre de tener un medicamento para todo: si engordamos una pastilla nos hará adelgazar; si no dormimos, un tranquilizante nos ayudará a dormir; etc. No se trata de cuestionar el papel indispensable del médico, sino, simplemente de recordar que existen medicamentos, tradicionales o modernos que, en algunos casos, han sido eficaces. Pero, atención, es el médico quien debe decidir la necesidad real de un tratamiento y la utilización de un producto más allá de las indicaciones legales. Apoyado por numerosas revistas científicas, este libro nos introduce en el núcleo de los mecanismos que deciden nuestra forma física e intelectual. Lejos de recetas preestablecidas, evalúa los medios a nuestra disposición e invita a que cada uno reflexione y evalúe la oportunidad de concienciarse. Al mismo tiempo, actualiza el antiguo adagio de Hipócrates: "Que tu alimento sea tu medicina". Este libro recoge un largo mosaico de productos -con algunas reservas- con un objetivo claro: describir el uso actual de moléculas psicoestimulantes (no estupefacientes) sin convertirlas en medicinas de uso diario. El lector descubrirá que puede tomar un euforizante unido a un antiamnésico y a un antiestresante, etc., comprobando que el riesgo de toxicidad es débil o inexistente, pero dándose cuenta de que existe una carencia allí donde el cuerpo y el espíritu funcionan perfectamente.
The Unconscious in Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis presents a unique and provocative approach to the assimilation of these two disciplines while offering a thorough assessment of the unconscious from a neuropsychoanalytic and Lacanian perspective. Marco Máximo Balzarini offers a comprehensive overview of Freud’s theory of the unconscious and its importance within psychoanalysis, before looking to how it has been integrated into contemporary neuropsychoanalytic work. Paying close attention to the field-defining work of neuropsychoanalysts such as Mark Solms, Francois Ansermet, and Pierre Magistretti, Balzarini considers the dichotomy between neuroscience and psychoanalysis, and the omnipresent debate on if and how they should be integrated when working with the unconscious. Throughout, he provides a fascinating Lacanian interpretation, showing how the work of Lacan can offer a new way of developing the dialogue and understanding around this vital topic. Part of the Routledge Neuropsychoanalysis Series, this book will be of interest to any psychoanalyst seeking to explore the foundations of the relationship between neuropsychoanalytic and Lacanian ideas in their clinical and theoretical work.
CAMAGÜEYANOS ILUSTRES: Tula en dos tiempos; Flora Díaz Parrado; Abelardo Chapellí Marín; Mariano Aramburu y Machado; Luis Pichardo Loret de Mola; El Padre Gonfaus; La bala de ébano. UN BURGUES EXTRAORDINARIO: EMILIO BACARDÍ MOREAU. ENRIQUE VILLUENDAS Y DE LA TORRE. TRES FIGURA CUBANO-ESPAÑOLAS DE RELIEVE: Manuel Mur Oti; Ramón Rodríguez Correa; Teodoro Guerrero y Pallarés. Talentos cubanos y cubano-españoles; toda la información obtenida en Santiago de Cuba, entre los años 1964 y 1968 sobre el ilustre creador del ron Bacardí; la reproducción literal del Diario de Campaña de 1896 de Enrique Villuendas... y mucho más...
La obra maestra del escritor cubano Emilio Bobadilla como narrador es A fuego lento. La primera parte de la novela transcurre en Ganga, inspirada en la ciudad colombiana de Barranquilla, donde Bobadilla vivió algunos meses en 1898. El cuadro que traza A fuego lento es esperpéntico. Por entonces Barranquilla era un puerto principal de Colombia y era llamada "La Nueva York de Colombia", "La Nueva Barcelona" o "La Nueva Alejandría". Tenía varios cines, y las compañías de ópera italianas y de teatro españolas se presentaban allí. A ese lugar llega el doctor Eustaquio Baranda, un exiliado dominicano que ha estudiado medicina en París. El personaje atrae a las poderes locales, los mismos que después lo aborrecen despechados porque ha conquistado los favores de Alicia, deseada por uno de los prohombres lugareños. Baranda se va a París con Alicia. Y allí se consume su vida en el apetito social de Alicia —exaltado por sus ambiciones y la influencia provinciana de los antiguos conocidos de Ganga—. Muere a pesar de la presencia balsámica de una francesa fina, culta, delicada y distinguida a la que el doctor Baranda renuncia por no tener el valor de separarse de Alicia.
"The country´s future depends on what a conscious and organized society does, or fail to do". The mexican enigma is an informative analysis of the situation of political, social and economic crisis that Mexico is going through from the review of three key areas: the political elites —mainly figures like Enrique Peña Nieto, whom the author studies in a bibliographical manner as well as reviews his actions since he was governor of Estado de Mexico—; the de facto powers that have been developed in the country and its implications in Mexican political and social credibility; the last axis is organized society, which, from the perception of Aguayo, has always been excluded from Mexican politics. The author also discusses the state of political culture within society and the level of disapproval of this before the present form of the government of Mexico. The author makes a strong documentary research that reaches to an almost didactic text, bringing the reader to a real and well informed approach of what is happening in Mexico. The book, in digital format, allows interaction with documents, videos and photographs that complement the reading, while encouraging political reflection from its readers.
Revised edition of a Latin American classic in a tour-de-force translation.
The Proceedings of the International Conference on “Historical-Cultural Theory: studies and research” are published in this volume. The event, supported by a grant from the Sapienza, University of Rome, took place at the Rectorat, Aula Organi Collegiali, on February the 25th, 2020, on organization by G. Benvenuto and M.S. Veggetti. The invited speakers are among the most representative scholars and interpreters of Vygotskian thought at the national and international level. They are representative of different prestigious universities: Moscow State University for Psychology and Education; University of Sevilla, Spain; La Habana, Cuba; University of Florence, Italy; Sapienza, University of Rome; University of Arcavacata di Rende (CS), followers of the Historical-cultural trend in Psychology and/or the Activity Theory Approach - by L.S.Vygotskij, A.R. Lurija, A.N.Leont’ev, V.V.Davydov, V.V.Rubtzov. They are actually involved in research expanding a multicultural approach to psycho-pedagogical development and learning. Main purpose: revisit the Historical-cultural and Activity Approaches to face the XXI century’s new educational and instructional needs. Consequently, the issues present further developments of the psycho-pedagogical approaches in different countries in the frame of internationalization and joint cooperation.