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Presentation: As faith would have it, the author, Etan Bruno was born in a (Roman) Catholic family whose mother, Tsakoué Anastasie, became the prophetess of a certain Jesus in 1989. He firmly believed in that Jesus until the moment when he received a special grace from God to expose him. Why was she not saved when she put her fate in the hands of the Jesus worshipped in her church? It took him about 20 years of research to be able to answer this question and he encourages you to discover it in a series of three books entitled "Serving a false Jesus". Volume 3 of this series is an extensive research on the activities of Antichrists. They are real wolves in God's vineyard. They are the agents of the deceit which the real Jesus presented as the main sign of his return: "... and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered: Take heed that no man deceive you..." (Matthew 24: 3-5). What is therefore the form of deceit in your church? The quest for the truth pushed the author to conclude that most Christian churches are under the influence of spirits of deceit because they partly believe in God's Word. That is why in this third volume, he denounces the power of delusion which is at work in Christian churches and in the world in these end times. Through a series of teachings and examples, this volume provides Christians with spiritual tools for spiritual discernment. These fallen angels have already manifested in the life of several false prophets to establish pseudo-Christian religions and churches, and even through some apparitions, they claimed to be Jesus, Mary, Angel Gabriel, the Archangel Micheal, etc. About the Author The author was born in 1962 in Dschang, West Cameroon. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics, an engineering degree in design for food processing industries and a diploma in pastoral theology. The Lord Jesus made him teacher of God's Word in 1999. Serving a False Jesus series which is made up of three books constitutes his first publications.
This prophetic author, with the gift of discerning of spirits, focuses here on the antichrist spirit, system, and structure. This is not conjecture on the identity of the Antichrist! But specific antichrist strongholds, she says, have infiltrated the thoughts and belief systems even of Christians, preventing them (like the twelve tribes of Israel) from entering their Promised Land.
Without question, Breaking the Antichrist Code is a new first-strike tool that turns the tables on the Antichrist. Apostle Eric vonAnderseck exposes the enemy's tactics to pile on information about conspiracy to draw attention away from the fact that the true threat is actually the spirit of Antichrist. In this thorough, in-depth study, the author meticulously and systematically identifies the demonic power that has seduced the world since the beginning of time. Uncovering the massive web of deceit and well hidden systems, we are made to understand for the first time the shocking and brutal truth about how the antichrist spirit carved the inroads to our heart. This book is a manifesto, exposing that dark spirit whose influence changed the meaning of our reality. Apostle vonAnderseck helps readers see through the fog of confusion and offers practical insight and real-life application to break the stronghold of deception and find the true liberty promised in Jesus Christ.
My purposes for this booklet are the following: 1. To expose the devils tactics of positioning government leaders as benefactors who bestow benefits in order to solicit support 2. To clarify a caution of prophetic scripture about fear-based forms of human government 3. To emphasize how God expects his people to publicly proclaim the superior way he runs his kingdom until the very end of this age I hope devout disciples will faithfully preach Jesus Christ as king, especially to those the elite reject, whether the loser or the deplorable.
Indoctrination disguised as education. The religion of climate change enshrined. Witchcraft and the occult made mainstream. Fake news. We live in a world where deception is rampant and true agendas are rarely revealed. Jesus foretold of this time as He answered His disciples’ question: What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? Bible prophecy experts present analysis of today’s issues and events in Deceivers, revealing that Christ’s prophecy is literally unfolding before us today. A collection of 12 leading experts. Discover false prophets hiding behind the thin veneer of religious half-truths Unveil the globalist agenda behind diplomatic, judicial, and political hypocrisy Go behind misleading headlines and entertainment illusions to discern the truth.
Scripture warns that in the last days, the spirit of deception will arise in full force. Exposing the Spirit of Deception identifies the methods of operation of this spirit and how it surreptitiously works its way into the Church and into our private lives as well. Exposing the Spirit of Deception serves as a caution to all believers as Paul warned the Corinthian church in 2 Corinthians 11:3. We are called to be watchful so as the serpent deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden by his craftiness, so our minds may not be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.In this scriptural study, we investigate the biblical signs, teachings, and prophecies of the Antichrist as a phenomena; we look at the antichrist spirit, kingdom, and person.This book is in three parts; in the first part we look first at biblical the biblical definitions of the antichrist spirit, and at Old Testament types of the coming Christ, and antichrist.In the second part, we look at Christ's first coming, and the spirit of antichrist in opposition to His ministry culminating in the initial murder of Christ. In the third part we look at the antichrist through biblical prophecies of end-day events. As we study this phenomena in detail, a clear picture begins to emerge of the work of antichrist in the world in these last days, and in the utter end. This study will help to safeguard us against the great deception predicted to come in the last days, which leads to a great falling away. We will also begin to see that the last days deception is already in place, and growing in the world today once we've pinpointed some its earmarks. As we are admonished: 'Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.' (1 Cor 10:12 NKJV)And as Jesus said to the Sanhedrin in His day, Matt 16:2-3 When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?In context, they did not perceive that the time of Messiah's visitation was upon them, though the prophets had clearly revealed many signs of His coming, and even the time frame in which He would arrive. These were unaware of the day of their visitation because they were not heeding the signs of scripture - because they were not in tune with the Spirit of God. Like them, we could focus on politics, and contemporary events, discerning - prophetically speaking - the 'weather' in the natural; but are we perceiving in the Spirit according to God's Word the time and season we are in? Can perceive the signs of the time?
The doctrine of the Antichrist is one of the most interesting doctrines found in Scripture, says author Kim Riddlebarger. Unfortunately, it's also one which has been subject to far more speculation than sound biblical exegesis. Until now. Unlike other resources available on the Antichrist, The Man of Sin focuses on Scripture, not contemporary events, to uncover the truth about this mysterious entity. With skilled exegesis Riddlebarger asserts that, contrary to popular speculation, the Antichrist is not a singular individual but a series of beings that will arise to challenge Christ throughout the inter-advental age before culminating in an end-times Antichrist. Backing this claim first in Scripture, Riddlebarger also draws from historical teachings including those of the church fathers, the Reformation, and historic Protestantism, before contrasting this evidence to the sensational interpretations of many contemporary writers. Pastors, teachers, and study groups wanting to understand the doctrine of the Antichrist will find The Man of Sin to be a unique and comprehensive study.