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This paper presents evidence on derivatives usage by Brazilian non-financial firms, using a sample of 74 companies. The proportion of firms using derivatives in Brazil is comparable to that of other countries already researched. There are economies of scale for derivatives usage, and managers use derivatives for risk management purposes rather than speculation. Derivatives usage across risk classes in Brazil follows patterns observed internationally: companies use derivatives primarily to manage foreign exchange risk, followed by interest rates and commodities exposures. The main concerns of Brazilian managers are linked to taxation and accounting issues rather than to financial and economic aspects.
Der schlechte Ruf der Derivative gründet sich auf Mißbrauch und das hohe Risiko, das mit diesem oft exotisch wirkenden Finanzinstrument verbunden ist. Sie wollen sich unvoreingenommen, besser informieren? Anhand signifikanter Fallstudien führt dieses Buch Sie unter anderem in Techniken des Risikomanagement und Kontrollstrukturen ein.
This paper is a comparative study of the responses to the 1995 Wharton School survey of derivative usage among US non- financial firms and a 1997 companion survey on German non-financial firms. It is not a mere comparison of the results of both studies, but a comparative study, drawing a comparable subsample of firms from the US study to match the sample of German firms on both size and industry composition.
This paper is a comparative study of the responses to the 1995 Wharton School survey of derivative usage among US non-financial firms and a 1997 companion survey on German non-financial firms. It is not a mere comparison of the results of both studies, but a comparative study, drawing a comparable subsample of firms from the US study to match the sample of German firms on both size and industry composition. We find that German firms are more likely to use derivatives than US firms, with 78% of German firms using derivatives compared to 57% of US firms. Aside from this higher overall usage, the general pattern of usage across industry and size groupings is comparable across the two countries. In both countries, foreign currency derivative usage is most common, followed closely by interest rate derivatives, with commodity derivatives a distant third. In contrast to the similarities, firms in the two countries differ notably on issues such as the primary goal of hedging, their choice of instruments, and the influence of their market view when taking derivative positions. These differences appear to be driven by the greater importance of financial accounting statements in Germany than the US and stricter German corporate policies of control over derivative activities within the firm.
This paper presents a survey on the risk management function and the usage of hedging instruments by Italian non-financial firms. The objective is to measure how firms manage the following risks: Exchange-foreign, Interest rate, Energetic, Commodity, Equity, Counter-party, Operational, Country. The survey was conducted both for listed and non-listed firms, suggest that Italian firms are less likely to use derivatives than US firms. The percentage of firms using derivatives or insurance instruments has not changed noticeably in the last 10 years. The use of derivatives is more significant among large firms in every risk typology. The reasons to explain the limited practice in derivative markets are the insufficient exposure to risk area to warrant management, the exposure more effectively managed by other means and the difficulties in monitoring/measuring contract effectiveness.
It is now widely recognized that an uncontrolled "derivatives revolution" triggered one of the most spectacular worst-case scenarios of modern times. This book - the most cogent legal analysis of the subject yet to appear in any language - lays bare the core role played by the failure to adequately regulate derivatives in the financial crisis of recent years. The author's insistence that derivatives must be viewed not as profit-seeking investments but as risk management tools - and his well-grounded prescriptions to ensure that they are regulated in that way - sheds clear light on the best way for companies, financial institutions, and hedge funds to move forward in their use of these useful but highly hazardous instruments. This book clearly shows how such elements as the following fit into the legal analysis of derivatives, and how proper regulation will preserve their usefulness and economic value: ; derivatives allow for the most efficient and cost-effective risk fractioning, hence risk taking, techniques ever conceived; derivatives allow for all measurable and identifiable risks that may exist in modern finance; the ability to isolate risks and insure against risk exposures is the key to the very survival of modern financial markets; risk buyers effectively take on financial exposure to various types of risk while hedgers unload unwanted exposures; derivatives allow domestic investors to acquire exposure to foreign markets without the necessity of dealing with foreign laws, foreign investments, currency exchange, or foreign fiscal regimes; derivatives increase social welfare by making it easier and less expensive to carry out many types of financial transactions; derivatives allow governments to insulate, manage, hedge or concentrate risks deriving from financial, meteorological, and even geopolitical exposure; and derivatives allow radical changes to financial and risk structure to be performed silently and rapidly. To the question: how do we ensure that a company trading derivatives is regulated effectively? this work offers a clear and convincing answer. The author's detailed recommendations for regulatory and corporate governance measures are designed to prevent excessive risk taking, the emergence of rogue traders, and ultimately the emergence of another systemic disturbance caused by chains of derivatives-related losses.