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For many Spanish Americans in the early nineteenth century, Philadelphia was Filadelfia, a symbol of republican government for the Americas and the most important Spanish-language print center in the early United States. In Letters from Filadelfia, Rodrigo Lazo opens a window into Spanish-language writing produced by Spanish American exiles, travelers, and immigrants who settled and passed through Philadelphia during this vibrant era, when the city’s printing presses offered a vehicle for the voices advocating independence in the shadow of Spanish colonialism. The first book-length study of Philadelphia publications by intellectuals such as Vicente Rocafuerte, José María Heredia, Manuel Torres, Juan Germán Roscio, and Servando Teresa de Mier, Letters from Filadelfia offers an approach to discussing their work as part of early Latino literature and the way in which it connects to the United States and other parts of the Americas. Lazo’s book is an important contribution to the complex history of the United States’ first capital. More than the foundation for the U.S. nation-state, Philadelphia reached far beyond its city limits and, as considered here, suggests new ways to conceptualize what it means to be American.
Alphabetic letters are ubiquitous, multivalent, and largely ignored. Playful Letters reveals their important cultural contributions through Alphabetics—a new interpretive model for understanding artistic production that attends to the signifying interplay of the graphemic, phonemic, lexical, and material capacities of letters. A key period for examining this interplay is the century and a half after the invention of printing, with its unique media ecology of print, manuscript, sound, and image. Drawing on Shakespeare, anthropomorphic typography, figured letters, and Cyrillic pedagogy and politics, this book explores the ways in which alphabetic thinking and writing inform literature and the visual arts, and it develops reading strategies for the “letterature” that underwrites such cultural production. Playful Letters begins with early modern engagements with the alphabet and the human body—an intersection where letterature emerges with startling force. The linking of letters and typography with bodies produced a new kind of literacy. In turn, educational habits that shaped letter learning and writing permeated the interrelated practices of typography, orthography, and poetry. These mutually informing processes render visible the persistent crumbling of words into letters and their reconstitution into narrative, poetry, and image. In addition to providing a rich history of literary and artistic alphabetic interrogation in early modern Western Europe and Russia, Playful Letters contributes to the continuous story of how people use new technologies and media to reflect on older forms, including the alphabet itself.
Chiara Lubich is now being called a great Catholic mystic of our times. In these letters we encounter this mystical side of Chiara who is also the bearer of a charism, a gift from the Holy Spirit in response to the special needs of the Church and of the world. Chiara's charism is unity, the unity that Jesus asked for us from his Father: "May they all be one as we are one - I in them and you in me - so that they may be brought to complete unity" (Jn 17: 22-23). Chiara saw God's love in everyone and everything. The light of this discovery enveloped her, and she felt like she was at the center of the Father's love. This discovery is at the foundation of Chiara's spirituality which emerges from these early letters. They were written to the young women and others who were drawn by the way she presented the Christian life as a response to God's love, which was shown to her in Jesus, most especially in his abandonment and death on the Cross. In these letters, the God that Chiara invites us to believe in is Love. The conversion she asks of us is a conversion to Love. Often using the language and style of the saints and mystics of other ages (like Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Francis of Assisi), Chiara communicates her burning desire that "Love be loved," that "all the world be set ablaze by the fire of Love." Her words are full of fervor, but also simplicity and practical common sense. How should the author be introduced? Well, in the back cover of this book of 147 pages, there is a section introducing the author that I find fascinating: The New York Times described Chiara Lubich as one of the most influential women in the Catholic Church. As the president of the Focolare Movement, Italian-born Chiara Lubich was a renowned religious leader and writer. She, a prolific writer, had published over 50 books in 29 languages, with more than one million copies sold. As a book of spirituality in the form of a collection of 60 letters written to many people spanning from 1944 to1949, it is not easy to grasp the important themes of this book. Therefore, the letters are grouped into four parts with distinguished titles as follows: 1. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love; 2. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified; 3. I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled; 4. Whoever is near me is near the fire. Lubich's mystical experience can be traced to her intimate dwelling in God. As result, she has special spiritual insights expressed in her letters in the following subjects: love, suffering, abandonment, and unity. Lubich attempts to help her friends to closely follow Jesus Christ in whatever their situation and circumstances. Who are the audience of these letters? Originally, the recipients of these letters are the readers. However, after the publication of this book, all readers of this book become the audience. With the words of encouragement in this book, readers are uplifted spiritually because as followers of Jesus Christ, we all follow our model/example/sample: Jesus Christ. Alan L Chan, Canaan Chinatown Christian Church, Las Vegas, NV, USA
A model edition of the early correspondence of one of George III's favourite bishops. ARCHIVES Richard Hurd is best known to ecclesiastical historians as one of George III's favourite bishops who was offered, and declined, the archbishopric of Canterbury. These letters, therefore, illuminate the early career of one of the most prominent clerics of the late eighteenth century. The letters begin in 1739, just after Hurd had graduated B.A. at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. They chart his gradual climb up the ladder of ecclesiastical preferment, through his time as Fellow at Emmanuel and end with him settled in the comfortable country rectory of Thurcaston in Leicestershire. Hurd had a wide circle of correspondents. He became a close friend of William Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester, perhaps the most prominent controverialist of the period. He was also a member of a literary circle which included the poets Thomas Gray and William Mason. Indeed, Hurd himself is well-known to students of English literatureas the author of Letters on Chivalry and Romanceand as a significant figure among the so-called `pre-romantics'. Hurd's letters reveal the full range of his interests, from theology and university politics, through literature, to painting and sculpture. This edition, therefore, not only tells us about Hurd's early life and career, but also provides a valuable insight into the social life of the Anglican clergy in the eighteenth century.
In the aftermath of the Revolutionary War, after decades of intense upheaval and debate, the role of the citizen was seen as largely political. But as Catherine O'Donnell Kaplan reveals, some Americans saw a need for a realm of public men outside politics. They believed that neither the nation nor they themselves could achieve virtue and happiness through politics alone. Imagining a different kind of citizenship, they founded periodicals, circulated manuscripts, and conversed about poetry, art, and the nature of man. They pondered William Godwin and Edmund Burke more carefully than they did candidates for local elections and insisted other Americans should do so as well. Kaplan looks at three groups in particular: the Friendly Club in New York City, which revolved around Elihu Hubbard Smith, with collaborators such as William Dunlap and Charles Brockden Brown; the circle around Joseph Dennie, editor of two highly successful periodicals; and the Anthologists of the Boston Athenaeum. Through these groups, Kaplan demonstrates, an enduring and influential model of the man of letters emerged in the first decade of the nineteenth century.
Who was Horace G. Underwood, and what possible significance could another missionary of the nineteenth century have to help us rethink our approach to global Christianity and mission in the twenty-first century? As the first Protestant missionary to set foot in Korea, “the last hermit kingdom,” Underwood is regularly credited with Christianity’s unparalleled success and continuing fervent presence in Korea today, including its corps of over 27,000 fulltime missionaries in 170 countries around the globe, second only to the US in the number of missionaries sent to foreign lands. But as extraordinary as his journey to Korea may have been for this arguably most under-recognized Protestant missionary of all time, it may be his journey from it that offers us vital insights for the future of missions. From the making of Underwood through his formative years in England, France, and America, to the Neo-Confucian culture he encountered among the people in Korea, this book culminates with the presentation and analysis of his previously unknown private letters from the years between 1884 and 1898, showing us the gradual process of interculturation he himself underwent as a missionary that allowed him to discover and encourage glocal—global yet local—expression of faith in Korea.
Charles Brockden Brown (1771-1810) is a key writer of the revolutionary era and U.S. early republic, known for his landmark novels and other writings in a variety of genres. The Collected Writings of Charles Brockden Brown presents all of Brown's non-novelistic writings--letters, political pamphlets, fiction, periodical writings, historical writings, and poetry--in a seven-volume scholarly edition. The edition's volumes are edited to the highest scholarly standards and will bear the seal of the Modern Language Association Committee on Scholarly Editions (MLA-CSE). Letters and Early Epistolary Writings, volume 1 of the series, presents, for the first time, Brown's complete extant correspondence along with three early epistolary fiction fragments. Brown's 179 extant letters provide essential context for reading his other works and a wealth of information about his life, family, associates, and the wider cultural life of the revolutionary period and Early Republic. The letters document the interactions of Brown's intellectual and literary circles in Philadelphia and during his New York years, when his publishing career began in earnest. The correspondence additionally includes exchanges with notables including Thomas Jefferson and Albert Gallatin. The volume's three epistolary fragments are the earliest examples of Brown's fiction and are transcribed here for the first time in complete and definitive texts. The volume's historical texts are fully annotated and accompanied by Historical and Textual Essays, as well as other appended materials, including the most complete and accurate information available concerning Brown's correspondents and family history. The scholarly work informing this volume establishes significant new findings concerning Brown, his family and friends, and the circumstances of his development as a major literary figure of the revolutionary Atlantic world.
In three attempts at IVF Martina Devlin lost nine embryos. This is the story of her journey, from bewilderment at being diagnosed infertile, through the traumatic process of IVF, to the shattering fall-out when it fails and she realises that, not only will she never have children, but somewhere along the way her marriage has been damaged beyond repair. But Martina also describes how her despair eventually faded, and how she made a new life for herself, taking pleasure in her extended family of nieces and nephews. Most of all, THE HOLLOW HEART is the story of a woman learning to do as her mother always advised - to count her blessings.
This set of six volumes gathers Tom Wright's commentaries on the Gospels from the For Everyone series. Tom Wright has undertaken a tremendous task: to provide guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to include in them his own translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable discussion, with background information, useful explanations and suggestions, and thoughts as to how the text can be relevant to our lives today. A glossary is included at the back of the book. The series is suitable for group study, personal study, or daily devotions.