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A Biblical Theology of the New Creation from Genesis to Revelation "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God." — Revelation 21:3 The Bible begins with the story of one perfectly good God creating a perfectly good universe. Forming two perfectly good human beings in his own image—Adam and Eve—was the crown jewel of his creative expression. Through humanity's sin, however, God's creation fell into a fallen state—yet he promised to bring restoration. In this book, Frank Thielman traces the theme of the new creation through the Bible, beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation. He shows us that at every turn, God invites his people to be a "kingdom of priests" (Exodus 19:6), exemplifying the new creation to a needy and watching world until the return of Jesus.
“Behold, my covenant is with you, and you shall be the father of a multitude of nations.” —Genesis 17:4 Throughout the Bible, God has related to his people through covenants. It is through these covenant relationships, which collectively serve as the foundation for God’s promise to bring redemption to his people, that we can understand the advancement of his kingdom. This book walks through six covenants from Genesis to Revelation, helping us grasp the overarching narrative of Scripture and see the salvation God has planned for us since the beginning of time—bolstering our faith in God and giving us hope for the future. Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series.
Spirit Life Training is a workout program jammed full of proven, successful strategies to align your spirit, soul, and body to release the life and power that God put inside you. With exciting mind and body exercises designed to biblically align and strengthen your body, emotions, memory, intellect, imagination, and will, your recreated spirit self will rise up and express the rejuvenated and refreshed life of abundance God intended for you. Everything you need to overcome in this life you have received in seed form at the point of salvation. Spirit Life Training is the process of discovering, strengthening, and releasing this treasure God has given you.
Harold M. Best casts a holistic vision for worship that transcends narrow discussions of musical style or congregational preference, corrects errors in how Christians have viewed the arts and misunderstandings about the use of music, and offers instead a more biblically consistent approach to artistic action.
"Truly this was the Son of God!" Matthew 27:54 The theme of divine sonship stretches across the pages of the Bible: from Adam in the garden of Eden, through the nation of Israel and King David, and ultimately to Jesus Christ in the New Jerusalem—the Son of God par excellence. In this volume, renowned biblical scholar Graeme Goldsworthy shows what Christ's fulfillment of the divine sonship motif means for all who are sons and daughters of God. Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series.
Building on the foundation of Kingdom through Covenant (Crossway, 2012), Stephen J. Wellum and Brent E. Parker have assembled a team of scholars who offer a fresh perspective regarding the interrelationship between the biblical covenants. Each chapter seeks to demonstrate how the covenants serve as the backbone to the grand narrative of Scripture. For example, New Testament scholar Thomas Schreiner writes on the Sabbath command from the Old Testament and thinks through its applications to new covenant believers. Christopher Cowan wrestles with the warning passages of Scripture, texts which are often viewed by covenant theologians as evidence for a "mixed" view of the church. Jason DeRouchie provides a biblical theology of “seed” and demonstrates that the covenantal view is incorrect in some of its conclusions. Jason Meyer thinks through the role of law in both the old and new covenants. John Meade unpacks circumcision in the OT and how it is applied in the NT, providing further warrant to reject covenant theology's link of circumcision with (infant) baptism. Oren Martin tackles the issue of Israel and land over against a dispensational reading, and Richard Lucas offers an exegetical analysis of Romans 9-11, arguing that it does not require a dispensational understanding. From issues of ecclesiology to the warning passages in Hebrews, this book carefully navigates a mediating path between the dominant theological systems of covenant theology and dispensationalism to offer the reader a better way to understand God’s one plan of redemption.
Packed with diagrams, illustrations and timelines, this accessible overview unlocks the storyline of the whole Bible. Sometimes it’s hard to see the wood for the trees. Running through the many gripping and memorable stories the Bible contains is one big story of God’s plan for the world he made, and how he brought it about through Jesus Christ. Packed with diagrams, illustrations and timelines, this accessible Bible overview unlocks the storyline of the whole Bible €“ how God promised and then brought about the plan to save our fallen world. But this is no book of arid theological ideas. It is a story that will encourage effective, active Christian living in today's world. Looking at God's covenantal promises with Abraham, Moses and David, Tim Chester presents the 'big picture'‘ of the Bible and helps Christians understand the part in relation to the whole. From Creation to New Creation traces different elements of the promise and introduces: * A people: God's promise to save a people who will be His people * A land: God's promise to provide a place of blessing * A king: God's promise to re-establish his rule of freedom and peace * The nations: God's promise to bring his salvation to all the peoples of the world