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Nel corso della sua vita Metastasio tenne corrispondenza con numerose personalità appartenenti ai contesti più disparati; queste lettere private riguardano ogni ambito della sua opera, riflettendo i valori della società, le convenzioni e il complesso scambio culturale del XVIII secolo. I testi raccolti in questo volume offrono uno sguardo sulle molteplici sfere d'azione del Metastasio uomo di lettere e di cultura. Raccontano della creatività artistica del poeta cesareo, della sua partecipazione attiva alla vita intellettuale del suo tempo, e della fine dell'ancien régime, unita alla consapevolezza della caducità di ogni cosa. Im Laufe seines Lebens korrespondierte Pietro Metastasio mit zahlreichen Persönlichkeiten aus unterschiedlichen Milieus; dieser Schriftverkehr betraf alle Bereiche seines Schaffens und spiegelt gesellschaftliche Werte, Konventionen und den komplexen Kulturaustausch im 18. Jahrhundert wider. Die in diesem Band ausgewählten Briefe geben einen Einblick in die vielschichtigen Wirkungskreise des Literaten und Universalgelehrten Metastasio. Sie berichten von der künstlerischen Kreativität des Hofpoeten, von seiner aktiven Teilnahme am intellektuellen Leben seiner Zeit, sowie vom Ende des ancien régime, das mit dem Bewusstein der Vergänglichkeit aller Dinge einher ging. In the course of his life, Pietro Metastasio corresponded with numerous personalities from different milieus; this private correspondence concerned all areas of his creative work, reflecting the social values, onventions, and complex cultural exchanges of the eighteenth century. The letters selected provide insight into the multi- layered spheres of activity of the literary figure and polymath Metastasio. They chronicle the artistic creativity of the court poet and his active participation in the intellectual life of his time, but also the end of the ancien régime, coupled with an awareness of the transience of all things.
During the Graeco-Roman period, the Fayum became one of the most productive agricultural regions of Egypt and was the focus of a systematic settlement and cultivation program. This volume contains the conferences given at the third international symposion for Fayum studies held at Freudenstadt/ Schwarzwald from May 29 to June 1, 2007. Egyptologists, papyrologists and archaeologists from all over the world joined in order to report their current research and to contribute with their special point of view in enhancing and completing our picture of the Fayum in the Graeco-Roman period. Das Fayum entwickelte sich in der griechisch-romischen Zeit zu einer der landwirtschaftlich produktivsten Regionen Agyptens und stand im Mittelpunkt einer gezielten Besiedlungs- und Bewirtschaftungspolitik. Der Band beinhaltet die Vortrage des mittlerweile 3. internationalen Fayum-Symposions, das vom 29. Mai bis 1. Juni 2007 in Freudenstadt im Schwarzwald stattfand. Agyptologen, Papyrologen und Archaologen aus aller Welt kamen zusammen, um aus ihrer aktuellen Forschung zu berichten und durch Beitrage aus dem Blickwinkel ihrer verschiedenen Disziplinen dazu beizutragen, unser Bild des Fayum in der griechisch-romischen Zeit weiter zu vervollstandigen.
Examines the life and compositional oeuvre of prolific eighteenth century musician, composer, and singer Marianna Martines (1744-1813).
In late sixteenth-century Venice, nearly 60 percent of all patrician women joined convents, and only a minority of these women did so voluntarily. In trying to explain why unprecedented numbers of patrician women did not marry, historians have claimed that dowries became too expensive. However, Jutta Gisela Sperling debunks this myth and argues that the rise of forced vocations happened within the context of aristocratic culture and society. Sperling explains how women were not allowed to marry beneath their social status while men could, especially if their brides were wealthy. Faced with a shortage of suitable partners, patrician women were forced to offer themselves as "a gift not only to God, but to their fatherland," as Patriarch Giovanni Tiepolo told the Senate of Venice in 1619. Noting the declining birth rate among patrician women, Sperling explores the paradox of a marriage system that preserved the nobility at the price of its physical extinction. And on a more individual level, she tells the fascinating stories of these women. Some became scholars or advocates of women's rights, some took lovers, and others escaped only to survive as servants, prostitutes, or thieves.