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Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas presents the extensive range of metaphoric and metonymic terms and expressions that are commonly used within the fields of science, engineering, architecture and sports science. Compiled by a team of linguists working across a range of technical schools within the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, this practical dictionary fills a gap in the field of technical language and will be an indispensable reference for students within the fields of science, engineering or sports science seeking to work internationally and for translators and interpreters working in these specialist fields.
El presente libro constituye el fruto de una acuciosa investigación sobre La dinámica del lenguaje radioperiodístico. Es un valioso auxiliar, no sólo para aquellos que se inician en las actividades del periodismo radial, sino incluso para quienes llevan tiempo ejerciendo profesionalmente en esta actividad.Se han integrado, con un enfoque lingüístico, psicoacústico y semiótico, las diversas facetas del trabajo en la radio, tal como el lenguaje radiofónico y sus subsistemas: habla, música y efectos sonoros. Así como, los diferentes montajes, diseños sonoros, leyes que mueven la atención y el interés, la realización de los géneros periodísticos, espacios informativos y programas especiales informativos.
La importante experiencia personal y profesional del Dr. Castillo está en sintonía con la idea junguiana de que los sueños son expresiones de la naturaleza y por tanto deben entenderse e interpretarse como tales. La realidad onírica no oculta o distorsiona ciertos contenidos que provienen de lo inconsciente, sino que habla con su propio lenguaje, el lenguaje de las imágenes (Dr. Theodor Abt). Otra de las características fundamentales de este trabajo es la descripción de los diferentes marcos interpretativos que se dan en la práctica psicoterapéutica del análisis de los sueños. La experiencia del Dr. Castillo en el análisis freudiano, reichiano y junguiano le permite tener una visión profunda de los diversos mapas analíticos y realizar una descripción clara, organizada y sistemática de sus diferentes formas de interpretación, que será de gran ayuda para todo aquel que desee ahondar en este apasionante mundo de la interpretación onírica (Dr. Antonio Sanfeliu).
This concisely written book gives an elementary introduction to a classical area of mathematics—approximation theory—in a way that naturally leads to the modern field of wavelets. The exposition, driven by ideas rather than technical details and proofs, demonstrates the dynamic nature of mathematics and the influence of classical disciplines on many areas of modern mathematics and applications. Key features and topics: * Description of wavelets in words rather than mathematical symbols * Elementary introduction to approximation using polynomials (Weierstrass’ and Taylor’s theorems) * Introduction to infinite series, with emphasis on approximation-theoretic aspects * Introduction to Fourier analysis * Numerous classical, illustrative examples and constructions * Discussion of the role of wavelets in digital signal processing and data compression, such as the FBI’s use of wavelets to store fingerprints * Minimal prerequisites: elementary calculus * Exercises that may be used in undergraduate and graduate courses on infinite series and Fourier series Approximation Theory: From Taylor Polynomials to Wavelets will be an excellent textbook or self-study reference for students and instructors in pure and applied mathematics, mathematical physics, and engineering. Readers will find motivation and background material pointing toward advanced literature and research topics in pure and applied harmonic analysis and related areas.
The work of Paul Ricoeur can be regarded as a faithful expression of the philosophy of the 20th century and as the paradigmatic exponent of a new philosophical character for the 21st century. Without belonging to any particular school, Ricoeur discussed a wide range of philosophical topics, with many of his insights being prophetic indeed. This book demonstrates that there is no single interpretation of Ricoeur's philosophy, describing his way of thinking. Rather, the book provides an opportunity to see Ricoeur's thoughts as a guide for a human enveloped in the experience of life and being. By exploring Paul Ricoeur in his life circumstances - through war, the academy, and his relationships, as well as through his works and his own words - this book offers a more complete picture of the many aspects of one man and the legacy he left behind. (Series: International Studies in Hermeneutics and Phenomenology - Vol. 5)
This book addresses contemporary discourses on a wide variety of topics related to the ideological and epistemological changes of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, and the ways in which they have shaped the Spanish language and cultural manifestations in both Spain and Hispanic America. The majority of the chapters are concerned with ‘otherness’ in its various dimensions; the alien Other – foreign, immigrant, ethnically different, disempowered, female or minor – as well as the Other of different sexual orientation and/or ideology. Following Octavio Paz, otherness is expressed as the attempt to find the lost object of desire, the frustrating endeavour of the androgynous Plato wishing to embrace the other half of Zeus, who in his wrath, tore off from him. Otherness compels human beings to search for the complement from which they were severed. Thus a male joins a female, his other half, the only half that not only fills him but which allows him to return to the unity and reconciliation which is restored in its own perfection, formerly altered by divine will. As a result of this transformation, one can annul the distance that keeps us away from that which, not being our own, turns into a source of anguish. The clashing diversity of all things requires the human predisposition to accept that which is different. Such a predisposition is an expression of epistemological, ethical and political aperture. The disposition to co-exist with the different is imagined in the de-anthropocentricization of the bonds with all living realms. And otherness is, in some way, the reflection of sameness (mismidad). The other is closely related to the self, because the vision of the other implies a reflection about the self; it implies, consciously or not, a relationship with the self. These topics are addressed in this book from an interdisciplinary perspective, encompassing arts, humanities and social sciences.
"De la higuera aprended la parábola; cuando ya sus ramas se enternecen sabed que el verano está cerca" (Mt. 24:32-33). Cuando escuchamos o leemos estas palabras de Jesucristo nuestra mente evoca las imágenes del establecimiento del estado judío en 1948 y la reconquista de Jerusalén en 1967. Sin embargo, la parábola de la higuera que tanto ha inquietado a los exegetas de todos los tiempos, quería decirnos mucho más que aquellos dos importantes acontecimientos en la historia moderna de Israel. Jesucristo se estaba refiriendo a una generación específica de israelitas que se levantaría en el estado judío ya restaurado entre las naciones en el fin de esta era, y cuyo escenario seria la ciudad santa ya reconquistada. Esa generación específica de israelitas es de la que se dijo "no pasaría" y de la cual ya nos habían hablado los antiguos profetas de la biblia. ¿Cuándo comenzara la gran tribulación? ¿Quién es la mujer vestida del sol de Apocalipsis 12? Entérese de esta novedosa e interesante tesis escatológica que arroja más luz sobre el cuadro profético.
DIVThe first full-length survey of contemporary Chicana artists/div
The history of exile literature is as old as the history of writing itself. Despite this vast and varied literary tradition, criticism of exile writing has tended to analyze these works according to a binary logic, where exile either produces creative freedom or it traps the writer in restrictive nostalgia. The Dialectics of Exile: Nation, Time, Language and Space in Hispanic Literatures offers a theory of exile writing that accounts for the persistence of these dual impulses and for the ways that they often co-exist within the same literary works. Focusing on writers working in the latter part of the twentieth century who were exiled during a historical moment of increasing globalization, transnational economics, and the theoretical shifts of postmodernism, Sophia A. McClennen proposes that exile literature is best understood as a series of dialectic tensions about cultural identity. Through comparative analysis of Juan Goytisolo (Spain), Ariel Dorfman (Chile) and Cristina Peri Rossi (Uruguay), this book explores how these writers represent exile identity. Each chapter addresses dilemmas central to debates over cultural identity such as nationalism versus globalization, time as historical or cyclical, language as representationally accurate or disconnected from reality, and social space as utopic or dystopic. McClennen demonstrates how the complex writing of these three authors functions as an alternative discourse of cultural identity that not only challenges official versions imposed by authoritarian regimes, but also tests the limits of much cultural criticism.