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Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein Algorithmus vorgestellt, der spannungsabhängige Einspeisung von Wirk- und Blindleistung in den Lastfluss-Algorithmus integriert. Es wird eine Beschleunigung von bis zu einer Größenordnung gegenüber dem derzeit gängigen Verfahren, und eine verbesserte Robustheit erreicht. Im zweiten Teil wird ein Phasor-Framework zur dynamischen Simulation von Stromnetzen vorgestellt. Die wesentliche Neuheit ist die Möglichkeit der Integration von Zustandsdiagrammen direkt in die Komponentenmodelle. Damit wird eine wesentlich schnellere Modellentwicklung ermöglicht als mit verfügbaren Tools. Im dritten Teil werden Modelle entwickelt und in das Framework integriert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einem Photovoltaik-Modell welches das dynamische P(V), Q(V) und P(f) Verhalten nach VDE 4105 im Bereich Sekunden bis Minuten abbildet. Im vierten Teil wird das entwickelte Phasor-Framework verwendet, um das Wiederzuschaltverhalten von Photovoltaikanlagen in einem dieselbetriebenen Inselnetz in der Niederspannung zu untersuchen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass ein periodisches Ab- und Abschalten von Photovoltaikanlagen vorkommen kann.
This thesis investigates the impact of: i) the low voltage ride-through and dynamic voltage support capability; ii) the active current recovery rate; iii) the local voltage control; and iv) the plant-level voltage control of large-scale photovoltaic systems on short-term voltage stability and fault-induced delayed voltage recovery as well as transient and frequency stability. The power system dynamic performance is analysed using state-of-the-art methods, such as phasor mode time-domain simulations and the calculation of the critical clearing time that determines the stability margin. Moreover, the recently developed Kullback-Leibler divergence measure is applied to assess the quality of the voltage recovery. Drawbacks of this metric are outlined and a novel metric, the so-called voltage recovery index, is defined that quantifies the delayed voltage recovery more systematically. The studies are performed with a generic photovoltaic system model and typical model parameters are used that were determined in collaboration with a manufacturer. The stability analysis is performed in DIgSILENT PowerFactory using: i) a one-load infinite-bus system; and ii) an IEEE multi-machine voltage stability test system, namely the Nordic test system. The results show that with the adequate control of photovoltaic systems, power system dynamic performance can be significantly improved.
This paper describes the operating performance of the Power System Stabilizer (PSS) for different power system case studies. The functional blocks of PSS are developed in Simulink and the simulation carried out. The damping oscillation variation of PSS for the various power system conditions (light, nominal and high load and fault) is carried out and the voltage and reactive power variations are illustrated. The PSS system behavior is demonstrated on Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) model and simulation carried out in Simulink-based MATLAB environment.
Building on MATLAB (the language of technical computing), Simulink provides a platform for engineers to plan, model, design, simulate, test and implement complex electromechanical, dynamic control, signal processing and communication systems. Simulink-Matlab combination is very useful for developing algorithms, GUI assisted creation of block diagrams and realisation of interactive simulation based designs. The eleven chapters of the book demonstrate the power and capabilities of Simulink to solve engineering problems with varied degree of complexity in the virtual environment.
SimEvents software incorporates discrete-event system modeling into the Simulink time-based framework, which is suited for modeling continuous-time and periodic discrete-time systems. In time-based systems, state updates occur synchronously with time. By contrast, in discrete-event systems, state transitions depend on asynchronous discrete incidents called events. In a Simulink model, you typically construct a discrete-event system by adding various blocks, such as generators, queues, and servers, from the SimEvents block library. These blocks are suitable for producing and processing entities, which are abstractions of discrete items of interest. One or more discrete-event systems can coexist with time-based systems in a Simulink model. This coexistence facilitates the simulation of sophisticated hybrid systems. You can pass signals from time-based components/systems to and from discrete-event components/systems modeled with SimEvents blocks. The combination of time- and event-based modeling facilitates the simulation of large-scale systems that incorporate smaller subsystems from multiple environments. An example of a large-scale system might have physical modeling for continuous-time systems, such as electrical systems, which communicate via a channel modeled as a discrete-event system. A Simulink model can also contain a purely discrete-event system with no time-based components when modeling event-based processes. These systems are common in models that represent logistic and manufacturing systems.
The Phase-Locked Loop (PLL), and many of the devices used for frequency and phase tracking, carrier and symbol synchronization, demodulation, and frequency synthesis, are fundamental building blocks in today's complex communications systems. It is therefore essential for both students and practicing communications engineers interested in the design and implementation of modern communication systems to understand and have insight into the behavior of these important and ubiquitous devices. Since the PLL behaves as a nonlinear device (at least during acquisition), computer simulation can be used to great advantage in gaining insight into the behavior of the PLL and the devices derived from the PLL. The purpose of this Synthesis Lecture is to provide basic theoretical analyses of the PLL and devices derived from the PLL and simulation models suitable for supplementing undergraduate and graduate courses in communications. The Synthesis Lecture is also suitable for self study by practicing engineers. A significant component of this book is a set of basic MATLAB-based simulations that illustrate the operating characteristics of PLL-based devices and enable the reader to investigate the impact of varying system parameters. Rather than providing a comprehensive treatment of the underlying theory of phase-locked loops, theoretical analyses are provided in sufficient detail in order to explain how simulations are developed. The references point to sources currently available that treat this subject in considerable technical depth and are suitable for additional study. Download MATLAB codes (.zip) Table of Contents: Introduction / Basic PLL Theory / Structures Developed From The Basic PLL / Simulation Models / MATLAB Simulations / Noise Performance Analysis
Continuous-system simulation is an increasingly important tool for optimizing the performance of real-world systems. The book presents an integrated treatment of continuous simulation with all the background and essential prerequisites in one setting. It features updated chapters and two new sections on Black Swan and the Stochastic Information Packet (SIP) and Stochastic Library Units with Relationships Preserved (SLURP) Standard. The new edition includes basic concepts, mathematical tools, and the common principles of various simulation models for different phenomena, as well as an abundance of case studies, real-world examples, homework problems, and equations to develop a practical understanding of concepts.
Modeling Software with Finite State Machines: A Practical Approach explains how to apply finite state machines to software development. It provides a critical analysis of using finite state machines as a foundation for executable specifications to reduce software development effort and improve quality. It discusses the design of a state machine and of a system of state machines. It also presents a detailed analysis of development issues relating to behavior modeling with design examples and design rules for using finite state machines. This text demonstrates the implementation of these concepts using StateWORKS software and introduces the basic components of this software.
Modellbasierte prädiktive Regelungen dienen der Lösung anspruchsvoller Aufgaben der Mehrgrößenregelung mit Beschränkungen der Stell- und Regelgrößen. Sie werden in der Industrie in vielen Bereichen erfolgreich eingesetzt. Mit der MPC ToolboxTM des Programmsystems MATLAB®/Simulink® steht ein Werkzeug zur Verfügung, das sowohl in der industriellen Praxis als auch an Universitäten und Hochschulen verwendet wird. Das vorliegende Buch gibt eine Übersicht über die Grundideen und Anwendungsvorteile des MPC-Konzepts. Es zeigt, wie mit Hilfe der Toolbox MPC-Regelungen entworfen, eingestellt und simuliert werden können. Ausgewählte Beispiele aus dem Bereich der Verfahrenstechnik demonstrieren mögliche Vorgehensweisen und vertiefen das Verständnis. Das Buch richtet sich an in der Industrie tätige Ingenieure, die MPC-Regelungen planen, entwickeln und betreiben, aber auch an Studierende technischer Fachdisziplinen, die in das Arbeitsgebiet MPC einsteigen wollen. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is used to solve challenging multivariable-constrained control problems. MPC systems are successfully applied in many different branches of industry. The MPC ToolboxTM of MATLAB®/Simulink® provides powerful tools for industrial MPC application, but also for education and research at technical universities. This book gives an overview of the basic ideas and advantages of the MPC concept. It shows how MPC systems can be designed, tuned, and simulated using the MPC Toolbox. Selected process engineering benchmark examples are used to demonstrate typical design approaches and help deepen the understanding of MPC technologies. The book is aimed at engineers in industry interested in the development and application of MPC systems, as well as students of different technical disciplines seeking an introduction into this field.This book gives an overview of the basic ideas and advantages of the MPC concept. It shows how MPC systems can be designed, tuned, and simulated using the MPC Toolbox. Selected process engineering benchmark examples are used to demonstrate typical design approaches and help deepen the understanding of MPC technologies. The book is aimed at engineers in industry interested in the development and application of MPC systems, as well as students of different technical disciplines seeking an introduction into this field.