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Designed for anyone with an interest in touring major architectural works, the Guidebooks contain historical and descriptive information on key buildings, and practical information including maps, directions, addresses, and references for further reading.
Beginning in the 1950s, an explosion in rural-urban migration dramatically increased the population of cities throughout Peru, leading to an acute housing shortage and the proliferation of self-built shelters clustered in barriadas, or squatter settlements. Improvised Cities examines the history of aided self-help housing, or technical assistance to self-builders, which took on a variety of forms in Peru from 1954 to 1986. While the postwar period saw a number of trial projects in aided self-help housing throughout the developing world, Peru was the site of significant experiments in this field and pioneering in its efforts to enact a large-scale policy of land tenure regularization in improvised, unauthorized cities. Gyger focuses on three interrelated themes: the circumstances that made Peru a fertile site for innovation in low-cost housing under a succession of very different political regimes; the influences on, and movements within, architectural culture that prompted architects to consider self-help housing as an alternative mode of practice; and the context in which international development agencies came to embrace these projects as part of their larger goals during the Cold War and beyond.
Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas presents the extensive range of metaphoric and metonymic terms and expressions that are commonly used within the fields of science, engineering, architecture and sports science. Compiled by a team of linguists working across a range of technical schools within the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, this practical dictionary fills a gap in the field of technical language and will be an indispensable reference for students within the fields of science, engineering or sports science seeking to work internationally and for translators and interpreters working in these specialist fields.
La arquitectura mexicana actual está mostrando su talento en las obras que proyectan. Sin embargo, sea cual fuese el proyecto arquitectónico, es indispensable considerar las condiciones que existirán en eventos sísmicos. No hacerlo así significa exponerse a incertidumbres de servicio o riesgos de estabilidad, que pueden inhabilitar o hacer fallar la estructura que se trate. Fue así como se perdieron en la ciudad de México legados importantes de arquitectura, por los efectos del sismo de 1985. A partir de ese entonces somos mejores: aprendimos que la arquitectura está ligada a las condiciones de su entorno. La Torre Latinoamericana es un icono de la Ciudad de México porque conjunta arquitectura, estructura, cimentación y sismo. El sismo de 1957 permitió reconocer el avance que se estaba logrando al integrar el diseño sísmico y la arquitectura. El de 1985 nos recordó que esa integración no es opcional, es necesaria. Esto exige que la participación del arquitecto y el ingeniero sea estrecha para beneficio de todos. El costo en vidas y los daños materiales se minimizan en la medida en que se incrementen las consideraciones sísmicas en los proyectos arquitectónicos. El presente libro lo introduce a uno en el tema, cómo y por qué se originan los sismos, cuáles son los principales elementos a considerar en el cálculo de las fuerzas sísmicas, y cómo se integran esos resultados en el diseño final. Es mérito del autor haberlo logrado: su formación académica de licenciatura en ingeniería civil, su postgrado en arquitectura y su desarrollo profesional en ambas actividades, lo han permitido. Es así como logra llevar al lector en un recorrido que permite visualizar la importancia del proyecto arquitectónico en zonas sísmicas. Explica de manera amena los elementos básicos que se requiere conocer de física, sismología y estructuras para llegar a los conceptos de coeficiente sísmico y espectro de diseño. Aborda el efecto de los sismos en los suelos: los tipos de suelos y sus características, los reglamentos de interés y comentarios en paralelo para ampliar las perspectivas del tema. Continúa con el efecto de los sismos en los edificios, el comportamiento de sus elementos y sistemas estructurales. Presenta las condiciones de diseño arquitectónico en zonas sísmicas y las configuraciones antisísmicas a considerar. Completa este marco general con el comportamiento de los diversos sistemas estructurales y los procesos aplicables, indicando las precauciones que deben tenerse durante su construcción. Al final presenta casos prácticos, que son ejemplos actuales de proyectos urbanos que no son ajenos al lector. Este libro de Alejandro Rojas ayudará a quien lo utilice, ya sea en el aula o en el taller de arquitectura... Carlos E Gutiérrez Sarmiento Abril del 2008.
This collection investigates the wide array of local antiquarian practices that developed across Europe in the early modern era. Breaking new ground, it explores local concepts of antiquity in a period that has been defined as a uniform 'Renaissance'. Contributors take a novel approach to the revival of the antique in different parts of Italy, as well as examining other, less widely studied antiquarian traditions in France, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Britain and Poland. They consider how real or fictive ruins, inscriptions and literary works were used to demonstrate a particular idea of local origins, to rewrite history or to vaunt civic pride. In doing so, they tackle such varied subjects as municipal antiquities collections in Southern Italy and France, the antiquarian response to the pagan, Christian and Islamic past on the Iberian Peninsula, and Netherlandish interest in megalithic ruins thought to be traces of a prehistoric race of Giants.
The Atlantic Ocean not only connected North and South America with Europe through trade but also provided the means for an exchange of knowledge and ideas, including political radicalism. Socialists and anarchists would use this “radical ocean” to escape state prosecution in their home countries and establish radical milieus abroad. However, this was often a rather unorganized development and therefore the connections that existed were quite diverse. The movement of individuals led to the establishment of organizational ties and the import and exchange of political publications between Europe and the Americas. The main aim of this book is to show how the transatlantic networks of political radicalism evolved with regard to socialist and anarchist milieus and in particular to look at the actors within the relevant processes--topics that have so far been neglected in the major histories of transnational political radicalism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Individual case studies are examined within a wider context to show how networks were actually created, how they functioned and their impact on the broader history of the radical Atlantic
Radical Functionalism: A Social Architecture for Mexico provides a complex and nuanced understanding of the functionalist architecture developed in Mexico during the 1930s. It carefully re-reads the central texts and projects of its main advocates to show how their theories responded to the socially and culturally charged Mexican context. These, such as architects Juan Legarreta, Juan O’Gorman, the Union of Socialist Architects, and Manuel Amábilis, were part of broader explorations to develop a modern, national architecture intended to address the needs of the Mexican working classes. Through their refunctioning of functionalism, these radical thinkers showed how architecture could stand at the precipice of Mexico's impending modernization and respond to its impending changes. The book examines their engagement and negotiation with foreign influences, issues of gender and class, and the separation between art and architecture. Functionalist practices are presented as contradictory and experimental, as challenging the role of architecture in the transformation of society, and as intimately linked to art and local culture in the development of new forms of architecture for Mexico, including the "vernacularization" of functionalism itself. Uniquely including translations of two manifesto-like texts by O’Gorman expressing the polemical nature of their investigations, Radical Functionalism: A Social Architecture for Mexico will be a useful reference for scholars, researchers and students interested in the history of architectural movements.