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From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible proclaims justice and abundance for the poor. Yet these powerful passages about poverty are frequently overlooked and misinterpreted. Enter the Poor People's Campaign, a movement against racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism, and religious nationalism. In We Cry Justice, Liz Theoharis, co-chair of the campaign, is joined by pastors, community organizers, scholars, low-wage workers, lay leaders, and people in poverty to interpret sacred stories about the poor seeking healing, equity, and freedom. In a world roiled by poverty and injustice, Scripture still speaks. Organized into fifty-two chapters, each focusing on a key Scripture passage, We Cry Justice offers comfort and challenge from the many stories of the poor taking action together. Read anew the story of the exodus that frees people from debt and slavery, the prophets who denounce the rich and ruling classes, the stories of Jesus's healing and parables about fair wages, and the early church's sharing of goods. Reflection questions and a short prayer at the end of each chapter offer the opportunity to use the book devotionally through a year. The Bible cries for justice, and we do too. It's time to act on God's persistent call to repair the breach and fight poverty, not the poor.
In A Cry for Justice, Shelley Hundley uses her story as a backdrop to show how she found healing from the pain, guilt, and shame of the abuse she endured as a child and how she came to know Jesus in a new way--as a righteous judge who fights for His people and takes upon Himself the burden of our injustices and pain.
Consists of Biblical quotations on: Salvation, service and ultimate shalom ; God's special concern for the poor, Economic relationships among the people of God ; Property and possessions; God's concern for justice.
n many Christian circles this may be a taboo subject-spoken of in hushed tones or behind closed doors. But it is a very real problem that must be brought into the light of Scripture. Abuse in the church takes different forms, but it is alive and active even in "nice" families in our churches. Typically, the abuser is male, usually a husband--and his character is that of a manipulating deceiver! Countless women and children even many faithful pastors--have been abused by these deceivers. Have you, or someone you know, been a victim? Has an abuser: Threatened physical violence if he does not get away? Intimidated you with abusive language? Denied you affection? Denied you medical attention? Manipulated friends and acquaintances in order to gain allies? Pastor Jeff Crippen uses his over thirty years of experience to rip the lid off this most insidious behavior that is often hidden in plain sight. He not only maintains that Bible believing churches have ignored or failed to face the problem, he insists that when they do counsel a victim of abuse, they get it all wrong! The result is that the victim gets pulled into deeper-even life threatening-danger! This book will come as a life-saver in a raging sea for those under the thumb of an abusive spouse of "friend". The Lord Jesus Christ wants you to be free in him: spiritually, emotionally, and, yes, physically. Every pastor also needs to read this book, either because they too have been a victim, but, more importantly, so that they properly counsel those caught in a cycle of abuse.
'Dripping with authenticity. Packed full of characters you genuinely care about . . . I didn't read the last few chapters, I devoured them. An absolute triumph' M. W. CRAVEN _____________________ Most acts of violence are pretty random. But murdering someone and impaling their head on the railing outside the Royal Courts of Justice... that takes planning. And when the pathologist finds a page from a book rammed down the dead man's throat, DI Charlie George thinks it's safe to assume that someone, somewhere, wants to send a message. But people who have the resources to plan a murder like that also have the smarts not to get caught. So Charlie knows he has a problem. Whoever the killer is, he doesn't think they've finished handing out their version of justice just yet. He just wishes he could summon the enthusiasm to stop them. Because sometimes people really do get what's coming to them. And Charlie and his team are left wondering which side of the law is justice really on? ________________ Praise for Colin Falconer 'Once you read [a] Colin Falconer [book], you'll want to read everything he's ever written' Crystal Book Reviews 'Falconer's grasp of period and places is almost flawless ... He's my kind of writer' Peter Corris, The Australian 'You are in for a real roller-coaster ride of never ending intrigue'History and Women 'Falconer demonstrates exceptional characterization' Bookgeeks
Like the majority of institutions in America, the U.S. Postal Service policy, practice, and/or procedure appear neutral. Truthfully, it has a disproportionately negative impact on members of a racial or ethnic minority group. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., once said, "An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere!" Inequalities, regardless of their bases should not be swept under the rug. Any discrimination is intolerable, and as citizens, we must all make a serious attempt to do away with it. If we remain docile and inactive, the disparity will continue to grow, and our great nation, no doubt, will diminish to irrelevancy. America is a great nation; however, let's not forget that her strength is built on hope, faith, and all honesty through free labor of slaves. Today, racial disparity affects both the innocent and guilty minority. Our judicial system is in urgent need of reform. Our nation is confronted with serious moral, ethical, constitutional, and economic challenges. We have to work together for systematic changes. This book/documentary validate that as a race of people, we are still plagued with persistent racial disparities-systematic racism which causes serious physical as well as psychological consequences. It discloses judicial tyranny and the corruption of the justice system by way of consistent psychological manipulation and deception, and unconstitutional laws that infringes on minorities and pro se litigants' rights. Like cancer, racism has the potential to destroy!
This book offers an interdisciplinary effort to address global health issues grounded on a human rights framework seen from the perspective of those who are more vulnerable to be sick and die prematurely: the poor. Combining his scholarship and service in impoverished communities, the author examines the connection between poverty and health inequalities from an ethical perspective that considers contributions from different disciplines and the voices of the poor.
Written by JAMES ROBINSON Art by MAURO CASCIOLI and SCOTT CLARK Cover by MAURO CASCIOLI Following the deaths of Batman and Martian Manhunter - both charter members of the Justice League of America - a new team of heroes arises, determined to stop evil from ever striking. But when the JLA's foe Prometheus plans his revenge on the heroes, will this new team be ready to pay the cost for the justice they seek? Collected from the 7-issue miniseries! On sale JUNE 15 - 232 pg, FC, $19.99 US
On March 22, 1991 after a 14-day trial in Rockingham County Superior Court, New Hampshire, my daughter Pamela Smart was wrongfully found guilty in the murder of her husband, Gregory Smart. She was convicted of being an accomplice to first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder and witness tampering. Only 22 years old at the time, she was given a life without parole sentence. My daughter did not commit these crimes. I'm not saying this because she's my daughter, but there was no credible forensic evidence to prove she had any role in Gregory's murder. This trial spiraled into a media circus and the un-sequestered jury believed all the lies that the local news stations were saying about Pamela's role. Billy Flynn who testified at trial that he physically pulled the trigger, as well as testifying against Pamela at trial, he ended up pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. He was sentenced to 40 years to life, with the option to shave 12 years off if he behaved himself in prison. He was released in 2015. Flynn was 16 when he shot my 24-year-old son-in-law Gregory Smart to death, and accused Pamela of telling him to carry out this heinous act. Nicole's Kidman's portrayal of Pamela's life in the cult film "To Die For" is just one example of the way the media has exploited her pain, our family tragedy. I've bottled up my feelings for 30 years now and finally decided to release personal and revealing letters between Pamela and myself, to share with the public so people can see the truth behind all the lies. This is the first journal I am releasing. We have lots more to come.I will continue to fight for Pamela's freedom because she's innocent and has so much left of her life to offer society. I want her home before I die and will continue to file petitions to get the executive council of New Hampshire to free Pamela. This is my book. This is our story. This is what I live for.