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The idea of the Church as the instrument of unity had existed before Second Vatican Council; but the Council made the search for unity explicitly an imperative. From the Second Vatican Council emerged a more emphatic vision of the mission of the Church to the world in which ecumenism is no longer an option but an imperative. From the time of the Council onward, every Christian should positively respond to God's question to Cain: "Where is your brother?" (Gen. 4: 9). The ecumenical imperative is primarily the responsibility of pastoral workers. The book surveys in epochs the historical changes that has occurred in the Church up to Vatican II; reviews reception along the ages of the Church pointing to the uniqueness of Vatican II; and gives through biblical exegesis of 'conversion' a fresh understanding that will help pastoral workers to be ever conscious and ready to serve as Church's instrument of unity wherever they are. This book re-awakens the spirit of the Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio), offering it to be properly received by all who pray with Christ for unity (Jn 17:21). It proposes pastoral suggestions on the practice of Ecumenism.
A phenomenon seldom recognised in the media of Western Europe and North America is the extraordinary growth of the Catholic Church of South America and sub-Saharan Africa during the last five decades, and nowhere more than in Nigeria. A key figure in that country and in that growth, up to his death in 1995, was Cardinal Ekandem, the first Anglophone West-African bishop - the first of many - and an outstanding churchman of the 20th Century. Fr Michael Edem's scholarly biography of the Cardinal is a fascinating account of a journey from life in a traditional African village to the consistory of cardinals of the Catholic Church in Rome. It will be of enormous interest to a wider public for the author's personal knowledge of the cardinal and of the Efik/Ibibio culture in which they both grew up.