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Les contributions dans cet ouvrage sont basées sur le colloque "Education à la citoyenneté et à l’environnement" qui a eu lieu aux FUNDP en janvier 2007. Celui-ci se proposait d’explorer les cadres devant servir d’axes directeurs à la conception d’un projet d’éducation à la citoyenneté et à l’environnement des adolescents du premier degré de l’enseignement secondaire (12-14 ans). Les cadres étayés sont à la fois scientifique, sociétal et pédagogique. Des scientifiques (écologue, géographe, historien, philosophe) apportent un éclairage sur les grandes problématiques constitutives du "vivre ensemble". Les professionnels du monde associatif montrent des exemples de pratiques sociales et territoriales de références. Un cadre pédagogique complète ces deux volets.
The objective of this book is to prompt a re-examination of financial literacy, its social foundations, and its relationship to citizenship education. The collection includes topics that concern indigenous people’s perspectives, critical race theory, and transdisciplinary perspectives, which invite a dialogue about the ideologies that drive traditional and critical perspectives. This volume offers readers opportunities to learn about different views of financial literacy from a variety of sociological, historical and cultural perspectives. The reader may perceive financial literacy as representing a multifaceted concept best interpreted through a non-segregated lens. The volume includes chapters that describe groundings for revising standards, provide innovative teaching concepts, and offer unique sociological and historical perspectives. This book contains 13 chapters, with each one speaking to a distinctive topic that, taken as a whole, offers a well-rounded vision of financial literacy to benefit social education, its research, and teaching. Each chapter provides a response from an alternative view, and the reader can also access an eResource featuring the authors’ rejoinders. It therefore offers contrasting visions about the nature and purpose of financial education. These dissimilar perspectives offer an opportunity for examining different social ideologies that may guide approaches to financial literacy and citizenship, along with the philosophies and principles that shape them. The principles that teach and inform about financial literacy defines the premises for base personal and community responsibility. The work invites researchers and practitioners to reconsider financial literacy/financial education and its social foundations. The book will appeal to a range of students, academics and researchers across a number of disciplines, including economics, personal finance/personal economics, business ethics, citizenship, moral education, consumer education, and spiritual education.
Actes des 2e RBel, Namur, décembre 2012
Education for sustainable development, the educational offshoot of the concept of ‘sustainable development’, has rapidly become the predominant educational response to the global environmental crisis. The authors apply a critical lens to the field and find it wanting in many regards. Sustainability Frontiers is an international, academic non-governmental organization based in Canada and the United Kingdom. It engages in research and innovation in the broad fields of sustainability and global education challenging dominant assumptions and current orthodoxies as it seeks to foster learner empowerment and action. It places particular emphasis on climate change, disaster risk reduction and peacebuilding and their implications for the nature and directions of sustainability education.
The controversies that have developed in recent years in the field of education and training around program and competency-based approaches are not without reminiscent of those which are at the origin of a reflection on the question of methods to monitor, control, organize and shape innovation in science and technology "and led to the emergence of the notion of responsibility for innovation and research "(Pellé & Reber, 2015). This book is clearly part of this type of approach. Starting from a current state of play on the issues and controversies raised by curricular and competency-based approaches (Chapters 1 and 2), this book aims at presenting new theoretical frameworks, allowing to account for the processes implied by the implementation of these pedagogical innovations and, in particular, those which, at the very heart of the skills mobilized, promote a "responsibility" dimension. Based on a developmental approach to individual and collective competencies and their evaluation (Chapters 3, 4 and 5), it attempts to show how this approach can mobilize educational practices on strong societal issues, such as "sustainable development "(Chapter 5). Lastly, it aims to provide theoretical and practical benchmarks to help engage educational teams and institutions in these innovative and responsible approaches by providing a coherent framework for doing so (Chapters 6, 7 and 8).
Dans Réflexions Stratégiques sur Haïti: Sauvons un Patrimoine Universel en Péril, Luc Rémy offre une remarquable lecture haïtiano-centriste de la Politique Internationale. Il la construit autour de trois points clé : 1. le cadeau de la Révolution haïtienne d'une espèce humaine nouvelle à l'Histoire universelle; 2. l'éternel contentieux occidentalo-haïtien et le péril sur la Nation; 3. la prise en charge indispensable. Le premier point présente le prototype de l'homme nouveau ; il est anti-esclavage, anti-colonie, anti-métropole, anti-impérialiste, antiracisme, antiségrégationniste, etc. Par cette création humaniste suprême, Haïti s'est érigée en Patrimoine universel. Ce beau et sublime péché contre le standard international de l'époque a généré et entretient encore le contentieux : dans la conscience, l'inconscient et l'imaginaire collectifs des pouvoirs d'État de l'Occident, Haïti est un ennemi barbare et inconciliable. Servi par nos alliances internationales patricides, le triomphe du modèle diplomatique jeffersonien et talleyrandien, d'essence raciste et revancharde -aux dépens de l'adamien-, le veut ainsi. Haïti est donc un obstacle permanent à la conscience et buts traditionnels récurrents de l'ordre international hégémonique. Il faut toujours la "tenir en laisse" et la réduire à sa plus simple expression (serait-ce jusqu'à la solution f ?). Embargo, tutelle et occupation continus par des forces étrangères, élimination des Haïtiens, spoliation et sabotage du patrimoine national, tout concourt au retour à la barbarie (l'esclavage) par l'exploitation de notre sol et de nos massives mines Le péril n'est pas seulement contre Haïti! La construction d'un leadership national capable et humaniste s'impose.
This volume, which is rooted in biogeophysical studies, addresses conceptions of political action in the Anthropocene and the tension between a desire to accomplish the Promethean project of modernity and a post-Promethean approach. This work explores the idea of ​​an anthropological mutation of political consolidation from a “post-Promethean togetherness”, to creating the capacity to act together. The political thinking of the human condition developed by Hannah Arendt is important here as a resource for thinking about humanity in terms of human adventure. This has three dimensions: hubris, the world and coexistence referring respectively to the logic of profit of the homo oeconomicus, the logic of responsibility of the homo collectivus and the logic of the hospitality of the homo religatus. The intellectual and political attitude outlined in this book is an extension of critical theory: the work also puts forward a critique of what poses a problem in our relationship to the world and suggests how to overcome it, the ultimate goal being social transformation. The author propose an uprising and an anthropological consolidation of politics based on the revitalization that is brought about by the sharing of a conviviality both between humans and with what is non-human. The identification of conviviality as an educational paradigm to survive the Anthropocene gives us the much needed reason for hope despite this heritage of the Anthropocene. In addition to Arendtian thinking, this critical theory for the Anthropocene draws on the political thinking of several contemporary authors including Maurice Bellet, Hartmut Rosa, Andreas Weber, Dominique Bourg, and Christian Arnsperger. This volume is of interest to researchers in the Anthropocene.
The growing field of political education through environmental issues is organized around processes, which reach beyond the formal ones found in academic disciplines and national curricula into informal processes (such as social mobilization) and nonformal processes (such as those found in various international educational recommendations). Using theoretical approaches from the fields of political philosophy and the social sciences, this book develops a simultaneously conceptual and analytical framework for the political in educational content involving environmental issues. This framework is then used to empirically analyze educational content on sustainable development formulated by UNESCO, as well as the Tunisian curriculum. The theoretical and empirical studies carried out in this book lead to proposed curriculum tags for political education through environmental issues, with the intent of opening this field to inclusion in the didactics of curriculum research.