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García-Canclini ha sido uno de los principales antropólogos que ha tratado la posmodernidad y la cultura desde la perspectiva latinoamericana. En las actuales condiciones de globalización, encuentro cada vez mayores razones para emplear los conceptos de mestizaje e hibridación. Pero al intensificarse la interculturalidad migratoria, económica y mediática se ve que no hay solo fusión, cohesión, ósmosis, sino confrontación y diálogo. En este tiempo en que las decepciones de las promesas del universalismo abstracto han conducido a las crispaciones particularistas (Laplantine-Nouss), el pensamiento y las prácticas mestizas son recursos para reconocer lo distinto y elaborar las tensiones de las diferencias. La hibridación, como proceso de intersección y transacciones, es lo que hace posible que la multiculturalidad evite lo que tiene de segregación y pueda convertirse en interculturalidad. Las políticas de hibridación pueden servir para trabajar democráticamente con las divergencias, para que la historia no se reduzca a guerras entre culturas. Podemos elegir vivir en estado de guerra o en estado de hibridación. Es útil que se advierta sobre las versiones demasiado amables del mestizaje. Por eso, conviene insistir en que el objeto de estudio no es la hibridez, sino los procesos de hibridación. Así puede reconocerse lo que contienen de desgarramiento y lo que no llega a ser fusionado. Una teoría no ingenua de la hibridación es inseparable de una conciencia crítica de sus límites, de lo que no se deja o no quiere o no puede ser hibridado. Al estudiar movimientos recientes de globalización advertimos que estos no solo integran y generan mestizajes; también segregan, producen nuevas desigualdades y estimulan reacciones diferencialistas. Néstor García Canclini recibió por esta obra, traducida al inglés, italiano y portugués, el Premio Iberoamericano Book Award de la Latin American Studies Association como mejor libro sobre América latina publicado en el período 1990-1992. Esta nueva edición añade un texto en el que el autor analiza los debates sobre hibridación de la última década.
¿Cómo interpretar los actuales conflictos latinoamericanos que aún no se han ido y la modernidad que no acaba de llegar? En este libro se confrontan los debates teóricos acerca de lo moderno y lo posmoderno con estudios sobre los usos populares del arte culto y de los medios masivos. Se analizan comparativamente la forma en que los museos, los políticos y el mercadeo ritualizan las tradiciones; el humor con que las historietas y los graffiti registran los cruces interculturales generados por las migraciones masivas y las nuevas tecnologías. Para entender estas culturas híbridas, el autor propone la utilización combinada de las disciplinas que las analizan por separado: la antropología con la sociología, la historia del arte y los estudios comunicacionales.
This book presents the Cultural Transduction framework as a conceptual tool to understand the processes that media and cultural products undergo when they cross cultural and national borders. Using a series of examples from pop culture, including films, television series, videogames, memes and other digital products, this book provides the reader with a wider understanding of the procedures, interests, roles, assumptions and challenges, which foster or hinder the travels of media and cultural products. Compiling in one single narrative a series of case studies, theoretical debates and international examples, the book looks at a number of exchanges and transformations enabled by both traditional media trade and the internet. It reflects on the increase of cultural products crossing over regional, national and international borders in the form of videogames and TV formats, through music and video distribution platforms or via digital social media networks, to highlight discussions about the characteristics of border-crossing digital production. The cultural transduction framework is developed from discussions in communication and media studies, as well as from debates in adaptation and translation studies, to map out the travels of media and cultural products from an interdisciplinary perspective. It provides a tool to analyse the markets, products, people and processes that enable or constrain the movement of products across borders, for those interested in the practical aspects that underlie the negotiation and transformation of products inserted into different cultural market settings. This volume provides a new framework for understanding the travels of cultural products, which will be of use to students and scholars in the area of media industry studies, business studies, digital media studies, international media law and economics.
In Consumers and Citizens, Nestor Garcia Canclini, the best-known and most innovative cultural studies scholar in Latin America, maps the critical effects of urban sprawl and global media and commodity markets on citizens and shows that the complex results mean not only a shrinkage of certain traditional rights (particularly those of the welfare or client state), but also new openings for expanding citizenship. Garcia Canclini focuses on the diverse ways in which democratic societies recognize markets of citizen opinions, however heterogeneous and dissonant, as in the fashion and entertainment industries. He shows how identity issues, brought to the fore by the aligning of citizenship and consumption, can no longer be understood strictly within the purview of territory or nation. Defining a new space structured along the lines of markets, Garcia Canclini seeks to formulate a participatory and critical approach to consumption in which national culture, far from being extinguished, is reconstituted in transnational, cultural interactions.
This volume addresses key conceptual issues and case studies dealing with contemporary Jewish identities amidst globalization processes, with special emphasis on Latin American socio-political, communal, and cultural milieu.The book brings together a variety of disciplinary and theoretical approaches that range from political science to sociology and from art and literature to demography in order to offer the reader a multidimensional and multifocal analysis of the diverse constitutional elements of the Jewish experience. Using as its point of departure the wide horizon of historical trajectories and current challenges, the articles analyze the transnational, regional and local processes that inform the different Jewish Diasporas and Israel. Simultaneously, its content provides a snapshot of the current state of research on collective identity building processes and a lively analysis of the challenges posed by cultural diversity and primordial and civic belongings in the framework of political transitions, as well as new and old forms of expressing through cultural creativity individual and collective identities. This volume is also available in paperback.
Introduction. Hybridity: The Never-ending Metamorphosis?, Encounters of a Heterogeneous Kind: Hybridity in Cultural Theory, National Reconciliation and Colonial Resistance: The Notion of Hybridity in José Martí, Mestizaje: "I understand the reality, I just do not like the word:" Perspectives on an Option, On Border Artists and Transculturation: The Politics of Postmodern Performances and Latin America.
Why is it still so difficult to negotiate differences across cultures? In what ways does racism continue to strike at the foundations of multiculturalism? Bringing together some of the world's most influential postcolonial theorists, this classic collection examines the place and meaning of cultural hybridity in the context of growing global crisis, xenophobia and racism. Starting from the reality that personal identities are multicultural identities, Debating Cultural Hybridity illuminates the complexity and the flexibility of culture and identity, defining their potential openness as well as their closures, to show why anti-racism and multiculturalism are today still such hard roads to travel.
This volume of new and reprinted articles, many translated here into English for the first time, examines the conditions, characteristics, and implications of the debate on Latin American Postmodernism, presenting an up-to-date rendering of its crucial issues. Special considerations are given to the theoretical aspects, such as ideological, political, literary-critical, and cultural implications. The scope of this debate embraces such matters as the problematic modernization of Latin America, cultural and political reformulation in the face of the media explosion, new critical perspectives facing the collapse of utopian ideologies, and new literary production: women's writing, and testimonio. Contributors include John Beverly, Antonio Ben'tez-Rojo and Antonio Vera-Le-n, Celeste Olalquiaga, Arturo Arias, Santiago Col s, Nelly Richard, Jesoes Mart'n-Barbero, Iumna Maria Simon, and Vinicius Dantas. The collection also contains some of the editor's personal interviews with scholars involved in this debate who live and work in Latin America: Roger Bartra and Jorge Juanes (Mexico), and Nicol s Casullo (Argentina).
All cultures appear to share the belief that they do things ‘correctly’, while others, until proven otherwise, are assumed to be ignorant or barbaric. When people from different cultures work together and cannot take shared meanings for granted, managers face serious challenges. An individual’s parsing of an experience and its meaning may vary according to several cultural scales – national, professional, industrial and local. Awareness of cultural differences and the willingness to view them as a positive are therefore crucial assets. This edited textbook sets itself apart from existing cross-cultural management texts by highlighting to the reader the need to avoid both ethnocentrism and the belief in the universality of his or her own values and ways of thinking: the success of international negotiations and intercultural management depends on such openness and acceptance of real differences. It encourages the development of ‘nomadic intelligence’ and the creative use of a culture’s resources, according to a symbolic anthropology perspective. Through the essays and case studies in the chapters, readers will become aware of the intercultural dimension of business activities and better understand how they affect work. Cross-Cultural Management will help interested parties – students of business management, international relations and other disciplines, and business managers and other professionals – develop their ability to interact, take action and give direction in an intercultural context.