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The market of municipal solid waste (MSW) collection and disposal has changed substantially over the past thirty years. This study will help guide both newcomers and past contributors through the fundamental aspects of policies designed to reduce the external costs of MSW collection, and the important empirical relationships that, in the end, govern the selection of MSW policies. The International Library of Environmental Economics and Policy explores the influence of economics on the development of environmental and natural resource policy. In a series of twenty-five volumes, the most significant journal essays in key areas of contemporary environmental and resource policy are collected. Scholars who are recognized for their expertise and contribution to the literature in the various research areas serve as volume editors and write essays that provides the context for the collection. Volumes in the series reflect three broad strands of economic research including 1) Natural and Environmental Resources, 2) Policy Instruments and Institutions and 3) Methodology. The editors, in their introduction to each volume, provide a state-of-the-art overview of the topic and explain the influence and relevance of the collected papers on the development of policy. This reference series provides access to the economic literature that has shaped contemporary perspectives on land use analysis and policy.
The Workshop held by OECD in October 2003, in Paris, France, brought together leading experts to take stock of “the state of the art" on the economics of waste and to help select topics on which the OECD could usefully do additional work. The book ...
Currently, the management of solid waste represents a major economic and environmental issue throughout the world. Trends in waste generation show an increase in the volumes of waste produced in most countries and it is clear that the trend will continue. The treatment and disposal of solid waste involves a range of processes including landfill, incineration and composting, all of which may result in emissions to the environment. Municipal investments are said to be highly capital-intensive. As a result, every investment needs to be preceded by the economic analysis which allows for the estimation of the effectiveness of the investment. Investments are made to make profits and to increase savings. This book presents current research in the study of municipal solid waste, with a particular focus on recycling and cost effectiveness.
The world is currently experiencing increased environmental contamination with solid waste, which is one of the greatest environmental threats today. Although solid waste is harmful, proper management and profitable recycling can make it beneficial to the environment. In this regard, estimation of the true quantities of solid wastes generated annually in developed and developing countries is important for evaluating suitable strategies for economic and sustainable procedures of waste management. This book presents an interesting review of the economics of solid waste management in various developing and developed countries. It examines several economic applications of solid waste, such as innovative methods to generate bioelectricity from organic waste using microbial fuel cells and using solid waste as an alternative fuel in cement kilns.
Solid waste management affects every person in the world. By 2050, the world is expected to increase waste generation by 70 percent, from 2.01 billion tonnes of waste in 2016 to 3.40 billion tonnes of waste annually. Individuals and governments make decisions about consumption and waste management that affect the daily health, productivity, and cleanliness of communities. Poorly managed waste is contaminating the world’s oceans, clogging drains and causing flooding, transmitting diseases, increasing respiratory problems, harming animals that consume waste unknowingly, and affecting economic development. Unmanaged and improperly managed waste from decades of economic growth requires urgent action at all levels of society. What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050 aggregates extensive solid aste data at the national and urban levels. It estimates and projects waste generation to 2030 and 2050. Beyond the core data metrics from waste generation to disposal, the report provides information on waste management costs, revenues, and tariffs; special wastes; regulations; public communication; administrative and operational models; and the informal sector. Solid waste management accounts for approximately 20 percent of municipal budgets in low-income countries and 10 percent of municipal budgets in middle-income countries, on average. Waste management is often under the jurisdiction of local authorities facing competing priorities and limited resources and capacities in planning, contract management, and operational monitoring. These factors make sustainable waste management a complicated proposition; most low- and middle-income countries, and their respective cities, are struggling to address these challenges. Waste management data are critical to creating policy and planning for local contexts. Understanding how much waste is generated—especially with rapid urbanization and population growth—as well as the types of waste generated helps local governments to select appropriate management methods and plan for future demand. It allows governments to design a system with a suitable number of vehicles, establish efficient routes, set targets for diversion of waste, track progress, and adapt as consumption patterns change. With accurate data, governments can realistically allocate resources, assess relevant technologies, and consider strategic partners for service provision, such as the private sector or nongovernmental organizations. What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050 provides the most up-to-date information available to empower citizens and governments around the world to effectively address the pressing global crisis of waste. Additional information is available at
This paper provides an overview of global solid waste generation, its environmental costs, and fiscal instruments that can be used to encourage waste reduction and finance proper disposal. Countries—especially island nations--struggle to manage an ever-increasing volume of solid waste, generation of which is projected to exceed 2 billion tons a year by 2025. Although solid waste management is usually relegated to subnational governments, externalities from inadequate management, which include greenhouse gas emissions and ocean plastic pollution, reach global scale. National governments thus play a critical role in creating incentives for waste minimization and ensuring adequate resources for proper waste management. This paper evaluates potential fiscal instruments to achieve these goals, particularly in developing country policy environments.
This critical volume addresses an important contemporary issue, how to determine themost cost-effective approach to solid waste disposal. Based on wide-ranging, practicalexperience, this time-saving work details a systems approach to feasibility studies, providingthe basis for accurate, efficient analysis. And, to illustrate the use of this innovativemethod, the book includes a complete "case study" of a hypothetical community.Beginning with data collection and cost estimation, Resource Recovery Economics movesthrough the analysis process, covering marketing of resources, alternative systems, financialconsiderations, life-cycle-costs, and implementation planning. Additionally, resultsfrom many actual studies are included, making this an excellent reference book for solidwaste management data.A unique work, Resource Recovery Economics serves as the requisite reference for allofficials responsible for solid waste disposal and management, including public worksdirectors, city planners, solid waste directors, public health officials, and environmentalprotection officers. This outstanding book also affords the basis for graduate and advancedundergraduate engineering, urban planning, and public administration courses in SolidWaste Management Planning and Resource Recovery Planning. Moreover, consulting engineers,investment bankers, and original equipment manufacturers will derive improvedunderstanding of their role in the analysis process.