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Among his many accomplishments, Jonathan Edwards was an effective mentor who trained many leaders for the church in colonial America, but his pastoral work is often overlooked. Rhys S. Bezzant investigates the background, method, theological rationale, and legacy of his mentoring ministry.
Among his many accomplishments, Jonathan Edwards was an effective mentor who trained many leaders for the church in colonial America, but his pastoral work is often overlooked. Rhys S. Bezzant investigates the background, method, theological rationale, and legacy of his mentoring ministry. Edwards did what mentors normally do--he met with individuals to discuss ideas and grow in skills. But Bezzant shows that Edwards undertook these activities in a distinctly modern or affective key. His correspondence is written in an informal style; his understanding of friendship and conversation takes up the conventions of the great metropolitan cities of Europe. His pedagogical commitments are surprisingly progressive and his aspirations for those he mentored are bold and subversive. When he explains his mentoring practice theologically, he expounds the theme of seeing God face to face, summarized in the concept of the beatific vision, which recognizes that human beings learn through the example of friends as well as through the exposition of propositions. In this book the practice of mentoring is presented as an exchange between authority and agency, in which the more experienced person empowers the other, whose own character and competencies are thus nurtured. More broadly, the book is a case study in cultural engagement, for Edwards deliberately takes up certain features of the modern world in his mentoring and yet resists other pressures that the Enlightenment generated. If his world witnessed the philosophical evacuation of God from the created order, then Edwards's mentoring is designed to draw God back into an intimate connection with human experience.
We are experiencing a mentoring crisis today. One key reason is that too many women cling to an outdated formulaic idea of what mentoring is all about. When we hear the word "mentoring" we conjure up a picture that fit our experience decades ago. Then we look in the mirror and don't see an adequate mentor staring back at us. Our preconceived ideas about what today's young women want in a mentor convince us we are not qualified to be mentors--but we are wrong. What we don't realize is that younger women today are far more likely to want a relationship with that woman in the mirror than the conjured-up perfect mentor in our head. Organic Mentoringexplores foundational issues that explain why beloved but outdated mentoring methods are no longer effective. The book looks at the cultural changes and fast-paced digital advancements that shape young thought and behavior but weaken the link between generations. It walks through the new values, preferences, ideas, and problems of the next generation and how these issues impact mentoring. Then the authors guide the reader through landmines to avoid and approaches that work today.
A breathtakingly beautiful saga spanning from eternity to eternity, presented from the view of angels. Experience creation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection from this unique viewpoint, and gain a better understanding of the majestic love of God. Gene Edwards’s classic tale is the greatest love story ever told.
Looking down the barrel of a gun is a bad time to realize that your people skills need work. But this is where Steve found himself early in his career. Just when he thought he had the world by the tail, along came a 70-year-old lady packing a pistol and attitude. Believing he was trespassing, she decided to resolve the situation with lethal force. It's remarkable how fast your viewpoint can change with the right motivation. There are critical factors that impact everything in and around your life. The trick lies in recognizing these factors and utilizing some easy tips that can define whether the outcome of many of life's situations will be ordinary or simply amazing. Here's what no one ever tells you -- with the right playbook, it's not that hard to achieve. By taking action and making adjustments in yourself, your friends and how you work in business, you can open the door to a whole new world that you never knew existed.
Designed to support both teachers and university-based tutors in mentoring pre-service and newly qualified mathematics teachers at both primary and secondary levels, Mentoring Mathematics Teachers offers straightforward practical advice that is based on practice, underpinned by research, and geared specifically towards this challenging subject area. Developed by members of The Association of Mathematics Education Teachers, the authors draw upon the most up-to-date research and theory to provide evidence-based practical guidance. Themes covered include: the recognition of the importance of pedagogical content knowledge building upon subject knowledge developing skills of self-evaluation in order to reflect and develop your own practice the on-going need to address issues of equity and diversity within the profession the need for pre-service teachers and their mentors to work together effectively as a partnership the importance of collaboration, shared goals, mutual benefit and growth. Addressing issues of mentoring for all trainee and practising mathematics teachers, Mentoring Mathematics Teachers demonstrates both the importance of mentoring in the development of new teachers of mathematics, but also the benefits to all those who involve themselves in this challenging and rewarding task.
"Useful men are some of the greatest blessings of a people. To have many such is more for a people's happiness than almost anything, unless it be God's own gracious, spiritual presence amongst them; they are precious gifts of heaven." Certainly one of the most useful men in evangelical history was the man who preached those words, pastor and theologian Jonathan Edwards. Commemorating his 300th birthday, general editors John Piper and Justin Taylor chose ten essays that highlight different aspects of Edwards's life and legacy and show how his teachings are just as relevant today as they were three centuries ago. Even within the church, many people know little more about Edwards than what is printed in American history textbooks-most often, excerpts from his best-known sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." They unjustly envision Edwards preaching only fire and brimstone to frightened listeners. But he knew and preached God's heaven as much as Satan's hell. He was a humble and joyful servant, striving to glorify God in his personal life and public ministry. This book's contributors investigate the character and teachings of the man who preached from a deep concern for the unsaved and a passionate desire for God. Studying the life and works of this dynamic Great Awakening figure will rouse slumbering Christians, prompting them to view the world through Edwards's God-centered lens.
Women of Color Navigating Mentoring Relationships explores and critically examines the opportunities and challenges presented in mentoring relationships involving women of color. While all mentoring relationships are unique to the individuals involved in them, this book highlights the roles of race, class, and gender-oriented constructions in the establishment, maintenance, and dissolution of specific mentoring relationships in which women of color are engaged. This edited collection argues that traditional notions of mentoring fail to account for intersectionality and power dynamics that can have profound effects on mentoring practices, and that institutional “best practices” for mentoring do little to address the impact of constructions of “otherness” on the success (or failure) of mentoring relationships involving women of color.. Recommended for scholars of communication studies, gender studies, race studies, and for scholars pursuing a career in academia.
Josh Moody has assembled a team of internationally reputed Edwards scholars to ask and answer the question: What is Jonathan Edwards’s doctrine of Justification? The contributors also examine the extent to which Edwards’s view was Reformational while addressing some of the contemporary discussions on justification. This volume helps us look at justification through the eyes of one of America’s greatest theologians, and speaks credibly and winsomely to the needs of the church and the academy today.
Nobody likes the doctrine of hell so a far more comfortable option has been redeveloped and supported in recent years: Annhilationism, the idea that the lost are destroyed rather than suffer endless punishment in hell. Morgan summarises the strengths and weaknesses of the major protagonists on both sides and then points to the influential American Theologian, Jonathan Edwards, as an example of how best to answer the theory. Edwards presents a convincing response, one that we today would do well to study.