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The Country Gender Assessment of Agriculture and the Rural Sector report provides a gender perspective of the agricultural and rural sector of Papua New Guinea. The analysis provides an overview of the gender-based gaps and inequalities in access to and control over critical productive resources and opportunities. The methods used involved a two-tier approach where there was the review of literature related to women’s engagement in agriculture and the rural sector as well as, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with selected groups. The findings recognizes that agriculture is key for the country’s economy. However, there remains to be persisting challenges in creating an enabling environment for enhancing women’s participation in food value chains. Additionally, the disparities are obvious in access to and control over key agricultural resources. The rural women even though are major contributors to the economy, their rights are not properly recognized hence, are excluded systematically from access to decision-making. It is thereby concluded that the lack of influential gender sensitive leadership and coordination of the agricultural sector impede the empowerment of rural women and girls in the country. The recommendation include a gender and workplace policy developed for the agricultural sector. Importantly, this publication is a tool for FAO, the Government of Papua New Guinea and other development partners to mainstream gender into programming towards gender equality and the empowerment of rural women in Papua New Guinea.
This country gender assessment responds to the requirements of the FAO Policy on Gender Equality 2020–2030. By providing information and analysis on the gender dimensions of the agriculture and rural sector, it aims to support the formulation and implementation of gender-responsive policies, strategies, and projects at country level, in line with national development priorities and FAO’s mandate.
This abstract outlines the objectives of an assessment conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nation in Palau. The assessment identified three main challenges: firstly, the need to acknowledge and reflect the contributions of women to household and rural economies in policies, strategies, plans and programs. Secondly, gender inequalities limit the capacity of women in Palau to develop their potential. Finally, the recognition of gender equality as a driver to sustainable development is beginning to be incorporated into public policies, strategies, plans and programs. These findings highlight the importance of addressing these challenges in order to achieve greater gender equality and empowerment for rural women in Palau.
The objective of the Assessment is to analyse the agriculture and rural sectors from a gender perspective at the macro level (policy), meso level (institutional) and micro level (community and household). The Assessment seeks to identify gender inequalities in access to critical productive resources, assets, services and opportunities. The assessment looks at the priorities, needs and constraints of both women and men in agricultural and rural communities, and the gaps that exist in responding to these issues. It also provides recommendations and guidance to promote gender sensitivity in future programmes and projects, and identifies possible partners for gender-related activities. This Assessment is also intended to raise awareness about gender issues among policy-makers, FAO officers, NGOs and community-based organizations (CBOs) in Fiji. It provides background and gender-related information, and can be used as a tool to mainstream gender perspectives in future policies, projects and programmes in ways that empower rural women.
The objective of the assessment is to analyse the agriculture and rural sectors from a gender perspective at the macro level (policy), meso level (institutional) and micro level (community and household). The Assessment seeks to identify gender inequalities in access to critical productive resources, assets, services and opportunities. The assessment looks at the priorities, needs and constraints of both women and men in agricultural and rural communities, and the gaps that exist in responding to these issues. It also provides recommendations and guidance to promote gender sensitivity in future programmes and projects, and identifies possible partners for gender-related activities. This Assessment is also intended to raise awareness about gender issues among policy-makers, FAO officers, NGOs and community-based organizations (CBOs) in Tonga. It provides background and gender-related information and can be used as a tool to mainstream gender perspectives in future policies, projects and programmes in ways that empower rural women.
The objective of the Assessment is to analyse the agriculture and rural sectors from a gender perspective at the macro level (policy), meso level (institutional) and micro level (community and household). The Assessment seeks to identify gender inequalities in access to critical productive resources, assets, services and opportunities. The assessment looks at the priorities, needs and constraints of both women and men in agricultural and rural communities, and the gaps that exist in responding to these issues. It also provides recommendations and guidance to promote gender sensitivity in future programmes and projects, and identifies possible partners for gender-related activities. This Assessment is also intended to raise awareness about gender issues among policy-makers, FAO officers, NGOs and community-based organizations in Vanuatu. It provides background and gender-related information, and can be used as a tool to mainstream gender perspectives in future policies, projects and programmes in ways that empower rural women.
This Country gender assessment of agriculture and the rural sector provides in-depth insights into the gendered dimensions of agriculture and rural development in Fiji. The policy environment in rural sector ministries is supportive of gender mainstreaming, with clear paths to link policy direction on gender equality to programmes. Recommendations are formulated to progressively advance gender equality and support the empowerment of rural women through policy. In the short term, recommendations are oriented toward community programming that is more equitable, practical and beneficial for women. Developing infrastructure to reduce women’s workloads and facilitate their ability to engage in the cash economy could enhance women’s economic opportunities and contribute to improved family welfare. Promoting the use of radio, texts and social media to allow women to share information on weather, prices, economic opportunities and savings and banking can empower women to make more informed decisions about their activities. Building the gender analysis capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) working in rural sectors on climate change, disaster management and sustainable development will support the engagement of women in community-based decision making. To address gender inequalities in the rural sector and support the empowerment of rural women, a set of concrete recommendations is given. These range from promotion of policy research and analysis to inform policies and strategic planning on gender equality and rural women’s empowerment in ARD to putting in place concrete measures for the improvement of rural women’s access to services, technology, finance, markets and resources.
In October 1996, The East Asia and Pacific Region developed a Regional Gender Action Plan that stressed the importance of country-specific strategies regarding gender issues. This report on gender in Papua New Guinea intends to lay the foundation for such a strategy. The report provides an outline of the key historical, economic, demographic, political, geographic, socio-cultural, legal and institutional issues that are relevant to understanding the status of women in Papua New Guinea today.
National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods: the Republic of Moldova reflects FAO’s commitment to promoting gender equality, while integrating a gender perspective into its operations. The report focuses on the intersections of gender, agriculture and rural development, and presents a snapshot of critical gender-based inequalities and their consequences for agricultural production and rural livelihoods in the Republic of Moldova. A picture of significant gender gaps in terms of the rural population’s access to educational and employment opportunities and social services is presented. In the area of agricultural production, women have much more limited access to and control over vital resources, including land, extension and advisory services and irrigation. The assessment includes recommendations on enhancing agriculture and developing rural communities with a gender-sensitive perspective, taking into consideration gender roles and differences between women and men in access to productive resources, inputs and information.
This book is grounded in the ideology that an alignment between the conceptual and practical understandings of gender equality is a critical component of sustainable development. It draws on six rural case studies to examine the various ways in which gender has been integrated in agricultural research for development projects.