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This volume contains the papers which were presented at the second workshop "Computer Science Logic" held in Duisburg, FRG, October 3-7, 1988. These proceedings cover a wide range of topics both from theoretical and applied areas of computer science. More specifically, the papers deal with problems arising at the border of logic and computer science: e.g. in complexity, data base theory, logic programming, artificial intelligence, and concurrency. The volume should be of interest to all logicians and computer scientists working in the above fields.
This volume contains the proceedings of the 1990 Spring School of Theoretical Computer Science, devoted to the semantics of concurrency. The papers are of two kinds: - surveys and tutorials introducing the subject to novices and students and giving updates of the state of the art, - research papers presenting recent achievements in the semantics of concurrency. The contributions explicate the connections, similarities and differences between various approaches to the semantics of concurrency, such as pomsets and metric semantics, event structures, synchronization trees, fixpoints and languages, traces, CCS and Petri nets, and categorical models. They also cover and compare the various notions of observation and bisimulation equivalences, logics for concurrency, and applications to dis- tributed systems.
This volume presents the proceedings of the workshop CSL '91 (Computer Science Logic) held at the University of Berne, Switzerland, October 7-11, 1991. This was the fifth in a series of annual workshops on computer sciencelogic (the first four are recorded in LNCS volumes 329, 385, 440, and 533). The volume contains 33 invited and selected papers on a variety of logical topics in computer science, including abstract datatypes, bounded theories, complexity results, cut elimination, denotational semantics, infinitary queries, Kleene algebra with recursion, minimal proofs, normal forms in infinite-valued logic, ordinal processes, persistent Petri nets, plausibility logic, program synthesis systems, quantifier hierarchies, semantics of modularization, stable logic, term rewriting systems, termination of logic programs, transitive closure logic, variants of resolution, and many others.
This volume consists of papers presented at the Second International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming in Nancy, France, October 1-3, 1990.
In science, industry, public administration and documentation centers large amounts of data and information are collected which must be analyzed, ordered, visualized, classified and stored efficiently in order to be useful for practical applications. This volume contains 50 selected theoretical and applied papers presenting a wealth of new and innovative ideas, methods, models and systems which can be used for this purpose. It combines papers and strategies from two main streams of research in an interdisciplinary, dynamic and exciting way: On the one hand, mathematical and statistical methods are described which allow a quantitative analysis of data, provide strategies for classifying objects or making exploratory searches for interesting structures, and give ways to make comprehensive graphical displays of large arrays of data. On the other hand, papers related to information sciences, informatics and data bank systems provide powerful tools for representing, modelling, storing and retrieving facts, data and knowledge characterized by qualitative descriptors, semantic relations, or linguistic concepts. The integration of both fields and a special part on applied problems from biology, medicine, archeology, industry and administration assure that this volume will be informative and useful for theory and practice.
The goal of the AMAST conferences is to foster algebraic methodology as a foundation for software technology, and to show that this can lead to practical mathematical alternatives to the ad-hoc approaches commonly used in software engineering and development. The first two AMAST conferences, held in May 1989 and May 1991 at the University of Iowa, were well received and encouraged the regular organization of further AMAST conferences on a biennial schedule. The third Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology was held in the campus of the University of Twente, The Netherlands, during the first week of Summer 1993. Nearly a hundred people from all continents attended the conference. The largest interest received by the AMAST conference among the professionals extended to include the administration organizations as well. AMAST'93 was opened by the Rector of the University of Twente, followed by the Local Chairman. Their opening addresses open this proceedings, too. The proceedings contains 8 invited papers and 32 selected communica tions. The selection was very strict, for 121 submissions were received.
This book describes the design of a low complexity, fault-detecting computer architecture for utilisation in programmable logic controllers (PLCs) for process control purposes. The cyclic operating mode of PLCs and a specification level graphical programming paradigm based on interconnecting application-oriented standard software function modules are architecturally supported. Thus, by design, there is no semantic gap between the specification, programming and machine execution levels enabling the safety licensing of application software by diverse back translation, an extremely simple but rigorous method.
SAFECOMP '92 advances the state-of-the-art, reviews experiences of the past years, considers the guidance now available and identifies the skills, methods, tools and techniques required for the safety of computer control systems.
This volume - honoring the computer science pioneer Joseph Goguen on his 65th Birthday - includes 32 refereed papers by leading researchers in areas spanned by Goguen's work. The papers address a variety of topics from meaning, meta-logic, specification and composition, behavior and formal languages, as well as models, deduction, and computation, by key members of the research community in computer science and other fields connected with Joseph Goguen's work.