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The mass composition of cosmic rays is an important parameter for determining their origin. Using both fluorescence and surface detectors, The Pierre Auger Observatory measures the depth of shower maximum, Xmax, from which the mass of the primary particle can be inferred. The surface detector measurement, which is based on the principle of shower universality, increases the number of available statistics for Xmax by at least a factor of 10 since it is no longer limited by the low duty cycle of the fluorescence detector. We compare the energy and arrival directions determined using this new reconstruction to both the official surface and fluorescence detector reconstructions and present an event by event comparison of the \Xmax values calculated using both types of detectors for events with energies above 10^{18.8} eV. We use this new reconstruction method based on universality to conduct preliminary anisotropy studies discriminating by the mass of the primary particle.
The Pierre Auger Observatory (Auger) in Argentina studies Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) physics. The flux of cosmic rays at these energies (above 1018 eV) is very low (less than 100 particle/km2-year) and UHECR properties must be inferred from the measurements of the secondary particles that the cosmic ray primary produces in the atmosphere. These particles cascades are called Extensive Air Showers (EAS) and can be studied at ground by deploying detectors covering large areas. The EAS physics is complex, and the properties of secondary particles depend strongly on the first interaction, which takes place at an energy beyond the ones reached at accelerators. As a consequence, the analysis of UHECRs is subject to large uncertainties and hence many of their properties, in particular their composition, are still unclear. Two complementary techniques are used at Auger to detect EAS initiated by UHE- CRs: a 3000 km2 surface detector (SD) array of water Cherenkov tanks which samples particles at ground level and fluorescence detectors (FD) which collect the ultraviolet light emitted by the de-excitation of nitrogen nuclei in the atmosphere, and can operate only in clear, moonless nights. Auger is the largest cosmic rays detector ever built and it provides high-quality data together with unprecedented statistics. The main goal of this thesis is the measurement of UHECR mass composition using data from the SD of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Measuring the cosmic ray composition at the highest energies is of fundamental importance from the astrophysical point of view, since it could discriminate between different scenarios of origin and propagation of cosmic rays. Moreover, mass composition studies are of utmost importance for particle physics. As a matter of fact, knowing the composition helps in exploring the hadronic interactions at ultra-high energies, inaccessible to present accelerator experiments.
The Pierre Auger Observatory studies Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) physics. The flux of UHECRs is very low (less than 1 particle/km2-year) and their properties must be inferred from the measurements of the secondary particles that the cosmic ray primary produces in the atmosphere. These particles cascades are called Extensive Air Showers (EAS) and can be studied at ground by deploying detectors covering large areas. The EAS physics is complex, and the properties of secondary particles depend strongly on the first interaction, which takes place at an energy beyond the ones reached at accelerators. As a consequence, the analysis of UHECRs is subject to large uncertainties and hence many of their properties, in particular their composition, are still unclear. Two complementary techniques are used at Auger to detect EAS initiated by UHECRs: a 3000 km2 surface detector (SD) array of water Cherenkov tanks which samples particles at ground level and fluorescence detectors (FD) which collect the ultraviolet light emitted by the de-excitation of nitrogen nuclei in the atmosphere, and can operate only in clear, moonless nights. The main goal of this thesis is the measurement of UHECR mass composition using data from the SD of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Measuring the cosmic ray composition at the highe-st energies is of fundamental importance for particle physics and astrophysics. Indeed, it allows to explore the hadronic interactions at ultra-high energies, and to discriminate between different scenarios of origin and propagation of cosmic rays.
The origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays is one of the big unsolved questions in Astrophysics today. Knowing the mass composition of these cosmic rays would help to determine information about both their propagation and acceleration. The Pierre Auger Observatory was built to gather more information and more statistics than any previous cosmic ray detector ever built. In this thesis, I will detail my method of extending the current Pierre Auger mass composition information by using surface array parameters as a proxy for the depth of shower maximum, an established mass indicator.
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays are particles of enormous energy -- greater than 1018 eV -- reaching Earth from still mysterious sources. In this thesis, we analyze data from the Pierre Auger Observatory, a giant cosmic ray detector located in Argentina, to derive information on the mass of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and on their hadronic interaction properties. The data show a change of cosmic ray mass composition as a function of energy. We perform a measurement of the proton-air inelastic cross section, yielding sinelp-air =501+24-23 stat+30 -35syst +30-32 composition mb, at an equivalent energy of 57 TeV in the center of mass of a proton-proton collision -- a range yet inaccessible to particle accelerators. The measured cross section is in good agreement with predictions from hadronic interaction models.
Here, we report a first measurement for ultra-high energy cosmic rays of the correlation between the depth of shower maximum and the signal in the water Cherenkov stations of air-showers registered simultaneously by the fluorescence and the surface detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Such a correlation measurement is a unique feature of a hybrid air-shower observatory with sensitivity to both the electromagnetic and muonic components. It allows an accurate determination of the spread of primary masses in the cosmic-ray flux. Up till now, constraints on the spread of primary masses have been dominated by systematic uncertainties. The present correlation measurement is not affected by systematics in the measurement of the depth of shower maximum or the signal in the water Cherenkov stations. The analysis relies on general characteristics of air showers and is thus robust also with respect to uncertainties in hadronic event generators. The observed correlation in the energy range around the `ankle' at $\lg(E/{\rm eV})=18.5-19.0$ differs significantly from expectations for pure primary cosmic-ray compositions. A light composition made up of proton and helium only is equally inconsistent with observations. The data are explained well by a mixed composition including nuclei with mass $A> 4$. Scenarios such as the proton dip model, with almost pure compositions, are thus disfavoured as the sole explanation of the ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray flux at Earth.