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Both fractal geometry and dynamical systems have a long history of development and have provided fertile ground for many great mathematicians and much deep and important mathematics. These two areas interact with each other and with the theory of chaos in a fundamental way: many dynamical systems (even some very simple ones) produce fractal sets, which are in turn a source of irregular 'chaotic' motions in the system. This book is an introduction to these two fields, with an emphasis on the relationship between them. The first half of the book introduces some of the key ideas in fractal geometry and dimension theory - Cantor sets, Hausdorff dimension, box dimension - using dynamical notions whenever possible, particularly one-dimensional Markov maps and symbolic dynamics. Various techniques for computing Hausdorff dimension are shown, leading to a discussion of Bernoulli and Markov measures and of the relationship between dimension, entropy, and Lyapunov exponents. In the second half of the book some examples of dynamical systems are considered and various phenomena of chaotic behaviour are discussed, including bifurcations, hyperbolicity, attractors, horseshoes, and intermittent and persistent chaos. These phenomena are naturally revealed in the course of our study of two real models from science - the FitzHugh - Nagumo model and the Lorenz system of differential equations. This book is accessible to undergraduate students and requires only standard knowledge in calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations. Elements of point set topology and measure theory are introduced as needed. This book is a result of the MASS course in analysis at Penn State University in the fall semester of 2008.
Now approaching its tenth year, this hugely successful book presents an unusual attempt to publicise the field of Complex Dynamics. The text was originally conceived as a supplemented catalogue to the exhibition "Frontiers of Chaos", seen in Europe and the United States, and describes the context and meaning of these fascinating images. A total of 184 illustrations - including 88 full-colour pictures of Julia sets - are suggestive of a coffee-table book. However, the invited contributions which round off the book lend the text the required formality. Benoit Mandelbrot gives a very personal account, in his idiosyncratic self-centred style, of his discovery of the fractals named after him and Adrien Douady explains the solved and unsolved problems relating to this amusingly complex set.
This 1989 book is about chaos, fractals and complex dynamics.
The book is concerned with the concepts of chaos and fractals, which are within the scopes of dynamical systems, geometry, measure theory, topology, and numerical analysis during the last several decades. It is revealed that a special kind of Poisson stable point, which we call an unpredictable point, gives rise to the existence of chaos in the quasi-minimal set. This is the first time in the literature that the description of chaos is initiated from a single motion. Chaos is now placed on the line of oscillations, and therefore, it is a subject of study in the framework of the theories of dynamical systems and differential equations, as in this book. The techniques introduced in the book make it possible to develop continuous and discrete dynamics which admit fractals as points of trajectories as well as orbits themselves. To provide strong arguments for the genericity of chaos in the real and abstract universe, the concept of abstract similarity is suggested.
Chaotic Dynamics and Fractals covers the proceedings of the 1985 Conference on Chaotic Dynamics, held at the Georgia Institute of Technology. This conference deals with the research area of chaos, dynamical systems, and fractal geometry. This text is organized into three parts encompassing 16 chapters. The first part describes the nature of chaos and fractals, the geometric tool for some strange attractors, and other complicated sets of data associated with chaotic systems. This part also considers the Henon-Hiles Hamiltonian with complex time, a Henon family of maps from C2 into itself, and the idea of turbulent maps in the course of presenting results on iteration of continuous maps from the unit interval to itself. The second part discusses complex analytic dynamics and associated fractal geometry, specifically the bursts into chaos, algorithms for obtaining geometrical and combinatorial information, and the parameter space for iterated cubic polynomials. This part also examines the differentiation of Julia sets with respects to a parameter in the associated rational map, permitting the formulation of Taylor series expansion for the sets. The third part highlights the applications of chaotic dynamics and fractals. This book will prove useful to mathematicians, physicists, and other scientists working in, or introducing themselves to, the field.
An introductory undergraduate level text on chaos theory, nonlinear dynamics and fractal geometry.
This text is designed for those who wish to study mathematics beyond linear algebra but are not ready for abstract material. Rather than a theorem-proof-corollary-remark style of exposition, it stresses geometry, intuition, and dynamical systems. An appendix explains how to write MATLAB, Mathematica, and C programs to compute dynamical systems. 1996 edition.
This rigorous undergraduate introduction to dynamical systems is an accessible guide for mathematics students advancing from calculus.
The first edition of this book was originally published in 1985 under the ti tle "Probabilistic Properties of Deterministic Systems. " In the intervening years, interest in so-called "chaotic" systems has continued unabated but with a more thoughtful and sober eye toward applications, as befits a ma turing field. This interest in the serious usage of the concepts and techniques of nonlinear dynamics by applied scientists has probably been spurred more by the availability of inexpensive computers than by any other factor. Thus, computer experiments have been prominent, suggesting the wealth of phe nomena that may be resident in nonlinear systems. In particular, they allow one to observe the interdependence between the deterministic and probabilistic properties of these systems such as the existence of invariant measures and densities, statistical stability and periodicity, the influence of stochastic perturbations, the formation of attractors, and many others. The aim of the book, and especially of this second edition, is to present recent theoretical methods which allow one to study these effects. We have taken the opportunity in this second edition to not only correct the errors of the first edition, but also to add substantially new material in five sections and a new chapter.
BACKGROUND Sir Isaac Newton hrought to the world the idea of modeling the motion of physical systems with equations. It was necessary to invent calculus along the way, since fundamental equations of motion involve velocities and accelerations, of position. His greatest single success was his discovery that which are derivatives the motion of the planets and moons of the solar system resulted from a single fundamental source: the gravitational attraction of the hodies. He demonstrated that the ohserved motion of the planets could he explained hy assuming that there is a gravitational attraction he tween any two ohjects, a force that is proportional to the product of masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The circular, elliptical, and parabolic orhits of astronomy were v INTRODUCTION no longer fundamental determinants of motion, but were approximations of laws specified with differential equations. His methods are now used in modeling motion and change in all areas of science. Subsequent generations of scientists extended the method of using differ ential equations to describe how physical systems evolve. But the method had a limitation. While the differential equations were sufficient to determine the behavior-in the sense that solutions of the equations did exist-it was frequently difficult to figure out what that behavior would be. It was often impossible to write down solutions in relatively simple algebraic expressions using a finite number of terms. Series solutions involving infinite sums often would not converge beyond some finite time.