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El objetivo de este manual es transmitir los principales derechos e instrumentos legales que existen hoy en la era digital, así como aprender el correcto uso de las tecnologías digitales. Ofrece una explicación clara y estructurada de los principales aspectos legales que afectan al desarrollo, la gestión y la seguridad de los sistemas informáticos, así como a la protección de los datos personales, la propiedad intelectual, la inteligencia artificial y el comercio electrónico. Además, incluye actividades y ejercicios para facilitar la comprensión y la aplicación de los conceptos. Está escrito con un lenguaje sencillo y accesible para que pueda ser entendido por diferentes públicos, independientemente de su disciplina y sin conocimiento previo de derecho.
Durante los últimos 30 años han cambiado los ámbitos y circunstancias que hacen especialmente vulnerables algunos derechos fundamentales. La era digital ha descubierto un escenario donde los derechos a la intimidad y a la privacidad, así como la protección de datos personales se encuentran gravemente amenazados. De un modo sencillo, preciso y no muy extenso, esta obra ofrece una perspectiva multidisciplinar del derecho en la era digital. Es un libro idóneo para aquellos profesionales del Derecho que pretendan ampliar sus conocimientos jurídicos sobre este terreno de una forma transversal, y así poder enfrentarse con éxito a los retos y riesgos que plantean las nuevas tecnologías e Internet.
We are standing on the threshold of the robotic era, the fourth industrial revolution. The undeniable impact and consequences of robotics are already raising economic concerns, such as the loss of income tax revenue as robots gradually replace human workers, as well as legal doubts regarding the possible taxation of robots or their owners. Financial law must adapt to this new reality by answering several crucial questions. Should robots pay taxes? Can they? Do they have the ability to pay? Can they be considered entrepreneurs for VAT purposes? These are just some of the many issues that Dr. Álvaro Falcón Pulido lucidly and insightfully addresses in this fascinating new monographic work, which includes an exhaustive bibliography on the subject.
Networked communication technologies have drastically changed the relationship between States and their citizens. This fundamental shift has eased civilians’ ability to access information and organize groups like never before, creating the need to re-examine existing theories. Revolutionizing the Interaction between State and Citizens through Digital Communications evaluates the relationship between governments and their constituents, and how this relationship is impacted by emerging technologies. Discussing both developed and underdeveloped nations, this book provides a comparison for the ongoing shift in societies, serving as a critical reference for legal professionals, activists, government employees, academics, and students.
In recent years, industries have transitioned into the digital realm, as companies and organizations are adopting certain forms of technology to assist in information storage and efficient methods of production. This dependence has significantly increased the risk of cyber crime and breaches in data security. Fortunately, research in the area of cyber security and information protection is flourishing; however, it is the responsibility of industry professionals to keep pace with the current trends within this field. The Handbook of Research on Cyber Crime and Information Privacy is a collection of innovative research on the modern methods of crime and misconduct within cyber space. It presents novel solutions to securing and preserving digital information through practical examples and case studies. While highlighting topics including virus detection, surveillance technology, and social networks, this book is ideally designed for cybersecurity professionals, researchers, developers, practitioners, programmers, computer scientists, academicians, security analysts, educators, and students seeking up-to-date research on advanced approaches and developments in cyber security and information protection.
The editors' earlier book Delivering Family Justice in the 21st Century (2016) described a period of turbulence in family justice arising from financial austerity. Governments across the world have sought to reduce public spending on private quarrels by promoting mediation (ADR) and by beginning to look at digital justice (ODR) as alternatives to courts and lawyers. But this book describes how mediation has failed to take the place of courts and lawyers, even where public funding for legal help has been removed. Instead ODR has developed rapidly, led by the Dutch Rechtwijzer. The authors question the speed of this development, and stress the need for careful evaluation of how far these services can meet the needs of divorcing families. In this book, experts from Canada, Australia, Turkey, Spain, Germany, France, Poland, Scotland, and England and Wales explore how ADR has fallen behind, and how we have learned from the rise and fall of ODR in the Rechtwijzer about what digital justice can and cannot achieve. Managing procedure and process? Yes. Dispute resolution? Not yet. The authors end by raising broader questions about the role of a family justice system: is it dispute resolution? Or dispute prevention, management, and above all legal protection of the vulnerable?
Investigating the impact of digital technology on contemporary constitutionalism, this book offers an overview of the transformations that are currently occurring at constitutional level, highlighting their link with ongoing societal changes. It reconstructs the multiple ways in which constitutional law is reacting to these challenges and explores the role of one original response to this phenomenon: the emergence of Internet bills of rights. Over the past few years, a significant number of Internet bills of rights have emerged around the world. These documents represent non-legally binding declarations promoted mostly by individuals and civil society groups that articulate rights and principles for the digital society. This book argues that these initiatives reflect a change in the constitutional ecosystem. The transformations prompted by the digital revolution in our society ferment under a vault of constitutional norms shaped for ‘analogue’ communities. Constitutional law struggles to address all the challenges of the digital environment. In this context, Internet bills of rights, by emerging outside traditional institutional processes, represent a unique response to suggest new constitutional solutions for the digital age. Explaining how constitutional law is reacting to the advent of the digital revolution and analysing the constitutional function of Internet Bills of Rights in this context, this book offers a global comparative investigation of the latest transformations that digital technology is generating in the constitutional ecosystem and highlights the plural and multilevel process that is contributing to shape constitutional norms for the Internet age.
This book presents the evolution of Italian administrative law in the context of the EU, describing its distinctive features and comparing it with other experiences across Europe. It provides a comprehensive overview of administrative law in Italy, focusing on the main changes occurred over the last few decades.Although the respective chapters generally pursue a legal approach, they also consider the influence of economic, social, cultural and technological factors on the evolution of public administration and administrative law.The book is divided into three parts. The first part addresses general issues (e.g. procedures and organization of public administrations, administrative justice). The second part focuses on more specific topics (e.g. public intervention in the economy, healthcare management, local government). In the third part, the evolution of Italian administrative law is discussed in a comparative perspective.
Abogado digital Introducción a la Inteligencia Artificial: Exploraremops cómo la IA está revolucionando la práctica legal y cómo puedes aprovecharla en tu trabajo diario. Robótica y Nanotecnología: Descubriremos cómo estas áreas están transformando la industria legal y cómo puedes mantenerte al día. criptomonedas y Blockchain: Aprende sobre las implicaciones legales de las cerptomonedas y cómo la tecnología blockchain está cambiando la forma en que manejamos los contratos y la seguridad de los datos. Computación en la Nube: Descubre cómo aprovechar la nube para almacenar y acceder a información de manera segura. Nuevas Áreas y Profesiones: Explora campos emergentes como la ciberseguridad, la privacidad de datos y la propiedad intelectual. Herramientas y Habilidades Esenciales: Desde el uso de software legal hasta la gestión de casos electrónicos, te proporcionaremos las herramientas y habilidades necesarias para triunfar como abogado digital. ¡Prepárate para el futuro legal con "Abogados Digitales" Ya seas un estudiante de derecho interesado en el futuro del campo legal o un abogado establecido buscando expandir tus habilidades en el ámbito digital, este libro te proporcionará una base sólida y práctica para tener éxito como abogado digital. ¡Prepárate para desbloquear nuevas oportunidades en el emocionante mundo del derecho digital! Diferentes areas del derecho digital se explica la juridiscion y las VPN Esto y mucho mas encontraras en este libro, tales como las habilidades y herramientas nexesarias que necesitan los abogados digitales