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La democracia -la única base válida de una vida en común en una sociedad humana digna de tal nombre- es un marco institucional en el que diversas corrientes de pensamiento o familias políticas introducen, de hecho, unos contenidos sensiblemente distintos. Por eso no se acaba nunca de explicar el sentido y las exigencias de una auténtica democracia. La Iglesia católica no constituye hoy una excepción: aprueba y defiende el modelo democrático como el más conforme a la dignidad del hombre ciudadano, aunque muchos piensan que ha necesitado demasiado tiempo para suscribir este criterio, y alguno llegarían incluso a decir que lo ha hecho de mala gana. Lo que es innegable es que el advenimiento de la democracia ha constituido para el catolicismo una prueba y un desafío. La sociedad de este final de siglo sólo podrá rehacer la base de esos valores comunes que tan apremiantemente necesita mediante una democracia participativa viva y activa. Y la Iglesia católica debería poder constribuir a ello, con la condición de que ella misma instaure en su seno, sin infidelidad a su propia vocación, la participación que reclama la denominación "pueblo de Dios". Los tiempos que vivimos ya no nos permiten escapar a la doble exigencia de una sociedad de debate y una Iglesia en la que el debate ocupe el lugar que le corresponde. Este libro intenta mostrar la génesis y los motivos de la resistencia de la Iglesia católica a una determinada presentación del ideal democrático. También pretende poner de relieve lo que hoy sigue resultándole difícil, indicando la posible salida a lo que se presenta como un "impasse". Finalmente, trata de ofrecer un esbozo de una mejor articulación de la Iglesia en la originalidad de su vida interna y del modelo democrático, aceptando no como una concesión, sino como una exigencia de responsabilidad. GASTON PIÉTRI ha sido director del Centro Nacional de Enseñanza Religiosa (1978-1982). Ha ocupado el puesto de Secretario general adjunto de la Conferencia Episcopal francesa, como responsable del servicio de cuestiones pastoral (1982-1988). Y en la Universidad Católica de Lyon ha ejercido la función de director del Instituto Pastoral de Estudios Religiosos (1988-1993).
Gnosis means knowledge. But we are not referring to just any knowledge. Gnosis is knowledge which produces a great transformation in those who receive it. Knowledge capable of nothing less than waking up man and helping him to escape from the prison in which he finds himself. That is why Gnosis has been so persecuted throughout the course of history, because it is knowledge considered dangerous for the religious and political authorities who govern mankind from the shadows. Every time this religion, absolutely different from the rest, appears before man, the other religions unite to try to destroy or hide it again. Primordial Gnosis is the original Gnosis, true Gnosis, eternal Gnosis, Gnostic knowledge in its pure form. Due to multiple persecutions, Primordial Gnosis has been fragmented, distorted and hidden.
Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), nicknamed Bitita, was a destitute black Brazilian woman born in the rural interior who migrated to the industrial city of Sao Paulo. This is her autobiography, which includes details about her experiences of race relations and sexual intimidation.
With the continued expansion of the literary canon, multicultural works of modern literary fiction and autobiography have assumed an increasing importance for students and scholars of American literature. This exciting new series assembles key documents and criticism concerning these works that have so recently become central components of the American literature curriculum. Each casebook will reprint documents relating to the work's historical context and reception, present the best in critical essays, and when possible, feature an interview of the author. The series will provide, for the first time, an accessible forum in which readers can come to a fuller understanding of these contemporary masterpieces and the unique aspects of American ethnic, racial, or cultural experience that they so ably portray. This casebook to Morrison's classic novel presents seven essays that represent the best in contemporary criticism of the book. In addition, the book includes a poem and an abolitionist's tra published after a slave named Margaret Garner killed her child to save her from slavery—the very incident Morrison fictionalizes in Beloved.
Only a few decades past, academia tended to scoff at the very idea of serious Pentecostal theology. Today profound and variegated theological implications of this dynamic movement are the object of exploration and development across the entire spectrum of the Christian theological corpus. Arguably, an acute need has arisen for identification and evaluation of the Pentecostal movement's original and ongoing theological ""essentials."" What is Pentecostal theology really all about anyway? This volume realizes that Pentecostal theology is at its heart a working theology undergirding and energizing believers' worship of God in prayer and praise, in holy living, and in witness to a personal experience of the risen Lord and Savior manifested in the continuing power of the Holy Spirit. Authentic implementation, if not explicit articulation, of fervent Pentecostal theology often occurs in the vitality of local churches, house fellowships, and various mission settings in America and around the world. Birthed in the fires of revival movements, essential Pentecostalism, including Pentecostal theology, continues to burn brightest wherever it is fueled most directly.
This studay provides an overview of the numerous African initiated churches that came into being during the 20th century in the various different parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. Written by an acknowledged expert on Christianity in Africa, it also examines the reasons for the emergence of these religious centres that have resulted from the interaction between Christianity and African pre-Christian religions.
Many philosophers have been appointed to top-level political positions during Chile's modern history. What makes Chilean philosophers unique in the context of Latin America and beyond, is that they have developed a sophisticated rationale for both their participation and withdrawal from politics. All along, philosophers have grappled with fundamental problems such as the role of religion and politics in society. They have also played a fundamental role in defining the nature and aims of higher education. The philosophers' production constitutes a substantial, albeit largely unknown, portion of the intellectual history of Chile and Latin America. This book describes in detail the evolution of philosophical work in Chile, and pays close attention to the relationship between philosophical activity and contemporary social and political events. Various Chilean philosophical sources are discussed for the first time in the literature on Chilean ideas. The work of such intellectuals as Andres Bello, Valentin Letelier, Enrique Molina, Jorge Millas, Juan Rivano, Juan de Dios Vial Larrain, and many others is examined in relation to the principal political and educational issues of their time. The book also develops a distinction between the two main currents of Chilean philosophy, namely, a "professionalist" current that seeks the independence of the field from social and political involvements, and a "critical" current that seeks to relate philosophical activity to national realities.
Explores the current crisis in higher education in developing countries and outlines a coherent vision of future progress. Authored by a body of experts from 13 countries convened by the World Bank and UNESCO to explore the future of higher education in the developing world.