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This volume covers topics related to human rights issues and problems of people who are overwhelmed by hostile situations around them and are subsequently rendered vulnerable. The situations of vulnerability discussed in this book are related to suffering caused by the moral, family, social, economic or political conditions in which the people, and the groups they belong to, live. Readers are guided through a discussion about rights, as an instrument through which civil society and the ‘Rule of Law’ try to curb or even eliminate the suffering of these people. The aim of such efforts is to restore the situation of vulnerable people to a level of normality. Human Rights Issues and Vulnerable Groups presents a discussion of issues surrounding several kinds of vulnerable groups: minorities, children, gender groups, persons with disabilities, migrants, cultural groups, displaced persons, victims of terrorism, linguistic groups, poor people, people in prison and sexual minorities. The book is a detailed reference for graduates and scholars in law, political science, sociology and social psychology. The volume is also recommended for working professionals who operate with human rights groups and general readers (non-experts) who want to understand the discourse about human rights in a holistic (moral, legal, social, economic, and political) framework.
(Book 1 in the Determination Trilogy) He wants it back… My name is Kevin Markos, former anchor for Full News Broadcasting. I say former, because an exhaustion- and frustration-fueled emotional on-air meltdown of apocalyptic proportions means my previously dignified reputation and successful career as a highly respected conservative TV news host and commentator lay in smoking, irreparable ruins. Only one person will hire me now, and it's the last person I want to work for—Democratic Senator ShaeLynn Samuels, who's determined to be the next president of the United States. My reluctance isn't because of her, but because of who's working for her: Christopher Bruunt, the head of her Secret Service detail. A college spring break trip I thought was safely hidden forever in my past, even if it never strayed far from my thoughts, now comes back to haunt me. But if I take this job and succeed, it could resurrect my career and put me at the right hand of the most powerful person in the United States. But how much am I personally willing to sacrifice to claw my way back to the top? Because Christopher never forgot that spring break, either. And he has a few agendas of his own. This MMF contemporary political romance features older main characters, second-chance love, an Alpha Secret Service agent, power exchange, pining, frenemies to lovers, a secret workplace romance at the highest levels of our nation's government, political intrigue, and a satisfying HEA. Book 1 of the Determination Trilogy, a standalone spin-off trilogy set in the world of the Governor Trilogy, the Devastation Trilogy, and others.
Bajo este título se aborda la pregunta ¿Qué es lo conveniente y adecuado para el hombre? desde una perspectiva muy plural y multidisciplinar. Los artículos del libro se orientan a tratar las tres perspectivas básicas de la dignidad: la raíz de la dignidad (perspectiva antropológica, filosófica, científica), la concreción de la dignidad (mujer, historia, práctica médica) y el sentido de la dignidad (teología, religiones).
This volume is devoted to exploring a subject which, on the surface, might appear to be just a trending topic. In fact, it is much more than a trend. It relates to an ancient, permanent issue which directly connects with people’s life and basic needs: the recognition and protection of individuals’ dignity, in particular the inherent worthiness of the most vulnerable human beings. The content of this book is described well enough by its title: ‘Human Dignity of the Vulnerable in the Age of Rights’. Certainly, we do not claim that only the human dignity of vulnerable people should be recognized and protected. We rather argue that, since vulnerability is part of the human condition, human vulnerability is not at odds with human dignity. To put it simply, human dignity is compatible with vulnerability. A concept of human dignity which discards or denies the dignity of the vulnerable and weak is at odds with the real human condition. Even those individuals who might seem more skilled and talented are fragile, vulnerable and limited. We need to realize that human condition is not limitless. It is crucial to re-discover a sense of moderation regarding ourselves, a sense of reality concerning our own nature. Some lines of thought take the opposite view. It is sometimes argued that humankind is – or is called to be – powerful, and that the time will come when there will be no vulnerability, no fragility, no limits at all. Human beings will become like God (or what believers might think God to be). This perspective rejects human vulnerability as in intrinsic evil. Those who are frail or weak, who are not autonomous or not able to care for themselves, do not possess dignity. In this volume it is claimed that vulnerability is an inherent part of human condition, and because human dignity belongs to all individuals, laws are called to recognize and protect the rights of all of them, particularly of those who might appear to be more vulnerable and fragile.
A pesar de que el concepto de dignidad humana sea probablemente el más básico del Derecho del Estado constitucional, los juristas no se han preocupado, hasta hace muy poco, por aclarar esa noción; en muy buena medida, eso se debe al predominio —en la teoría y en la práctica del Derecho—, también hasta fechas muy recientes, del paradigma iuspositivista, con su tesis de la separación conceptual (radical) entre el Derecho y la moral. «Sobre la dignidad humana» supone un intento de colmar esa laguna partiendo de una concepción postpositivista del Derecho que tiende a subrayar su carácter de práctica social, de actividad dirigida al logro de ciertos fines y valores, lo que lleva a entender las relaciones entre el Derecho y la moral en términos no solo de separación, sino también de continuidad. En los seis primeros capítulos del libro, se aborda el concepto de dignidad humana desde una variedad de perspectivas —la bioética, los derechos de la personalidad, el Derecho constitucional o la fundamentación de los derechos humanos—, mientras que el último (que es también el más extenso) está dedicado a elaborar una concepción general y (razonablemente) sistemática de la dignidad humana, poniendo el acento en su dimensión jurídica. Para ello se proponen fundamentalmente dos ejes de análisis. El primero consiste en considerar la dignidad como un concepto puente, de manera que, por un lado, se trata de establecer las condiciones que deben darse para atribuir dignidad a una entidad (el problema de la personalidad o de la agencia moral), mientras que, por otro lado, se necesita mostrar también cuáles son las consecuencias normativas de la dignidad, qué derechos y qué deberes suponen un juicio de atribución de dignidad. Desde el segundo eje, lo que se subraya es la importancia de diferenciar varios planos de abstracción: la dignidad en su sentido más profundo y abstracto; la dignidad como uno de los principios morales y/o jurídicos, y la dignidad traducida o concretada en derechos fundamentales.
Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, this volume explores the reality of the principle of human dignity – a core value which is increasingly invoked in our societies and legal systems. This book provides a systematic overview of the legal and philosophical concept in sixteen countries representing different cultural and religious contexts and examines in particular its use in a developing case law (including of the European Court of Human Rights and of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights). Whilst omnipresent in the context of bioethics, this book reveals its wider use in healthcare more generally, treatment of prisoners, education, employment, and matters of life and death in many countries. In this unique comparative work, contributing authors share a multidisciplinary analysis of the use (and potential misuse) of the principle of dignity in Europe, Africa, South and North America and Asia. By revealing the ambivalence of human dignity in a wide range of cultures and contexts and through the evolving reality of case law, this book is a valuable resource for students, scholars and professionals working in bioethics, medicine, social sciences and law. Ultimately, it will make all those who invoke the principle of human dignity more aware of its multi-layered character and force us all to reflect on its ability to further social justice within our societies.
Reynaldo Bustamante Alarcón examina en este libro distintas racionalidades parciales que, en diferentes pasajes de la historia, han aportado a la idea de persona y dignidad humana, profundizando —a partir de esos aportes y junto con nuevos elementos— en lo que significa ser persona, en el sentido de la dignidad que le es propia. Reflexiona así sobre diversas cuestiones relacionadas con el ser humano, en especial sobre el puesto que le corresponde en una sociedad justa, a la altura de nuestro tiempo, con las consecuencias que se derivan de ello, particularmente para la moral, la política y el Derecho. Un cierto tipo de sociedad donde cada persona pueda encontrar las condiciones adecuadas para el desarrollo de todas las dimensiones de su humanidad y vivir de manera armoniosa en comunidad y con el resto de la naturaleza. Se trata de una antropología integral y humanista, de respeto y confianza moderada en el ser humano desde un optimismo realista; es decir, que expresa confianza en las virtudes y capacidades del ser humano, pero sin perder de vista sus vicios, tanto individuales como sociales, que defiende la importancia de la razón para orientar su emancipación integral y la ordenación justa de las sociedades, sin desconocer que es una tarea que día a día debe lograrse, que requiere de lucha y esfuerzos constantes. Estamos ante un gran empeño de racionalización que busca contribuir a que el ser humano pueda desarrollarse plenamente con su esfuerzo, pero con el apoyo de los demás. Un modo de convivencia social donde la democracia y el Estado de Derecho se presentan, junto con los derechos fundamentales, como las formas de organización jurídico-políticas más acordes con la dignidad humana, con los objetivos de racionalización y humanización que se persiguen para construir y fortalecer una sociedad justa.
The Catechism - basically, the "operating instructions" for being a Catholic - isn't just for Catechism class prior to First Communion and Confirmation. It's an amazing collection of Church teachings and rules that cover everything from the basics, like honoring God, to more unusual subjects such as paying just wages and respecting animals. An understanding of the Catechism is key to the daily life of Catholics, and an appreciation of what Catholics believe. In Spanish.