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AFFIX A letter or group of letters added to the beginning or end of a word to get a new word with a changed meaning. Examples – im- in impossible; ntier- in international -able in agreeable; -er in learner English Affixes could be divided into two groups: Prefixes and Suffixes PREFIX A letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to get a new word with a changed meaning. Examples – im- in impossible; inter- in international; un- in unaffected SUFFIX A letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to get a new word with a changed meaning. Examples – -able in agreeable; -er in learner; -ness in quickness Sample This: ENGLISH PREFIXES – A a- Used to form: adjectives, adverbs and nouns General meaning: not, without Examples: acellular / amoral / apolitical / atheism / atheist / atypical ****** ad- Used to form: nouns and verbs General meaning: addition, tendency Examples: adjoin / adjudge / admixture ****** ambi- Used to form: adjectives, adverbs and nouns General meaning: both of two Examples: ambidexterity / ambidextrous / ambivalence / ambivalent ****** ante- Used to form: adjectives, nouns and verbs General meaning: prior to; in front of Examples: antedate / antenatal / anterior / ante-room ****** anti- Used to form: adjectives and nouns General meaning: against; the opposite of; preventing Examples: anti-aircraft / anti-bacterial / antibiotic / antibody / anti-choice / anticlerical / anticlimax / anticlockwise / anticoagulant / anti-competitive / anti-copying / anti-corruption / anticyclone / antidepressant / anti-drug / anti-encroachment / anti-extremism / antifreeze / anti-globalization / anti-graft / antigravity / anti-hate / anti-hero / anti-inflammatory / anti-liquor / anti-lock / anti-malarial / anti-national / antioxidant / antiparticle / anti-people / anti-personnel / antiperspirant / anti-poaching / antipyretic / antiretroviral / anti-rowdy / anti-sabotage / antiseptic / antisocial / anti-stalking / antitank / anti-terror / anti-terrorism / anti-theft / antitrust / antiviral / antivirus ****** ENGLISH SUFFIXES – A -able Used to form: adjectives, adverbs and nouns General meaning: that can, should or must be done; having the characteristic of Examples: adaptable / agreeable / amenable / amicable / appreciable / approachable / assessable / avertable / avoidable / believable / breakable / calculable / changeable / chargeable / comfortable / companionable / computable / conceivable / controllable / curable / decipherable / declarable / desirable / detectable / detestable / doable / enjoyable / escapable / excitable / explainable / explicable / exploitable / fashionable / foreseeable / graspable / honorable / imaginable / imperturbable / indubitable / inevitable / justifiable / manageable / moveable / noticeable / observable / payable / pleasurable / portable / preventable / punishable / quantifiable / questionable / ratable / reachable / readable / reasonable / reckonable / recognizable / reliable / reputable / respectable / serviceable / sociable / stoppable / taxable / traceable / transferable / translatable / transportable / understandable / usable / utilizable / variable / washable / wearable / workable ****** -ability Used to form: nouns General meaning: a level of skill, intelligence, etc. Example: capability / curability / excitability / inescapability / inevitability / playability / preventability / serviceability / unavoidability / usability / workability ****** -ably Used to form: adverbs General meaning: skillful and well; in a particular manner Examples: affably / capably / charitably / comfortably / demonstrably / indisputably / inevitably / irritably / notably / noticeably / presumably / probably / reasonably / remarkably ****** -acy Used to form: nouns General meaning: the position, quality, state or status of Examples: accuracy / adequacy / delicacy / democracy / intimacy / primacy / privacy / supremacy ******
What are "Root Words"? -- A root, or root word is a word which is used to form another word. It is also called a base word. A root does not have a prefix (a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word) or a suffix (a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word). Root is the primary lexical unit of a word, and of a word family. For example, pure is a root. By adding prefixes and suffixes, the following words could be made: impure, purity, pureness. Similarly, play and move are root words. By adding prefixes and suffixes, the following words could be made: plays, played, playing, player | moving, movement, moved, movable, mover, movingly. In this book, I have given the most common Greek and Latin roots which are used in English language. Sample This: Root Words - A -- AB/ABS -- Origin: Latin | Meaning: away, from, off -- Examples: abate -- to subside; abject -- hopeless; abjure -- to renounce; abnormal -- unusual | related words: abnormally, abnormality; abroad -- out of the country; abscess -- swelling; abscond -- to run away | related word: absconder; abseil -- to go down a steep cliff; absence -- nonattendance | related words: absent, absentee, absenteeism, absentia, absently; absolve -- to forgive; absorb -- to soak up | related words: absorbable, absorbance, absorbed, absorbency, absorbent, absorbing, absorption; abstain -- to give up something for moral reason | related words: abstainer, abstention, abstinence; abstemious -- critical; abstinent -- not having something for moral reason; abstruse -- difficult to understand; obscure; absurd -- ridiculous | related words: absurdist, absurdity, absurdly **AGG - Origin: Latin | Meaning: collected - Examples: agglomerate -- to collect things and form them into a mass or group | related word: agglomeration; aggrandize -- to increase your importance or power | related word: aggrandizement; aggregate -- to put together different items, amounts, etc. into a single total | related words: aggregation, aggregator ** ALTR/ALTER - Origin: Latin | Meaning: other - Examples: altruism -- caring about the needs of other people | related word: altruistic; alterable -- that can be changed | related word: unalterable; altercation -- noisy argument; alternate -- to follow one after other | related words: alternately, alternation, alternative **Some More Root Words - A -- Root Word [Origin] -- Meaning | Example(s) (Related Words in Bracket) -- a [Greek] -- not | atheism, apolitical, atypical **ablat [Latin] -- remove | ablation **ablut [Latin] -- wash | ablutions **abort [Latin] -- born too soon | abortion **abras [Latin] -- rub off | abrasion (abrasive, abrasively, abrasiveness) **abstemi [Latin] -- controlled; moderate | abstemious **abund [Latin] -- overflow | abundance (abundant, abundantly) **ac [Latin] -- to, toward | accept (acceptability, acceptable, acceptably, acceptance, acceptation) **acanth [Greek] -- thorn | acanthus **acceler [Latin] -- hasten | accelerate (acceleration, accelerator) **acet [Latin] -- vinegar | acetate, acetic, acetone **achr [Greek] -- colorless | achromic **acid [Latin] -- sour | acidic, acidify, acidosis, acidulate (acidulation, acidulous) **acm [Greek] -- summit | acme **aco [Greek] -- relief | acoustic (acoustical, acoustically, acoustician, acoustics) **adama [Greek] -- invincible | adamant (adamantly) **ade [Greek] -- enough | adequate (adequacy, adequately) **adip [Latin] -- fat | adipose **adolesc [Latin] -- growing up | Other Root Words - A -- Root Word [Origin] - Meaning -- aapt [Greek] -- indomitable, unfriendly **abact [Latin] -- driven away **abdit [Latin] -- secret/hidden **abr [Greek] - delicate **abscis [Latin] -- cutoff; absit [Latin] - distant **aca [Greek] -- a point; silence **acar [Greek] - tiny **accip [Latin] -- allow, snatch **accliv [Latin] -- steep; up-hill **accresc [Latin] -- increase**ace [Greek] - heal **acer [Latin] - sharp **acerv [Latin] - pile **acest [Greek] -- healing; remedy
This book, now in its third edition, is still the most uniquely comprehensive resource for finding word parts needed to express a concept. Along with aiding vocabulary expansion, this dictionary provides guidance to those who may be interested in inventing or deciphering words bearing an established and embedded meaning. This work is split into three parts. Part I, the dictionary proper, provides an alphabetical listing of over 5,100 word parts. Each entry includes a brief definition, examples of use and etymology. Part II, the Finder, is a reverse dictionary that allows users to start with a meaning or concept to then find word parts that express the meaning. The only reverse dictionary of its kind,this section is updated with over 4,600 search terms in total. The expanded Part III organizes word parts under 20 convenient categories--like The Body, Fear or Dislike of, Experts and Shapes.
the opposite of
Describes what prefixes are and provides examples of them used in different words.
The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the ideal dictionary for advanced EFL/ESL learners. Easy to use and with a great CD-ROM - the perfect learner's dictionary for exam success. First published as the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, this new edition has been completely updated and redesigned. - References to over 170,000 words, phrases and examples explained in clear and natural English - All the important new words that have come into the language (e.g. dirty bomb, lairy, 9/11, clickable) - Over 200 'Common Learner Error' notes, based on the Cambridge Learner Corpus from Cambridge ESOL exams Plus, on the CD-ROM: - SMART thesaurus - lets you find all the words with the same meaning - QUICKfind - automatically looks up words while you are working on-screen - SUPERwrite - tools for advanced writing, giving help with grammar and collocation - Hear and practise all the words.
This textbook provides an accessible introduction to the study of word-formation, that is, the ways in which new words are built on the bases of other words (e.g. happy - happy-ness), focusing on English. The book's didactic aim is to enable students with little or no prior linguistic knowledge to do their own practical analyses of complex words. Readers are familiarized with the necessary methodological tools to obtain and analyze relevant data and are shown how to relate their findings to theoretical problems and debates. The book is not written in the perspective of a particular theoretical framework and draws on insights from various research traditions, reflecting important methodological and theoretical developments in the field. It is a textbook directed towards university students of English at all levels. It can also serve as a source book for teachers and advanced students, and as an up-to-date reference concerning many word-formation processes in English.
Provides entries that contain the meanings of prefixes, suffixes, and other types of affixes that form parts of English words.