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Depuis que le programme de commémoration historique a été inauguré par le gouvernement de l’Ontario en 1956, plus de 1 000 plaques ont été érigées d’un bout à l’autre de la province. La variété des sujets commémorés est étonnante, qu’il s’agisse de ruées vers les mines du nord de l’Ontario ou de l’invention de la vis à tête creuse ... de Harold Innis ou de Stephen Leacock ... de l’épidemie de typhus de 1847 ou de la découverte de l’insuline. La culture populaire est également bien représentée: "Beautiful Joe" commémore un roman célêbre dans le monde entier racontant l’histoire d’un chien ; "When You and I Were Young, Maggie" chante une ballade romantique très en vogue ; "Jumbo" marque l’emplacement où est mort un éléphant de cirque très aimé. L’histoire de l’Ontario, tout comme sa géographie et ses habitants, est vaste et variée. Ce guide peut donc être utile, que l’on circule sur l’autoroute, se promène a la campagne ou flâne dans son propre quartier. Il reste encore tant à découvrir.
Fractals are characterized by the repetition of similar patterns at ever-diminishing scales. Fractal geometry has emerged as one of the most exciting frontiers on the border between mathematics and information technology and can be seen in many of the swirling patterns produced by computer graphics. It has become a new tool for modeling in biology, geology, and other natural sciences. Anthropologists have observed that the patterns produced in different cultures can be characterized by specific design themes. In Europe and America, we often see cities laid out in a grid pattern of straight streets and right-angle corners. In contrast, traditional African settlements tend to use fractal structures-circles of circles of circular dwellings, rectangular walls enclosing ever-smaller rectangles, and streets in which broad avenues branch down to tiny footpaths with striking geometric repetition. These indigenous fractals are not limited to architecture; their recursive patterns echo throughout many disparate African designs and knowledge systems. Drawing on interviews with African designers, artists, and scientists, Ron Eglash investigates fractals in African architecture, traditional hairstyling, textiles, sculpture, painting, carving, metalwork, religion, games, practical craft, quantitative techniques, and symbolic systems. He also examines the political and social implications of the existence of African fractal geometry. His book makes a unique contribution to the study of mathematics, African culture, anthropology, and computer simulations.
Building Better Health Care Leadership for Canada explains the development and implementation of the Executive Training in Research Application (EXTRA) program. Managed and funded by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation in partnership with the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Nursing Association, and the Canadian College of Health Care executives, EXTRA is a two-year national fellowship program that uses the principles of adult learning theory as well as practical projects to educate senior health care leaders in making more consistent use of research evidence in their management roles. Fellows apply the theory learned in residency sessions and educational activities to projects within their home organizations. The authors identify the imperative for better use of evidence, outline the core elements of the curriculum, and capture the real-world experience of regional leaders and fellows involved in making specific changes informed by research-based evidence within their organization. Contributors include Jean-Louis Denis (École nationale d'administration publique), Terrence Sullivan (Cancer Care Ontario), Owen Adams (Canadian Medical Association), Malcolm Anderson (Queen's University), Lynda Atack, Robert Bell (University Health Network), Sam G Campbell (Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre), Sylvie Cantin (Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie), Ward Flemons (Calgary Health Region), Dorothy Forbes, J. Sonja Glass (Grey Bruce Health Services), Paula Goering (Centre for Addiction & Mental Health, Toronto), Karen Golden-Biddle (Boston University School of Management), Jeffrey S. Hoch (University of Toronto), Paul Lamarche (Université de Montréal), Ann Langley (École des hautes études commerciales), John N. Lavis (McMaster University), Jonathan Lomas (Canadian Health Services Research Foundation), Margo Orchard (Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Ontario), Raynald Pineault (University of Montreal), Brian D. Postl (Winnipeg Regional Health Authority), Christine Power (Capital District Health Authority, Halifax), Trish Reay (University of Alberta), Jean Rochon (National Public Health Institute of Quebec), Denis A. Roy (Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie Longueuil), Andrea Seymour (Government of New Brunswick), Samuel B. Sheps (University of British Columbia), Micheline Ste-Marie (McGill University Health Centre), Nina Stipich (Canadian Health Services Research Foundation), David Streiner (Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto), Carl Taillon (Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec), and Muriah Umoquit (Cancer Care Ontario).
Feminist Research: Prospect and Retrospect offers a thorough look at the problems of women today, suggesting that society is encountering a period of strong reaction to the feminist movement of the late sixties and early seventies. Marguerite Anderson argues that only the "dynamite of research" will allow construction of a positive route forward.