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Two children explore a cave and learn about echoes, sound waves, and properties of sound. Includes two hands-on experiments and further resources.
Are You Really Alone After Midnight? by Robert Meyer [--------------------------------------------]
Princess. Warrior. Dragon Shifter. Huntress. When it comes to protecting her family, eighteen-year-old Princess Huntress is known for kicking ass, taking names and then kicking a little more ass, just to be sure. She’s the last of her kind—a glass dragon shifter—and no matter what the threat, Huntress always tracks it down solo. Then Huntress meets the leader of the L’Griffe crime family, Gage Beaufort, who is a dashing dragon shifter with a knee-melting stare. The attraction is instant, yet Huntress hates it. Why? Crime syndicates hurt royal authority, which means they threaten her family. Long story short, being with Gage is just wrong. Besides Huntress already has a rock-solid life plan, and that’s to fight alone, forever. No relationships, thank you very much. But when a new danger threatens the royals, everything changes. Now Huntress needs a mercenary army and fast, so she forges an alliance with L’Griffe. To protect those she loves, Huntress agrees to marry someone she loathes: Gage Beaufort. But will the extra help be enough? Even worse, Huntress’ family isn’t the only thing at risk--the same is true for the princess’ heart. Because Gage is a man who always gets what he wants. In this case, the crime lord desires Princess Huntress, body and soul. “Every page is entertaining… an exciting story that unfolds with magic, dragons, a little romance and a villain to despise.” – Tonja, Goodreads Angelbound Offspring 1. Maxon 2. Portia 3. Zinnia 4. Rhodes 5. Kaps 6. Mack 7. Huntress 8. Gage
Being twelve isn't easy. But Anika Scott, who has joined her parents as a missionary in Kenya, uses her faith and trust in God and His words as guidance to help her through her adolescent problems. Join Anika in her exciting and often dangerous adventures where using God and her own ingenuity she makes discoveries about the truth in the world. When Lisa Barnes arrives at the missionary with her parents, Anika is amazed that she cannot love the exotic wilderness. Instead the girl is frightened of the local wildlife and generally hates everything about this beautiful land. Anika and her friends devise a plan to make the impossible girl leave once and for all. But is that God's plan?
Sophia wants to be a normal American girl. She does not want to be haunted by recurring nightmares where a mysterious young man gets pushed off a cliff into a watery grave. Her hopes are dashed when her English grandmother dies and wills her castle to Sophia’s family. Within its walls, she uncovers a magical book that can take her back to 1894. There she learns of a secret world of magical Druid bloodlines that her grandmother hid from her. But that is not the only thing she discovers in the past. The young man from her nightmares lives in 1894 as well as an evil warlock determined to control Sophia and a magical time-traveling book. Sophia must stop the warlock and do everything in her power to prevent her nightmare from becoming a reality.
Nambin: The Call By: James L. Mayle Nambin: The Call is the first of author James L. Mayle’s thrilling fantasy series, Nambin. In this Shonnen Manga novel, Mayle is able to depict friendship, hard work, and victory through his characters and the world of Nambin, but more than that, there’s also much multi layered nuance. It’s about moving forward, finding home, finding love, becoming comfortable in your own skin, good and evil, and badass battles. Mayle originally began Nambin as a form of self-medication. He was going through some tough times, and writing helped take him away to another world. Soon, it became a literal and figurative escape. Mayle hopes his readers find happiness through the story and are able to escape to the world of Nambin just as he had when writing it. The world can be a very dark place, and Mayle wants Nambin to be a light. He wants his readers to know things do get better, you just have to believe and push forward.
15 Columns Taylor Mead wrote for the first Gay Newspaper in New York City in 1969 and 1970. A rare collection scanned from the original including pictures and visuals. John Edward Heys: "When GAY POWER actually became a reality, I asked Taylor if he would consider contributing a bi-weekly column of his poetry, writings, anything he wished with an accompanying visual. He simply said: ‘sure!’ Not only was he loyal and consistent for over fifteen issues, but he was really the catalyst in my meeting so many brilliant artists, talents and stars who became part of the GAY POWER family. Taylor guided me on this journey in many ways. Wherever his travels took him, he unfailingly sent in his column and a typical Taylor photo or visual accompaniment."
Within the pages of this book, love takes on the guise of sacrifice, weaving the destinies of cursed souls bound by an uncontrollable force. The story digs into the lives of those entwined by an unforgiving curse, witnessing the weight of their sacrifices and the toll on their souls. As the inscrutable Moira shapes their futures, love's plea clashes with the epitome of power and authority. This unconventional love story challenges our notions of devotion, forcing us to question the boundaries of love and the sacrifices we'd make for our cherished ones. Prepare to embark on a journey that tests the limits of love, unravelling the secrets that lie in the shadows, and ultimately answering the age-old question—what is love's true price?
You already know that women and men are different . . . and those differences can make your marriage tricky--and some days, seemingly impossible! So what's the secret? To realize a healthy, passionate and life-giving relationship for the long haul you need . . .love. Not the fairy tale kind of love that lives "happily ever after" once a single measly dragon has been slain. (There's always more than one dragon in real life anyway, right?) The secret is a love that does the work of loving--day in and day out, never giving up or backing down. In Love Works, Holly and Philip Wagner pull back the curtain on their nearly 30-year partnership and invite you to take an honest look at your own relationship. With humor and transparency they demonstrate how you can create an extraordinary and fulfilling relationship --the kind of real and remarkable everyday love that stands the test of time. You will find that your dream marriage ... is truly a labor of love.
(Also see this book in Large Print for those of us who have trouble reading small print) This is the story about two Boy Scouts determination to investigate the world that was suppose to be off limits to them and everyone else for that matter. These two Boy Scouts are real life boys who have been on the quest for knowledge and adventure since early childhood. They are forced to deal and understand the delineation between good and evil in ever-evolving situations. This book will appeal to all who have an adventurous spirit and enjoy fast moving, real life, action. Ample doses of rib-tickling humor, jarring excitement, personal courage, unbelievable experiences and emotional drama are skillfully incorporated and often serve as pivot points along the way.