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La fiabilité des systèmes complexes est un défi majeur pour les entreprises industrielles. Ces dernières doivent répondre aux exigences des donneurs d’ordre dont le non-respect entraînerait des pénalités compromettant les marchés futurs. L’un des enjeux majeurs de l’optimisation fiabiliste est d’établir une surveillance rigoureuse, capable de prédire et de détecter les modes de défaillances des systèmes étudiés. Cet ouvrage présente les avancées de la recherche et de l’industrie appliquées aux domaines de l’optimisation, de la fiabilité et de la prise en compte des incertitudes en mécanique. Ce couplage est à la base de la compétitivité des entreprises dans les secteurs de l’automobile, de l’aéronautique, du génie civil ou encore de la défense. Accompagné d’exemples détaillés, Incertitudes, optimisation et fiabilité des structures présente les nouveaux outils de conception les plus performants. Il s’adresse aux ingénieurs et aux enseignants-chercheurs.
Structural Dynamics in Industry focuses on the behavior of structures subjected to a vibrational or shock environment. It takes a systematic approach to the basic concepts in order to enhance the reader's understanding and to allow industrial structures to be covered with the necessary degree of depth. The developments are explained with a minimum of mathematics and are frequently illustrated with simple examples, while numerous industry case studies are also provided.
This book covers structural dynamics from a theoretical and algorithmic approach. It covers systems with both single and multiple degrees-of-freedom. Numerous case studies are given to provide the reader with a deeper insight into the practicalities of the area, and the solutions to these case studies are given in terms of real-time and frequency in both geometric and modal spaces. Emphasis is also given to the subject of seismic loading. The text is based on many lectures on the subject of structural dynamics given at numerous institutions and thus will be an accessible and practical aid to students of the subject. Key features: Examines the effects of loads, impacts, and seismic forces on the materials used in the construction of buildings, bridges, tunnels, and more Structural dynamics is a critical aspect of the design of all engineered/designed structures and objects - allowing for accurate prediction of their ability to withstand service loading, and for knowledge of failure-causeing or critical loads
This book deals with the various aspects of stochastic dynamics, the resolution of large mechanical systems, and inverse problems. It integrates the most recent ideas from research and industry in the field of stochastic dynamics and optimization in structural mechanics over 11 chapters. These chapters provide an update on the various tools for dealing with uncertainties, stochastic dynamics, reliability and optimization of systems. The optimization–reliability coupling in structures dynamics is approached in order to take into account the uncertainties in the modeling and the resolution of the problems encountered. Accompanied by detailed examples of uncertainties, optimization, reliability, and model reduction, this book presents the newest design tools. It is intended for students and engineers and is a valuable support for practicing engineers and teacher-researchers.
Les ponts en arc font actuellement face au double défi de protéger leur patrimoine et de rivaliser avec d'autres formes plus récentes de structures. La conservation des ponts en arc implique de multiples impératifs : une politique saine d'inspection et de suivi, des méthodes précises d'investigation, une évaluation fiable et un éventuel diagnostic, des moyens efficaces de maintenance, de réparation, de renforcement et d'élargissement. Pendant que des ouvrages existants sont réparés et revalorisés, de nouveaux ponts en arc, de -nies traditionnelles et à " l'échelle humaine ", continuent à se construire, en utilisant des matériaux et procédés améliorés et rentables, assurant longévité et respect de l'environnement. Au premier plan de cette continuité, les concepteurs des ponts en béton, dans les hémisphères Nord et Sud, s'efforcent avec succès de réaliser des portées en arc de plus en plus longues, frôlant les 400 mètres dans les années 1980. Récemment, sur d'autres sites spectaculaires, des records de portées ont été battus par trois ponts en arc respectivement en pierre, en béton, en tubes d'acier remplis de béton. Une telle avancée ne manquera pas d'inciter les ingénieurs à rechercher des formes d'arc encore plus audacieuses et élégantes. Sur le large éventail des thèmes proposés, de nombreux auteurs, de plus de vingt-cinq pays, ont apporté des contributions majeures rappelant que les ponts en arc n'ont rien perdu de leur actualité et que, malgré les leçons assimilées de leur prestigieux héritage, leur conception stimule toujours la créativité des ingénieurs et des architectes. Ces contributions sont réunies dans le présent volume édité à l'occasion de la Troisième Conférence internationale sur les Ponts en Arc, tenue à Paris en septembre 2001. Arch bridges face at present the double challenge of protecting their heritage and competing with other more recent structural forms. The conservation of the arch bridge heritage successively requires sound inspection and monitoring policies, accurate investigative methods, reliable assessment and eventual diagnosis, efficient means for maintenance, repair, strengthening and widening. While existing structures are being repaired and upgraded, new arch bridges, of traditional forms and on a "human scale", continue to be constructed, using improved and cost-effective materials and procedures, ensuring longevity and respect for the environment. In the forefront of this continuity, concrete bridge designers, in the northern and southern hemispheres, have successfully been striving for ever larger arch spans, closely approaching 400 m in the 1980's. Lately, at other spectacular sites, span records were beaten in three arch bridges respectively using stone, concrete and slender concrete-filled steel tubes. This breakthrough may encourage engineers to seek more daring and elegant forms of arch. On the broad spectrum of the suggested topics, numerous authors, from more than twenty-five countries, have recently offered major contributions, reminding that arch bridges have nothing lost of their appeal and that, for all the lessons learnt from their prestigious heritage, their design still simulates the creativity of engineers and architects. These contributions are put together in the present volume edited on the occasion of the Third International Arch Bridge Conference held in Paris in September 2001.
This book is dedicated to the general study of the dynamics of mechanical structures with consideration of uncertainties. The goal is to get the appropriate forms of a part in minimizing a given criterion. In all fields of structural mechanics, the impact of good design of a room is very important to its strength, its life and its use in service. The development of the engineer's art requires considerable effort to constantly improve structural design techniques.
Mechanics of Continuous Media and Analysis of Structures is a six-chapter book that begins by elucidating the mechanics of solid continuous media. The text then describes the finite elements method, which undoubtedly dominates the methods used for structural analysis. Subsequent chapters explain the variational principles in linear elasticity, vibration of linear structure, non-linear deformations, and the shell theory. This book will be valuable to all those who need certain theoretical developments in mechanics, including mechanical engineers, economists, and mathematicians.
Materials and Structures under Shock and Impact In risk studies, engineers often have to consider the consequences of an accident leading to a shock on a construction. This can concern the impact of a ground vehicle or aircraft, or the effects of an explosion on an industrial site. This book presents a didactic approach starting with the theoretical elements of the mechanics of materials and structures, in order to develop their applications in the cases of shocks and impacts. The latter are studied on a local scale at first. They lead to stresses and strains in the form of waves propagating through the material, this movement then extending to the whole of the structure. The first part of the book is devoted to the study of solid dynamics where nonlinear behaviors come into play. The second part covers structural dynamics and the evaluation of the transient response introduced at the global scale of a construction. Practical methods, simplified methods and methods that are in current use by engineers are also proposed throughout the book.
African women theologians have written extensively about problems in gender relations in African contexts, identifying oppressive elements and their effects on women's self-concept and status in the church, family, and society. This book provides much-needed pastoral theological attention and a response to the psychospiritual, relational, and sociocultural effects of gender injustice and marginalization of women. It critically examines concepts, methods, and principles of family systems theory, analyzes gender relations in African families and churches, and develops a theology of pastoral care (based on the Trinitarian concept of perichoresis) that offers pastoral guidelines for effective pastoral counseling with women and men, as well as recommendations for corrective and preventative care grounded in educational strategies. The paradigm of pastoral care that emerges attends both to women affected by gender injustice and to the sociocultural norms that cause distress and perpetuate gender oppression.
The effect of combined extreme transient loadings on a structure is not well understood—whether the source is man-made, such as an explosion and fire, or natural, such as an earthquake or extreme wind loading. A critical assessment of current knowledge is timely (with Fukushima-like disasters or terrorist threats). The central issue in all these problems is structural integrity, along with their transient nature, their unexpectedness, and often the uncertainty behind their cause. No single traditional scientific discipline provides complete answers, rather, a number of tools need to be brought together: nonlinear dynamics, probability theory, some understanding of the physical nature of the problem, as well as modeling and computational techniques for representing inelastic behavior mechanisms. Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures Under Extreme Transient Loads covers model building for different engineering structures and provides detailed presentations of extreme loading conditions. A number of illustrations are given quantifying; a plane crash or explosion induced impact loading, the effects of strong earthquake motion, and the impact and long-duration effects of strong stormy winds—along with a relevant framework for using modern computational tools. The book considers the levels of reserve in existing structures, and ways of reducing the negative impact of high-risk situations by employing sounder design procedures.