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La mayor parte de los términos usados en el lenguaje político tienen diversos significados. El objetivo de este diccionario es el de brindar a los lectores no especializados, a los estudiantes, a los lectores de periódicos, a quienes escuchan conferencias, discursos, debates, etc., una explicación y una interpretación sencilla y tendencialmente conclusiva de los principales conceptos que forman parte del universo del discurso político, con su evolución histórica, su uso actual, sus conceptos afines o antitéticos, así como los autores y obras más directamente vinculados a ellos. En nuestra edición se amplía y actualiza la bibliografía y se incorporan términos referidos a la situación latinoamericana.
El Diccionario de la Democracia contiene la teoría y la ideología de los regímenes democráticos: sus antecedentes; orígenes; principios; modalidades de deliberación y leyes; sus instituciones clave y variedades, acorde con la clase social que los dirija y el arreglo institucional correlativo. Asimismo compara sus principios, leyes e instituciones con otros regímenes, particularmente con sus opuestos, las oligarquías o gobiernos de pocos, pero también con la república, la tiranía y la realeza; las razones de Estado que permiten su conquista, conservación y estabilidad; las fuentes internas y externas que los amenazan; las maneras de corromperse y las revoluciones que los afectan. Trata también de los usos, costumbres y caracteres democráticos; inventaría los rasgos éticos de la vida democrática, por sí mismos y comprobados con los de los ricos, las clases medias y los tiranos, hasta detallar las relaciones que sostienen entre sí dirigentes y dirigidos, hombres y mujeres, viejos, jóvenes, maestros y alumnos, ciudadanos y animales..., por el impacto que la libertad e igualdad popular tienen en la vida pública y privada de sus pueblos. Parte medular del mismo es la exposición de las doctrinas, dogmas, leyes e instituciones del modelo liberal moderno de la democracia; un credo que se analiza en calidad de justificación del nouveau régime por parte de sus ideólogos modernos más destacados y lúcidos, quienes desvían el significado de las palabras ] democracia ] y ] liberal ] atribuidas sin más a los Estados modernos.
This edition of the World Bank has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit in the Languages Services Division of the World Bank in collaboration with the English, Spanish, and French Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using French and Spanish in their work, and free-lance translator's and interpreters employed by the Bank. For this reason, the Glossary contains not only financial and economic terminology and terms relating to the Bank's procedures and practices, but also terms that frequently occur in Bank documents, and others for which the Bank has a preferred equivalent. Although many of these terms, relating to such fields as agriculture, education, energy, housing, law, technology, and transportation, could be found in other sources, they have been assembled here for ease of reference. A list of acronyms occurring frequently in Bank texts (the terms to which they refer being found in the Glossary) and a list of international, regional, and national organizations will be found at the end of the Glossary.
This title was first published in 2001: This innovative text applies new institutional economics, public choice theory, and new public management concepts to the political arena of the Mexican administration. Including cutting-edge benchmarking? analysis about best practices of human resources and the modernization of the public sector, the book also considers the history and situation of other countries from the Mexican perspective, especially those of Latin America and the OECD. An essential text for all those with an interest in public policy or Latin American politics.
With the financial meltdown and the economic crisis in their fifth year already no one can any longer be in doubt about their exceptional gravity, their truly global impact and their profound effects hurting vulnerable groups and the very poor especially. As the world looks for an exit from this economic crisis – the worst in eight decades – the focus of attention is naturally on the causes, the factors that account for its wide reach and severity, as well as on strategies that might bring it to a closure. The quest for exit strategies is at the very centre of the issues and concerns explored in the present volume, produced by the IIAS. Like the preceding volumes, but even more emphatically, this volume, representing a collective endeavour of scholars and practitioners from many parts of the globe, finds cause to lay the blame, for our difficult predicament, on the institutional deficit, the policies, the practices and values that have followed in the trail of a highly misleading and erroneous model of governance. The «Market Model of Governance» as it is known, sought to reform, the structures and culture of administration and government in private sector ways. While instrumental values like efficiency and effectiveness were raised and praised profusely, those of democratic governance were discounted by comparison. In particular, integrity, the rule of law and due process, equity, legality and public service professionalism suffered a steep decline, in several parts of the world. Likewise, the invasion and the capture of public space, inevitably led to an unprecedented surge of greed, abuse and corruption that contributed directly to the crisis which is upon us. Looking for exit strategies, as its title aptly suggests, the present volume offers a rich menu of ideas drawn from the current experience of all the world ́s main regions. Not surprisingly, two concepts stand out throughout the book as necessary correctives, as well as pressing remedies to the world ́s ongoing malaise. They call for the recapture of our common administrative space and the reaffirmation of the values and virtues appropriate for democratic governance. To the IIAS, none perhaps are more important than public service professionalism and none other can contribute more effectively to the reform and consolidation of sound institutions for national, sub national, global and regional governance. For these reasons, at this juncture, the new volume like the others should be featured in every public library and become a vademecum of all scholars and practitioners of public administration and politics around the world.