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Based on the biblical story of Judge Deborah, "Deborah Awake" is the account of a young Burger King manager, who was also a divorced mother of two, and how this unlikely woman brought down the billion dollar corporation, Chariots, inc. In her role as a teen Sunday school teacher at the behemoth 10,000 member Kedish Community Church, Deborah was alarmed at the unhealthy identification her students nurtured with the Chariots line of immodest apparel, their chain of 900 Chariot mall outlets coast to coast,and her Christian student's fascination with the immoral "Chariots The Magazine." To Deborah's astonishment, she learned that John Sisera, the manager of the local Chariots store, not only contributed heavily to the Kedish Community Church youth department, was good friends with Pastor Randy the youth minister, and that John Sisera was also a prominent member of the Kedish Community Church council. Senior Pastor Barrak was unaware of the vile philosophy of the Chariots corporation, and of John Sisera's heavy influence on Pastor Randy and the youth department. The Sisera's, in Barak's opinion, were a fine Kedish Community Church family, and was unconcerned with the moral storm brewing in the youth department. God called on Deborah to do something about it, and to recruit Pastor Barak in the Battle.
No matter how painful your past experiences have been, you don’t have to operate forever from a disadvantaged position. You are “fearfully, wonderfully made,” and destined in Christ to soar higher than you can imagine, but you must be strategic in your efforts to take hold of all that God has promised you.
The purpose of this book is to inspire Christians around the world to not lose track of who are they in Christ and to pursue with fire the will of God in their lives, and fulfill their ministry. The church that God will rise will be one that is ready but is the church really ready? Many Christians are spiritually tired, fatigue, or sleeping. Many Christians have lost their first love, their fire for Jesus, and are consumed with worries of the world. The hope of the author is that Christians around the world be encourage to awake, to rise, to shine, and to defend Christ.
"Brown's comparative study opens new perspectives on the situation of women in a period foundational both to Judaism and to Christianity. With commendable care, she awakes the echoes of long-dead voices whose absence has distorted the sound of tradition".--Mary Ann Donovan, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
This book lifts up women of the Hebrew Bible who, working with the Divine, play amazing roles in the stories of Israel—prophet, judge, worship leader, warrior, scholar, scribe. They helped people celebrate the Divine’s triumph over oppression. They spoke boldly to those in power. They went into battle to secure their people’s safety. They gave wise judgments in important legal matters. They authenticated sacred texts and inspired a reform to help Israel return to the way of Torah. In roles that were not tied to their wombs or fertility, these women made Israel’s story possible and helped it to continue to future generations.
Jane Hanson, Jean Hodges, Chuck D. Pierce, Wanda Studdard and Barbara Yoder Encourage You to Embrace Your Future Over the years, there has been a rising call to women to step forward and embrace the great destiny that God has in store for each of them. In recognition of this, Barbara Yoder has come together with a handful of others, both men and women, who sense the growing importance to release women into their God-given purpose. While some women may feel unworthy of their dreams because of past sins, God tells them to let go and look forward. When she is bathed in His glory, there is no obstacle that can stand in such a woman's way, and there is nothing that will keep her from the magnificent fulfillment of God's plan.
Everyone wants a life that sings. We all desire to have a life of beauty. Sometimes, though, circumstances cloud our vision. My circumstances were anything but beautiful; they were downright ugly. I was tired, worn out, and my eyesight had grown dim to the beauty and goodness of God. I struggled to find beauty in my life. In the midst of the mundane and madness, I had lost my song. I learned that beauty is not defined by circumstances but by my reaction to the circumstances. Each of us has a story and a song, but will we leave the world with a gorgeous melody or an off-key tune? A song of joy and thankfulness or a song of bitterness and regret? The latter leads to isolation, the former to restoration. When you live in bitterness, you feel unworthy and rejected, but God wants to make a great exchange with you; He gives beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3). Author Piper Green surveys the lives of some spectacular women in the Word and tells their stories in a way that reaches deep into a womans heart, enabling readers to relate to their stories in a profound way. These women felt unworthy, rejected, and abused, yet experienced Gods grace in miraculous ways. Come on a journey and be eyewitnesses to Gods restorative power in some unexpected livesmaybe even your own.