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Corrosion due to water is one of the most significant and complex causes of damage to metallic products. Written from the viewpoint of physical chemistry, this authoritative and established text deals with the aqueous corrosion of metals. Available for the first time in English, Corrosion of Metal addressing engineers, metallurgists, physicists and chemists. This self-contained, valuable reference comprehensively organizes and makes readily accessible the accumulated wealth of fundamental and applied knowledge. The concentration is on the underlying essentials of corrosion and failure, and the material is consistently presented in relation to practical applications to corrosion protection. The first chapters introducing the physicochemical principles are ideal for students. The following chapters provide an overview of the state of research for those familiar with the fundamentals. An exhaustive bibliography and appendices conclude the volume.
Understanding corrosion is essential for selecting and maintaining equipment and structural components that will withstand environmental and process conditions effectively. Fundamentals of Metallic Corrosion: Atmospheric and Media Corrosion of Metals focuses on the mechanisms of corrosion as well as the action of various corrodents on metals and th
Liquid Metal Corrosion: Fundamental Theory and Applications is designed to help scientists, engineers and students working on liquid metal (sodium, lead, lead-bismuth) to fundamentally understand liquid metal corrosion. Coverage includes a discussion of corrosion mechanisms, fundamental corrosion processes, and corrosion products' behaviors as well as methods on how to calculate corrosion rates. The book concludes with models designed to predict the corrosion/precipitation distribution in a primary corrosion loop. This book will be a useful resource for researchers in their efforts to determine appropriate materials selection and reactor design. Discusses liquid metal corrosion mechanisms Includes models to estimate/calculate corrosion rates Presents liquid metal corrosion controls and mitigation methods
Considerable progress has been made in the past 20 years toward understanding the basic mechanisms of corrosion, and the application of this knowledge to its control. From the very beginning, educational institutions and industrial research laboratories have contributed greatly toward determining and elucidating the fundamental principles of corrosion reactions. Some of the basic principles involved in cor rosion of metals can be credited to early investigators. Michael Faraday in 1830-1840 studied the relationship between the quantity of a metal dissolved and the electric current which was produced by this reaction. He also proposed that the passivation of iron was through the formation of a film and that the dissolution of a metal was electro chemical in nature. Sir Humphrey Davy in 1824 worked out the funda mentals of galvanic corrosion of ships' hulls and applied sacrificial zinc anodes to protect them from sea water corrosion. Richard Arlie in 1847 demonstrated that corrosion produced by oxygen at the surface of iron in a flowing stream generated a current. With the fundamental knowledge available to him from these early investigators, Willis Rodney Whitney developed and expressed, in its most useful form, one of the basic scientific principles which provides modern corrosion specialists with a fundamental basis of corrosion control. Dr. Whitney concluded that corrosion of iron is electrochemical, and that the rate is simply a function of the electromotive force and resistance of the circuit.
The book is concerned with understanding the fundamental mechanisms of high temperature alloy oxidation. It uses this understanding to develop methods of predicting oxidation rates and the way they change with temperature, gas chemistry and alloy composition. The focus is on designing (or selecting) alloy compositions which provide optimal resistance to attack by corrosive gases. . Emphasises quantitative calculations for predicting reaction rates and the effects of temperature, oxidant activities and alloy compositions. . Uses phase diagrams and diffusion paths to analyse and interpret scale structures and internal precipitation distributions . Provides a detailed examination of corrosion in industrial gases (water vapour effects, carburisation and metal dusting, sulphidation) . Text is well supported by numerous micrographs, phase diagrams and tabulations of relevant thermodynamic and kinetic data . Combines physical chemistry and materials science methodologies.
This book makes it easy for you to find what effect environment has on the corrosion of metals and alloys. However, this volume offers information on additional environments including concrete, soil, groundwater, distilled water, sodium acetate and more. ThereAs also updated and expanded coverage of previously discussed environments as well as information on environments which deal with the dairy, food, brewing, aerospace, petrochemical and building industries. The environments are listed alphabetically. Each listing includes a general description of the conditions, a comment on the corrosion characteristics of various alloys in such a situation, a bibliography of recent articles specific to the environment, tables consolidating and comparing corrosion rates at various temperatures and concentrations for various alloys, and graphical information. Also included are summaries on the general corrosion characteristics of major metals and alloys.
Textbook; grad.
Corrosion, Volume 1: Metal/Environment Reactions is concerned with the subject of corrosion, with emphasis on the control of the environmental interactions of metals and alloys used as materials of construction. Corrosion is treated as a synthesis of corrosion science and corrosion engineering. This volume is comprised of nine chapters; the first of which provides an overview of the principles of corrosion and oxidation, with emphasis on the electrochemical mechanism of corrosion and how the kinetics of cathodic and anodic partial reactions control the rate of overall corrosion reaction. Attention then turns to the effects of environmental factors such as concentration, velocity, and temperature based on the assumption that either the anodic or cathodic reaction, but not both, is rate-controlling. The corrosion of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys, as well as rarer and noble metals, is considered. The reader is also introduced to high-temperature corrosion and mechanical factors that affect corrosion. This book concludes with topics of electrochemistry and metallurgy relevant to corrosion, including the nature of the electrified interface between the metal and the solution; charge transfer across the interface under equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions; overpotential and the rate of an electrode reaction; and the hydrogen evolution reaction and hydrogen absorption by ferrous alloys. This book will be of value to students as well as workers and engineers in the field of corrosion.
This book describes the fundamental aspects of materials characterization for the ferric oxyhydroxides formed on steel surfaces. Selected examples, from both the basic science and the applied engineering points of view, are presented. Of special interest is the new structural information on ferric oxyhydroxides containing a small amount of alloying elements. The text relates this to their various states and their role in corrosion processes.