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Between 2007 and mid-2011, the Tragsa Group has financed the project of R&D DINA-MAR, "Management of Aquifer Recharge within the framework of sustainable development". The project has been centered on studies related to aquifer management from different perspectives and on its potential for consolidation as an effective water management technique. In October 2010 the Group published a book compiling the major contributions of the research team, entitled: "DINA-MAR," "Management of aquifer artificial recharge in the context of sustainable development: Technological stage", with 496 pages written in Spanish. The book collected visions and results of technicians from more than eight different disciplines. However, some aspects were not included, such as those contributions and conclusions reached in the periodic coordination meetings, formal and informal, and from both Workshops and open debates held in the course of the project. In order to unify emanating contributions from different actors over four years’ time, the final synthesis book was written with the aim of providing additional and complementary information to the above-mentioned publication. It was translated in English to make it accessible to a larger scientific community. The text has four sections: 1) a summary of the Workshop held on June 30, 2008, 2) a summary and conclusions of the final publication, 3) a summary of the closing workshop held 25 May 2011 and 4) general project conclusions. As it is a continuous learning process, the publication lacks the usual conclusions section, provided that it occupies the entire book, as well as the bibliography, which provide only two reviews, having a broad development in the book which complements. We hope that this is of interest and accomplishes the Mission for which has been carried out, dissemination, technology transfer and a study of pros and cons of a water management technique that is becoming more common. -Demonstration sites as it is the case of the hydrogeological routes “Caminitos de Agua” (little paths of water), implemented during the development of the project, represent an important line of action in terms of dissemination and environmental education. This example, currently being applied in Spain, should be implemented in other places of interest.
• Conocer la producción de aguas residuales por parte de la industria azucarera y alcoholera. • Conocer la producción de aguas residuales por parte de la industria del papel y la industria textil. • Entender los tratamientos que se deben dar a los residuos sólidos procedentes de las aguas residuales industriales. • Conocer los diferentes procesos que se llevan a cabo para estabilizar la calidad del agua residual industrial. • Entender el objetivo de un tratamiento primario dentro del proceso de tratamiento de las aguas residuales • Conocer las aguas que se generan dentro de la producción industrial.UD1.Introducción a las aguas residuales urbanas 1. Introducción 2. Características de los vertidos de aguas residuales urbanas 2.1. Caudal 2.2. Contaminación 3. Efecto de los vertidos 4. Marco normativo de la depuración en España UD2.Estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales urbanas (EDARUs) 1. Introducción 2. Pre-tratamiento 2.1. Obra de llegada 2.2. Pozo de gruesos 2.3. Bombeo de cabecera 2.4. Rejas 2.5.Tamices 2.6. Desarenado – Desengrasado 3. Tratamiento primario 3.1. Diseño y dimensionamiento 3.2. Fango primario 4. Tratamiento biológico 4.1. Bases de diseño 4.2. Dimensionamiento 4.3. Decantación secundaria 4.4. Eliminación de nutrientes en lodos activados 4.5. Tipos de sistemas de lodos activados 5. Línea de Lodos 5.1. Espesamiento 5.2. Estabilización de Lodos 5.2.1. Digestión aerobia 5.2.2. Digestión anaerobia de lodos 5.3. Deshidratación de Lodos 5.4. Disposición de lodos 5.5. Tratamientos adicionales 6. Tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas no convencionales 6.1. Sistemas extensivos 6.2. Sistema intensivo UD3.Reutilización de aguas depuradas 1. Introducción 2. Filtración 2.1. Filtración de arena 2.2. Filtración de anillas 2.3. Filtración en discos 2.4. Ultrafiltración 3. Desinfección 3.1. Radiación ultravioleta 3.2. Cloración 3.3. Combinaciones de tratamientos
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