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During the Nazi era, about three million Jews – half the victims of the Holocaust – were deported from the German Reich, the occupied territories, as well as Nazi-allied countries, and sent to ghettos, camps, and extermination centers. The police and the SS also deported tens of thousands of Sinti and Roma, mainly to the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp, where most of them were killed. Deportations were central to National Socialist persecution and extermination. In November 2020, an international conference organized by the Arolsen Archives focused on the various historical sources, their research potential, and (digital) methods of cataloging them. It also explored new (systematizing and comparative) approaches in historical research. This volume features over 20 contributions by scholars from different countries and with a variety of perspectives and questions. The main geographical focus is on deportations from the German Reich and German-occupied Southeastern Europe.
Of the countless stories of resistance, ingenuity, and personal risk to emerge in the years following the Holocaust, among the most remarkable, yet largely overlooked, are those of the hundreds of Jewish deportees who escaped from moving trains bound for the extermination camps. In France, Belgium, and the Netherlands alone over 750 men, women and children undertook such dramatic escape attempts, despite the extraordinary uncertainty and physical danger they often faced. Drawing upon extensive interviews and a wealth of new historical evidence, Escapees gives a fascinating collective account of this hitherto neglected form of resistance to Nazi persecution.
Finland's Holocaust considers antisemitism and the figure of the Holocaust in today's Finland. Taking up a range of issues - from cultural history, folklore, and sports, to the interpretation of military and national history - this collection examines how the writing of history has engaged and evaded the figure of the Holocaust.
Follows the Nazis' attempts at a large-scale deportation system after its invasion of Poland in 1939 as it sought to reclaim territory and repatriate that space with an ever-expanding population of ethnic Germans. Standing in the way, however, were millions of ethnic Poles. Rutherford recounts the strenuous efforts and unexpected obstacles to the deportations, which in many ways were a dress rehearsal for the Final Solution.
Between 1941 and 1945, thousands of German Jews, in fear for their lives, made the choice to flee their impending deportations and live submerged in the shadows of the Nazi capital. Drawing on a wealth of archival evidence and interviews with survivors, this book reconstructs the daily lives of Jews who stayed in Berlin during the war years. Contrary to the received wisdom that “hidden” Jews stayed in attics and cellars and had minimal contact with the outside world, the author reveals a cohort of remarkable individuals who were constantly on the move and actively fought to ensure their own survival.
Zimmerman examines the attitude and behavior of the Polish Underground towards the Jews during the Holocaust.
Volume 8, The Holocaust: Selected Documents in Eighteen Volumes. By 1944 several million Jews had been deported to the ghettos and extermination camps in the east. Deportation began with the Jews of Stettin and Schneidemuehl in 1940; the last country to lose its Jews was Hungary. This volume concentrates on the deportation of Jews from these areas but includes documentation on the deportation from other cities in Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Norway, Slovakia, Croatia, Rumania, and-to a much lesser degree-Bulgaria. There is some documentation of the deportation of Jews from the Palatinate to Vichy France. Conditions under which deportations were carried out-herding Jews into cattle cars, identifying Jews through compulsory wearing of the Star of David-all are parts of this symphony of death. Contains 43 documents of source materials, carefully chosen from the thousands preserved at the U.S. National Archives. A detailed table of contents lists and provides the source for each document. The volumes in the series are organized topically: PLANNING AND PREPARATION 1. Legalizing the Holocaust: The Early Phase, 1933-1939 2. Legalizing the Holocaust: The Later Phase, 1939-1943 3. The Crystal Night Pogrom 4. Propaganda and Aryanization, 1938-1944 5. Jewish Emigration from 1933 to the Evian Conference of 1938 6. Jewish Emigration 1938-1940: Rublee Negotiations and the Intergovernmental Committee 7. Jewish Emigration: The S.S. St. Louis Affair and Other Cases THE KILLING OF THE JEWS 8. Deportation of the Jews to the East: Stettin, 1940, to Hungary, 1944 9. Medical Experiments on Jewish Inmates of Concentration Camps 10. The Einsatzgruppen or Murder Commandos 11. The Wannsee Protocol and a 1944 Report on Auschwitz by the Office of Strategic Services 12. The Final Solution in the Extermination Camps and the Aftermath 13. The Judicial System and the Jews in Nazi Germany RESCUE ATTEMPTS 14. Relief and Rescue of Jews from Nazi Oppression, 1943-1945 15. Relief in Hungary and the Failure of the Joel Brand Mission 16. Rescue to Switzerland: The Musy and Saly Mayer Affairs PUNISHMENT 17. Punishing the Perpetrators of the Holocaust: The Brandt, Pohl, and Ohlendorf Cases 18. Punishing the Perpetrators of the Holocaust: The Ohlendorf and von Weizsaecker Cases
“[Makes] the very convincing case that, until and unless there is a full accounting for what happened with Donald Trump, 2020 is not over and never will be.” —The New Yorker “Riveting…we can never be reminded too often to never forget.” —The Wall Street Journal Journalist Géraldine Schwarz’s astonishing memoir of her German and French grandparents’ lives during World War II “also serves as a perceptive look at the current rise of far-right nationalism throughout Europe and the US” (Publishers Weekly). During World War II, Géraldine Schwarz’s German grandparents were neither heroes nor villains; they were merely Mitlaüfer—those who followed the current. Once the war ended, they wanted to bury the past under the wreckage of the Third Reich. Decades later, while delving through filing cabinets in the basement of their apartment building in Mannheim, Schwarz discovers that in 1938, her paternal grandfather Karl took advantage of Nazi policies to buy a business from a Jewish family for a low price. She finds letters from the only survivor of this family (all the others perished in Auschwitz), demanding reparations. But Karl Schwarz refused to acknowledge his responsibility. Géraldine starts to question the past: How guilty were her grandparents? What makes us complicit? On her mother’s side, she investigates the role of her French grandfather, a policeman in Vichy. Weaving together the threads of three generations of her family story with Europe’s process of post-war reckoning, Schwarz explores how millions were seduced by ideology, overcome by a fog of denial after the war, and, in Germany at least, eventually managed to transform collective guilt into democratic responsibility. She asks: How can nations learn from history? And she observes that countries that avoid confronting the past are especially vulnerable to extremism. Searing and unforgettable, Those Who Forget “deserves to be read and discussed widely...this is Schwarz’s invaluable warning” (The Washington Post Book Review).