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El texto es un compendio de articulos sobre Bioetica, Derecho, Medicina y humanismo, asi como tambien la falta de conciencia del Estado hacia el pueblo. La Bioetica es sumamente importante en la vida de un Estado y su poblacion el negarla y no asumirla provocaria la destruccion del mismo. Nos basamos en las experiencias de un pais que ha sufrido grandes crisis, pero lo curioso del asunto es que no aprendemos y seguimos cayendo en los mismos errores. Se ha demostrado que el humano a nivel cerebral, nos sabemos reconstruir el futuro mas que reconstruyendo el pasado. Esto quiere decir que se comprueba el dicho de que el pueblo que no conoce su historia esta condenado a repetirla. Nos damos cuenta que la Bioetica y el Estado estan intimamente ligados, muchos juristas y medicos diran que nuestra investigacion esta completamente equivocada, quiza tengan la razon ya que su inconsciente se los dicta, esto da lugar a que tenemos que comprobar nuestra hipotesis, y es sencillo pero dificil a la vez ya que el estas dos ciencias persiguen algo en comun, que es el bienestar del individuo y la sociedad como tal."
El libro se abre con una primera parte que pudiera ser calificada como inductoria de toda la obra, donde se considera a la bioética como punto de partida y al bioderecho como punto inicial de llegada y de posterior desarrollo. El derecho y la bioética se necesitan mutuamente y se complementan. El libro despliega sus afanes en tres partes, donde son abordadas las tres grandes cuestiones: libertad, vida y muerte.
This book discusses the relation between morality and politics, and morality and law, a field that has been studied for more than two thousand years The law is a part of human culture, and this touches upon a dynamic reality that is connected to the relation between nature and freedom, nature and culture. If such relations are not clearly understood, as is the case today, the relation between morality and law cannot be properly comprehended either. The relationship between morality and criminal law must constantly evolve to meet the needs of changing times and circumstances. Social changes and new situations require new answers. And since the relationship involves criminal law, legal philosophy and legal history, interdisciplinary approaches are always needed. Featuring fifteen original contributions by legal scholars from various European and American universities, the book does not pretend to solve the complexity of the relation between morality and criminal law, but instead expresses criticism, offers some proposals and stimulates further thought. The book tackles the topic from an interdisciplinary perspective (criminal law, constitutional law, legal philosophy and legal history, among others). As such, it appeals not only to scholars and students, but also to lawyers, policymakers, historians, theologians, philosophers and general readers who are interested in the legal, social, political and philosophical issues of our time.
Volume II: Special Workshops Initia Via Editora
Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, this volume explores the reality of the principle of human dignity – a core value which is increasingly invoked in our societies and legal systems. This book provides a systematic overview of the legal and philosophical concept in sixteen countries representing different cultural and religious contexts and examines in particular its use in a developing case law (including of the European Court of Human Rights and of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights). Whilst omnipresent in the context of bioethics, this book reveals its wider use in healthcare more generally, treatment of prisoners, education, employment, and matters of life and death in many countries. In this unique comparative work, contributing authors share a multidisciplinary analysis of the use (and potential misuse) of the principle of dignity in Europe, Africa, South and North America and Asia. By revealing the ambivalence of human dignity in a wide range of cultures and contexts and through the evolving reality of case law, this book is a valuable resource for students, scholars and professionals working in bioethics, medicine, social sciences and law. Ultimately, it will make all those who invoke the principle of human dignity more aware of its multi-layered character and force us all to reflect on its ability to further social justice within our societies.
The advent of the CRISPR/Cas9 class of genome editing tools is transforming not just science and medicine, but also law. When the genome of germline cells is modified, the modifications could be inherited, with far-reaching effects in time and scale. Legal systems are struggling with keeping up with the CRISPR revolution and both lawyers and scientists are often confused about existing regulations. This book contains an analysis of the national regulatory framework in eighteen selected countries. Written by national legal experts, it includes all major players in bioengineering, plus an analysis of the emerging international standards and a discussion of how international human rights standards should inform national and international regulatory frameworks. The authors propose a set of principles for the regulation of germline engineering, based on international human rights law, that can be the foundation for regulating heritable gene editing both at the level of countries as well as globally.
New Edition Available 5/1/2013 Building on the wisdom and forward thinking of authors John Monagle and David Thomasa, this thorough revision of Health Care Ethics: Critical Issues for the 21st Century brings the reader up-to-date on the most important issues in biomedical ethics today.
A union list of serials commencing publication after Dec. 31, 1949.
El origen de este volumen es un simposio organizado en Mayo de 2015 por el Instituto Cultura y Sociedad (ICS) de la Universidad de Navarra. El enfoque de este simposio era muy amplio, como se refleja en las contribuciones que se presentan en este volumen, las cuales abordan temas tan diversos como las conexiones entre la ética material de los valores de inspiración fenomenológica y la idea de Derecho natural, la distinción esfera de lo jurídico/esfera de lo moral, las críticas a la consideración de los derechos humanos como fundados en la ley natural, los motivos por los que tenemos ciertos hechos y deberes como consecuencia de actos sociales, el sentido y significado del término libertad cuando este es empleado en el marco del Derecho penal, o el examen de ciertas concepciones que pretenden reducir la Filosofía del Derecho a una serie de cuestiones psicológicas, sociales o históricas cuando, en realidad, ésta depende de una discusión sobre cuestiones de principios y no de una mera comprobación de hechos. Sin embargo, a pesar de la diversidad de los trabajos que conforman este volumen, puede decirse que son dos los aspectos fundamentales que éstos comparten: por un lado, la necesidad de fomentar el diálogo entre disciplinas diferentes como la Filosofía y el Derecho en torno a una cuestión central, a saber, la existencia de elementos pre-positivos, anteriores a toda legislación positiva y, por otro lado, la convicción de que estos elementos tienen una inteligibilidad propia. *** Der Ursprung des vorliegenden Bandes ist ein im Mai 2015 vom Instituto Cultura y Sociedad der Universität von Navarra veranstaltetes Symposium. Wie die verschiedenen Beiträge zeigen, war die Bandbreite des Symposiums sehr weit gefasst. So wurden Themen behandelt wie die Zusammenhänge zwischen der phänomenologischen materialen Wertethik und der Idee des Naturrechts, die Unterscheidung zwischen der sittlichen und der rechtlichen Sphäre, die Kritik an denjenigen Theorien, die die Menschenrechte im Naturrecht verorten, die Motive, die uns dazu veranlassen, gewisse Tatsachen und Pflichten als Folgen sozialer Akte zu betrachten, der Sinn des Wortes „Freiheit“ im Rahmen des Strafrechts oder die kritische Prüfung derjenigen Auffassungen, die die Rechtsphilosophie auf eine Reihe von psychologischer, sozialer bzw. historischer Fragen zu reduzieren versuchen, wenn sie in Wahrheit auf einer Diskussion über Grundsatzfragen und nicht auf reiner Tatsachenüberprüfung beruht. Trotz ihrer Vielfalt haben alle Beiträge zwei Aspekte gemeinsam: einerseits teilen sie die Überzeugung der Notwendigkeit eines Dialogs zwischen so verschiedenen Disziplinen wie der Philosophie und dem Recht, um die zentrale Frage nach dem Bestehen von vor-positiven Elementen des Rechts aufzuklären, die jeder positiven Gesetzgebung vorangehen; andererseits sind sie der Überzeugung, dass solche Elemente ihre eigene Verständlichkeit haben. This volume contains the proceedings of a conference organized in May 2015 by the Instituto Cultura y Sociedad (University of Navarra). The scope of this conference was very wide as is proved by the variety of the contributions. They deal with such topics as the relationships between material value ethics and the idea of natural law, the distinction between the moral sphere and the sphere of law, the criticisms of those theories which ground human rights in natural law, the motives which lead us to consider certain facts and duties as consequences of social acts, the meaning of “freedom” in criminal law or the critical exam of such views which try to reduce the Philosophy of Law to some psychological, social or historical questions. However, despite their diversity, the contributions share two elements: on the one hand, the emphasis of the necessity of a dialogue between such different disciplines as Philosophy and Law focusing on a central question, namely, the existence of pre-positive elements, prior to every positive legislation and, on the other hand, the conviction that such elements have an own intelligibility.